Chapter 116

tickle tickle… … .

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the tip of my nose tickled.

‘I think I lost my mind… … .’


I couldn’t stand it any longer, and it was only after I sneeze coolly that I was able to fully come to my senses.

Dandelion stalks flying dizzy around my sight.

My head rested against the hard handle.

The moment I moved my body, a tingling pain came from somewhere, and I woke up with a moan without my knowledge.

“uh… … Where are you?”

Turning around, I was in the car and my car was parked on the side of the road in an unfamiliar city.

Little by little, I became aware of what was going on.

“Uh, what happened? Oh, Yongcheon’s father! What time is it now?”

I hurriedly took my phone out of my pocket, but it was soaked in water.

Of course it can’t be turned on.

The situation before I lost consciousness flashed through my mind like lightning.

“I think I saw Undine earlier? Also wisteria… … Are you all like that?”

Dandelion Hall drew a circle in the air.

I turned to the driver’s seat and the passenger seat where I was sitting.

It was wet with water and barely supported the shape of the car by tying up the broken wisteria vines.

My delivery car has no sanctuary as if it had been hit by a bomb.

It was surprising that it was still maintaining its shape.

When you open the car door and step out, the wisteria vines shrink and disappear into the ground as if they have done their job.

As the supporting vines disappear, the car makes a loud noise and collapses.

Kwak-kwang, push-shush~ Fully-sucked.

Meanwhile, a tire that has been thrown out of the rubble and rolled onto the road.

As I reach out my hand thinking about the bamboo, my hand is enveloped in a soft blue light.

Eventually, bamboo shoots out of the road and bounces the tires off the road.

Looking at the wrecked car and thinking of a ‘rose’, he reaches out his hand, and the asphalt cracks and buds grow and overturn it with a rose.

A flower garden created in an instant on one side of the road.

I looked down at my hands.

‘Now, the magic is executed without memorizing each spell.’

I lifted my head again and looked around.

There was a large building right in front of the road, and there was a sign saying “Express Bus Terminal”.

Below that, a large clock indicates the time close to 2 am.

‘Oh, I’m glad. Now is the time for Yongcheon’s father to arrive at the terminal.’

The magic forest brought me here at the right time.

When I felt my life threatened, the magic took place on its own and protected me.

“Thank you, I came here on time because of you guys.”

Dandelion spores swirled around me, forming a line around me as if escorting me.

At the same time, Yongcheon’s father is coming out of the express bus terminal.

Having glanced at the time, he stood in front of the crosswalk, looked around, and crossed the road at a busy pace.

He hid himself in his alley so as not to be discovered by Yongcheon’s father.

Yongcheon’s father, who seems to be in a situation where he has to hurry.

The construction site starts at dawn, so there may not be much time left.

The bus was cut off now, but it didn’t seem like he had any intention of taking a taxi.

After crossing the crosswalk, Yongcheon’s father glanced at the rose field in full bloom on the road, and started walking along the sidewalk.

I followed him, and the Halls followed me, escorting me.

“If you see a strange car around this road, let me know. A car that says something like speeding or drunk driving. It must be an expensive sports car, maybe.”

Hearing my words, the scepters flew away from me, formed a squadron and flew in all directions.

I’ll make sure that hit and run accidents don’t happen in the first place.

I heard Yongcheon’s father hum a song with a hum, and I followed carefully.

Not long after, the dandelion spores who had gone out for reconnaissance returned.

It glows red to indicate an emergency.

As if he had found something, he created letters in the air.

[fast. shakes There is a strange car. Coming here!]


The dandelion stalks made an arrow and pointed behind me.

In the distance, the two lights flickered and approached quickly, blurring them out.

Looking at the other side again, I saw Yongcheon’s father walking while singing his hum, and after a while he stood in front of the crosswalk as if he was about to cross the road.

All the traffic lights were flashing to indicate that there was no protection, so if there were no cars passing by, I could just cross.

Yongcheon’s father, who checked the surroundings, stepped onto the road.

Looking at the other side again, the two flickering lights come closer and faster.

Did the driver put his foot on the accelerator and fall asleep?

The car approached at such a speed that it felt like it was bouncing like a bullet rather than running.

‘There is a man named Kang Kang-seok in that car.’

At this rate, before Yongcheon’s father has even crossed the crosswalk, he collides.

‘I don’t think the driver of that car would be safe if he used magic.’

But there was no choice.

I will unconditionally save Yongcheon’s father.

But I didn’t want anyone to die here.

Looking up at the traffic camera, dandelion spores were already blocking it.

As I opened my hands and lifted them into the air, cherry blossoms appeared and flew around.

This was the only way to minimize the damage.

When I reached out and pointed to the wheel of a car that was running fiercely, the cherry blossom leaves that changed direction as if in a whirlwind flew away and turned into sharp blades.

Dozens of light tails drawn by the swordsman headed under the car, rubbing against the tire and puncturing it.

A tire that flutters rubber that loses strength due to the loss of wind.

I thought I could slow down a bit if the tires lose air.

But that thought was a mistake.

A car rushing fiercely with the wind gone.

As the car drew closer, I could see a man in the driver’s seat, leaning his back on the chair and closing his eyes, holding his steering wheel.

It was clear that he fell asleep drunk.

And that driver was the face he had seen in numerous media in his previous life!

It was Kang Kang-seok, who would sit on Taewa’s group president.

The thought of driving Yongcheon’s entire life into hell, and Kang Han-seok being freed from innocence and living a comfortable life, made him angry.

Reaching out in the direction of the car, the road splits, and wisteria grows in an instant, stretching out vines.

But while sprouting and growing, the fast-moving car overtook it.

The rattan stretched out dozens of vines, but it was too slow to hold the car.

I quickly reached out in the direction the car was going.

I wondered if it would block the growing bamboo in front of the car, but it broke through.

The car was hit hard enough that only the front bumper came off.

The power of the plant was too weak to stop a car moving at great speed.

Yongcheon’s father looking back at the roar of the car.

I was crossing the crosswalk halfway through.

‘Sunflower Dream!’

By dreaming of sunflowers on Yongcheon’s father, he hid this situation.

Perhaps Yongcheon’s father could not see the plants growing on the road or the cars rushing towards him.

I was surprised to see the car and couldn’t stop there.

Unable to find anything, Yongcheon’s father began to cross the crosswalk again.

But the gap between tea and Yongcheon’s father is getting smaller and smaller!

The car broke through all the obstacles and rushed towards someone’s destiny.

It’s as if no one can change the fate that has been set.

As if death could not be done by anyone’s power.

But hasn’t it changed so far?

Yongcheon’s father’s fate was also not unchangeable.

It was just that my abilities were not up to that level.


Without realizing it, I moved my body to jump in front of the car and opened my arms to block the car.


If I had stopped, both would have been hit by a car.

But I had to do something.

The lights of the car came closer and filled my view.


Without realizing it, the name came out of my mouth.


did you want to see

Or was it asking for help?

At the moment of death, Ariel came to mind, and she only called out her name.

At that moment, I felt a flash of light, and I felt the compressed air expand in an instant.

A strong wind swept through my skin, like a magical forest expanding.

Her hair fluttered like she was about to be pulled out, and the sound of the storm rumbled in her ears.

All kinds of plants and trees grew around me to form a forest.

It’s like moving a magical forest.

And the appearance of cute little Ariel running towards me.

Ariel jumped in front of me without hesitation.

At that moment, something happened that made me doubt my eyes.

Ariel’s body grew in an instant, and Kang Kang-seok’s car that was approaching right in front of me was pushed with his whole body!

For this moment, all the scenes flowed slowly like slow motion.

The car crashed into Ariel’s huge body and flew off with a roar, veered off the road and crashed into a sidewalk wall before stopping.

The surroundings became silent as if dead, and I slowly opened my twitched eyes.

Something tickles my face.

Soft and white fur.

Looking back, Yongcheon’s father, who knew nothing, had already crossed the crosswalk safely and was walking away from the sidewalk.

The sound of humming along with him also faded away.

‘Yongcheon’s father is safe. thank God!’

To the left of my view, there was a crushed car, the foreign car of Kang Kang-seok, who was running fiercely towards me, smashing into the wall of a building and spewing smoke.

The bumper on the front of the car was damaged due to the impact, but the inside was intact as it was an expensive car.(Read more @

In the driver’s seat with the airbag deployed, Kang Han-seok with a youthful face was seen.

It was a foreign car that his parents bought him, and he was not afraid to drive under the influence of alcohol.

All the storms in the world would be blocked by parents with all the money and power.

I turned my gaze from looking at the useless person and looked ahead again.

A huge, white, fluffy lump of hair standing in front of me.

It was as tall as mine and had four legs, and it wobbled like a tail of thick fur.

I felt like I was standing right behind a large animal, either a dog, a wolf, or a white bear.

As I blinked, trying to figure out what it was, the animal slowly turned its head to look at me.

It was Ariel who had grown up suddenly.


It was a familiar tone, but it was a rough, husky, low-pitched female voice.

Her appearance wasn’t that cute Ariel at all.

[Ahn Nam-pyo, I almost died! Be careful!]

It’s Ariel’s tone.

“Uh, that… … that… … Ah… … Riel?”

She knew it was Ariel, but it was so unfamiliar that she had no choice but to double check if it was Ariel.

Instead of answering her, she opens her mouth and sticks out her long tongue to lick my face.

The sticky saliva drips down my face.

But now I didn’t care about that.

[thank God. It doesn’t hurt.]

“Really Ariel?”

[It’s true.]

“Why… … Have you grown this much?”



[There is nothing I can do to save Anna Nam-pyo. Ariel evolves.]

The tone was the same, but the tone of the husky adult was awkward.

“But the woman… … was it?”

[I do not know? I am originally a woman.]

I just found out that Ariel was a woman.

[Back to the Magic Forest. see you later Then talk.]

“uh… … Uh, yes.”

Ariel’s body turned into dandelion spores and flew in the air, then circled around me and disappeared.

Left alone, my legs lost strength and I had no choice but to sit down.

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