Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 493 Looking forward

It's not that the Sun brothers disagreed with Zhao Yong's last request, after all, there would still be cooperation between the two families.

After thinking about it, Sun Haiyang said: "Brother Yong, do you think this will work? Let's use the name Junda together. But since you have quit the headquarters, if you use this name again, can you pay some honorary fees?"

Zhao Yong asked directly: "How much do you want?"

The two Sun brothers looked at each other and said, "One million, right?"

"Okay!" Zhao Yong agreed without any hesitation. He waved his hand and asked the secretary to quickly get the contract out. The result of this matter will be released today.

Naturally, the Sun brothers had no objection and sent their own people to get the contract together.

They have already prepared everything they discussed before. Now they just need to increase the reputation fee, which can be done in an hour or two.

But now everyone feels awkward sitting in the same office like this.

Li Manjun promptly proposed that the meeting should be adjourned first, it was time to have lunch, and then continue in the afternoon.

No one had any objections. The two brothers, Sun Haiyang, had seen how aggressive this woman was. They nodded angrily at Li Manjun and left.

"Let's go too. I just asked my secretary to book a hotel for everyone. Let's have a good lunch." Li Manjun called softly.

Zhao Yong nodded, Xiaoguan greeted Liu Chao, and the two of them gathered around Zhao Yong, one on the left and the other on the right, telling him about the Sun brothers being punished by them. After a while, the whole car was filled with the three of them laughing wildly.

Li Manjun couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth while driving the car.

During lunch, Zhao Yong asked Li Manjun curiously: "Don't you need to go back to the company? Are you coming with me this afternoon?"

"Of course I will go with you. I promised Nian Nian that I would take her father to the kindergarten gate to pick her up in the afternoon." Li Manjun chuckled.

Speaking of his daughter, Zhao Yong couldn't help but feel a little guilty. From the birth of Nian Nian until now, the father and daughter have not been separated for such a long time. Now he really wants to hug his daughter and take her to eat delicious food to make up for it.

Li Manjun signaled him not to worry about her, "Yan Zi has already finished her confinement. She is in the company, and You Xiang and Fang Yun are both very capable. I'm not worried."

Only then did Zhao Yong remember that his wife's best girlfriend had given birth. "It's over. I'm done. Why don't you tell me? Gao Yuejin won't blame me for not going to his Full Moon Bar?"

"Why do you blame me? I got a big red envelope." Li Manjun joked.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Yong once again thanked God in his heart for giving him such a good marriage.

"The hotel has been basically completed, and the topping-off ceremony has been completed. Now it's time to decorate and train. In a few months, our Dragon Palace will be launched." Li Manjun said expectantly.

Zhao Yong didn't know anything about these things, because for more than a month, Li Manjun didn't worry about anything.

"Now that the contract is signed, we will only have one million left."

As soon as lunch was finished, Zhao Yong felt that he had been a little impulsive in the morning. The one million reputation royalties could actually be discussed again.

Li Manjun laughed at him: "You agreed so readily just now. I thought you didn't care about money and just wanted to keep our name together. I was a little touched."

Zhao Yong scratched his head and smiled bitterly, "I said I would support you before, but now you support me."

But this soft rice tastes really delicious.

"I can't help it. Who makes me better than you~" Li Manjun boasted unceremoniously, making Zhao Yong laugh.

Seeing that Xiaoguan and Liu Chao had finished eating, the four returned to Junda headquarters again to complete the separation procedures.

The contract was made in duplicate, and Junda Freight was divided from one company into two.

But Zhao Yong felt that the burden on his shoulders was finally relieved.

Although the road ahead is bleak, he is full of energy.

Xiaoguan and Liu Chao decisively resigned from their positions at Junda headquarters and jumped to the branch in a matter of minutes. They agreed to rest at home for two days and then join Jiang Yu immediately.

Jiang Yu, who was far away in Su City, was happy and sad when he got the news of the family separation from Rongcheng.

But no matter what, they must look forward.

Only by looking forward can there be hope.

Zhao Yong read the contract again and again, then when he heard the bell ringing, he put down the documents, got out of the car with Li Manjun and walked toward the kindergarten gate.


When I saw my mother for the first time every year, and then I saw the tall man standing next to my mother, my eyes widened instantly, and the smile on my face quickly turned into surprise, "Dad?"

Li Manjun patted the man next to him, and only then did Zhao Yong react. He strode forward, squatted down, and hugged the little girl who was running towards him.

The impact was so strong that Zhao Yong almost fell over. The father and daughter threw themselves together and almost fell over.

Nian Nian doesn't care about this at all, because her father is here and he will protect her.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Every year, he turned into a repeater and called daddy over and over again, with joy beyond words.

"Let's go, daddy will take you to eat delicious food!" Zhao Yong picked up his daughter, the weight on his arms became heavy, and said funnyly: "Good baby, you are heavy again."

Nian Nian nodded and said excitedly: "Because I eat it every day, Xiaolongbao, wontons, carrots, lots and lots of them."

"How about we go to KFC today?" Zhao Yong asked his daughter's opinion.

Nian Nian excitedly waved his hands and said loudly: "Eat KFC!"

Zhao Yong couldn't help but laugh out loud. He looked down at his daughter and felt that he couldn't get enough of her.

It had only been two months since he saw her, and he felt that the daughter in his arms had grown up a lot, and the time he had missed could never be returned to him.

"Mom said you performed a sketch on New Year's Day this year?"

In the car, Zhao Yong looked through the snacks and toys in his daughter's schoolbag and asked with interest.

Nian Nian hugged his father's arm, rested his head on his broad chest, and said happily: "That's right, I play Bai Yun, and Luo Tiancheng plays Black Earth. He is like a little old man, and I am like a little old lady."

"Dad, are you still leaving?" Nian Nian suddenly asked.

Zhao Yong was sorting out the biscuit crumbs scattered in his schoolbag for her, and he paused when he heard this.

She looked down at her daughter who was looking up at her with expectant eyes. Most of her little face looked like her mother's, especially her eyes, which were exactly the same. It made her heart soften and she wanted to make up a lie to make her happy.

"Dad has to go to work the day after tomorrow." Li Manjun saw that her husband was in trouble and helped him.

The expectation in Nian Nian's eyes dimmed instantly, and she stood in front of her father, but she didn't want to talk to him.

But when she arrived at the mall, the little girl immediately put aside her negative emotions, held her father in one hand and her mother in the other and rushed to the KFC store.

"Hurry up, hurry up, mom, hurry up!"

I couldn't stand my mother's elegance and dignity, so I simply let go of her hand and wanted to run away by myself.

Of course, she failed to run away and was carried back by her father, "Zhao Jianing, did you promise me not to run around in public places?"

"Hmm." Child Zhao Jianing couldn't refute. She could only urge her parents to hurry up with eager eyes. She was super hungry!

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