Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 468 Media Advertising

"Are you feeling better? Why are you sick?" Li Manjun asked with concern, pressing his face against the little guy's face.

Shirley Zhong motioned for her to follow her to the study room and explained as she walked, "I have a cold. I have been sweating at night these past few days. As soon as the temperature dropped this morning, I had a cough and a fever. I just slept and took medicine, and the fever has subsided. That's it." Still a little coughing.”

In the summer, the router kid was still wearing a long-sleeved shirt. It was a little hot, but I didn't dare to take off his clothes.

The air conditioner at home is also turned off, windows are opened throughout the house for ventilation, and fans are turned on where the adults stay. The room is still a bit stuffy, but for the sake of the children, there is nothing we can do.

Knowing that his aunt and mother were talking about his illness, the router rested his little head on his aunt's shoulder and put his two little hands around her neck, so well-behaved that it made people feel heartbroken.

Li Manjun gently stroked the little guy's back and asked gently: "Are you feeling sick? Can Auntie wash the fruit for you and eat it?"

The router shook his head and refused to eat.

"Let him go, he's sick and has no appetite." Shirley Zhong was about to ask her aunt to come and take the baby away, but she didn't know that her son was particularly clingy to Li Manjun and asked her to hold him. The nanny auntie started humming as soon as she stretched out her hand.

"It's okay, I'll give you a hug." Li Manjun shook his head at his aunt and followed Shirley Zhong into her study, "The magazine is here, take it out and let me take a look. I didn't expect you to move so quickly. I thought you didn't even plan to make a magazine. .”

Shirley Zhong looked at her son helplessly and reminded him not to make trouble with his aunt. Seeing the little guy's pathetic appearance, she had no choice but to let him fall on Li Manjun.

He took out the magazine, motioned to Li Manjun to sit on the small sofa, and handed the magazine to her.

He walked out and brought some fruits and snacks over.

The router sat obediently next to my aunt, watching her read a magazine, without crying or making any fuss.

Li Manjun touched his little face lovingly and turned his attention to the magazine.

The cover has not been finalized yet. There are several versions, but Shirley Zhong is not very satisfied with any of them and wants to take more pictures.

It would be best to call celebrities over to help shoot a set of covers.

Shirley Zhong was also on the consideration list. Li Manjun glanced at it and saw that it was all childhood memories.

"Huh?" Li Manjun asked in surprise: "Are you still planning to invite Hong Kong stars?"

Shirley Zhong sat down opposite Li Manjun, inserted a piece of watermelon and nodded while eating, "Yes, it's so hot to come back now. As you said, I want to create some heat."

But the most important thing is that Sherry plans to enter the Hong Kong and Taiwan markets.

She also wants to do something in the country's capital city and sea market, but isn't Hong Kong the hottest right now, so she will focus on this area first to test the waters.

"I discovered that running a magazine is a bit profitable." Shirley Zhong suddenly said this mysteriously.

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "I told you to make money a long time ago. Did you receive the advertisement?"

Shirley Zhong asked in surprise: "How did you know!"

Li Manjun smiled proudly and touched the small fleshy hand of the router. "If I didn't know better, I wouldn't have let you make the magazine in the first place."

The cost of a magazine is actually very high, and the selling price of a magazine is not high. Only by publishing more than one million copies can one make some profit.

But if you make money purely by selling books, how much can you make?

From ancient times to the present, the entertainment industry has been the most profitable. Celebrities need exposure and brands need to increase their influence. The bulk of magazines’ money is actually advertising and various sponsorships.

Sherry now has considerable influence in the southeastern coast and abroad. Riding on this trend, in fact, if you compete with the most popular "Fashion", you may not necessarily lose.

As long as we can seize the market and have our own brand support, isn't it more confident than "Fashion"?

"What we have to do is to turn the magazine into our own media channel. Once this channel is opened."

When Li Manjun said this, there was no need to say any more.

Shirley Zhong answered the question herself and said with a smile: "Make a lot of money!"

Yes, make a lot of money!

Shirley Zhong looked Li Manjun up and down and sighed: "It's a pity that you don't become a magazine editor."

Li Manjun hurriedly waved his hand, "You think highly of me, but I only know a little bit about it."

As she said that, she put down the magazine. She had already read the content. It was quite good. The theme of the first volume was "What is beauty and how to be beautiful." If you are a beginner in dressing, you will definitely gain a lot from it.

"The content is quite good." Li Manjun asked tentatively: "If you invite this Hong Kong star to shoot, can you tell me that I want to take a photo with her."

The name Li Manjun pointed at was Maggie Cheung.

To put it another way, if he wanted to ask Maggie Cheung to take a cover photo for him, Li Manjun would want to laugh, so don't be too fake.

But this person is Shirley Zhong. She must be able to invite people to make this list.

"By the way, where is your leader?" Li Manjun suddenly remembered and did not see Lu Shengming's shadow.

Shirley Zhong carefully put away the magazine and the list, shrugged and said, "I'm going to Hong Kong to make some handovers."

Li Manjun nodded, Lu Shengming had a good career as an official.

When I was in my early thirties, I became the director. If I develop further in the future, I might go to the capital.

Suddenly she felt her arm heavy. Li Manjun looked down and saw that the router had squinted its eyes and was sleeping crookedly on top of her. The little guy's face was plump and his moist mouth was slightly open in an O shape, especially like Crayon Shin-chan.

Cuteness explosion!

Li Manjun didn't dare to speak loudly, so she whispered to Zhong Shirley to take her baby to her room to sleep.

The two settled the baby and chatted for a while about Li Manjun Hotel.

Li Manjun didn't say anything about what happened at the Foreign Hotel. She thought it was best for her friends not to know about this method.

So when Shirley Zhong asked what was going on, Li Manjun also adopted a public relations tone and said, "I'm not even in the company. It may be that my subordinates dislike each other and are seeking personal revenge."

Shirley Zhong glanced at her, was it true?

But he didn't ask any more questions. He looked at the clock on the wall curiously, "It's already five o'clock. You don't need to pick up the child today?"

"I'm asking for leave. I was so late at the party last night that I couldn't even wake up in the morning, so I just asked her for a day off."

"Then let's have dinner together at my house. I'll ask aunt to cook seafood, and get two bottles of beer and have a drink." Shirley Zhong invited excitedly.

Li Manjun nodded, "Okay, anyway, I have someone at home to take care of my child."

"Who?" Shirley Zhong asked curiously.

Li Manjun said: "My brother has just returned from the army and doesn't know what to do yet. We plan to use some money to invest in an Internet cafe for him. The supply and supply are almost ready, but we haven't found a suitable store yet."

"Is the store so hard to find?"

Shirley Zhong’s new home is a large flat floor on the top floor, with an open kitchen with both Chinese and Western kitchens.

She sat on the island table, made hand-ground coffee for Li Manjun, and asked her what sweetness she wanted.

"Just a little sugar will do." Li Manjun replied.

As I drink too many drinks, my preference for sweetness becomes less and less, and even a little too much sweetness makes me feel overpowering.

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