Because she was working with her daughter, Li Manjun did not go out. She only finished processing all the documents that had been accumulated in the office, and handed over the latest tasks in the sorting field to the employees. She was busy until about five o'clock in the afternoon, just in time to finish the work. Today's work is done.

Tired from playing Nian Nian, he refused to take a nap and felt sleepy in the afternoon. Li Manjun put a blanket on the living room sofa. At some point, the little guy got into the quilt by himself, without taking off his shoes, and curled up into a small ball to sleep. On the sofa.

It seemed like he had a sweet dream, and he smiled from time to time.

Li Manjun put his notebook into his bag, stretched, rolled his neck, and stood up to stretch his stiff waist after sitting all day.

Nian Nian has woken up, closing her eyes tightly and pretending to sleep.

Li Manjun walked quietly to the sofa and tickled his daughter. The little guy couldn't hold it back and giggled, twisting his body to avoid it. His face, which was already red from sleep, became even redder.

Li Manjun didn't dare to make her laugh for too long. He retracted his hand, holding the bag in one hand and picking up his daughter with the other. "Let's pick up dad and go home together."

Nian Nian tilted her head and leaned on her mother's shoulder, and kissed her happily.

Passing by the door, Nian Nian pointed to the pile of bottles and cans on the ground to show his mother the masterpiece of his busy day.

To an adult, it is just a few bottles and paper shells stacked together with 'impressionist' style graffiti painted on them.

But in the eyes of the children, they are master builders, and this is a house for the flower fairies.

Li Manjun never hesitated to praise his daughter. When passing by the office area next door, he asked Li Wei to help him customize a plastic box to pack the "house" in the office.

Nian Nian instantly felt that her mother really liked the small house she made, and she experienced full respect. She smiled even happier and said that she would build a small house for her mother and father next time.

Li Manjun pointed to the tree at the entrance of the factory and said to her daughter warmly: "When spring comes, we can build houses for the birds every year so that they can live in a warm and sturdy home."

Nian Nian curiously looked at the tree whose leaves had fallen off and only the branches were left, and began to imagine what the house where the bird lived looked like.

Zhao Yong has finished taking the bottle. He is young and strong and recovers quickly. Now he is not only active but also bouncing around.

I just drank porridge for two days and my stomach was empty. Now I have a big appetite and I am very hungry.

The tiger skin cake Li Manjun brought was just enough to cushion his stomach.

Zhao Yong ate four pieces in one go. Li Manjun thought it was too exaggerated and hurriedly tied up the bag, "I don't dare to eat like this. Please take your time. Mom and Aunt Guo have already prepared dinner. Please save some space."

Zhao Yong nodded helplessly, "Okay."

He lowered his head to look at the little tabby cat whose clothes were extremely dirty, "Why did daddy's Nian Nian become so sloppy?"

Nian Nian snorted to his father, "You are not a sloppy little boy!"

Zhao Yong laughed loudly, "Dad is teasing you."

Li Manjun secretly said childishly, took out everything from the drawer in the ward, put it into a bag, and reminded Zhao Yong that he could be discharged from the hospital.

Director Liang, who was in the next bed, looked at the family of three with envy. He was old and had some other problems. The doctor said he had to be hospitalized for a week before he could be discharged. Now his brother, who could talk to him, was leaving. He felt empty, lonely and cold.

"Director Liang, let's go first." Li Manjun smiled politely and reminded her daughter to say goodbye to her uncle.

Nian Nian ran to Director Liang's bedside, patted the back of his hand with his little hand, and said like a little adult, "Uncle, you have to take the medicine obediently. Nian Nian is going home."

Director Liang's eyes were full of kindness, "Okay, goodbye."

"Bye~" Nian Nian waved and couldn't wait to run back to her mother.

Zhao Yong said a few more polite words, couldn't hold back his joy at being discharged from the hospital, and left with his wife and children in hand.

Director Liang was left alone, looking pitifully at the warm backs of a family of three, hoping that his wife and son would come quickly to bring him dinner. He didn't want to experience this lonely feeling for a minute!

Li Manjun's family of three returned home happily, with hot meals and dishes already placed on the table.

The four pieces of tiger skin cake just now were just an appetizer. Zhao Yong hadn't had a serious meal in two days, so he didn't want to be polite at all. He took off his shoes when he entered the room, immediately sat down at the dining table, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and started eating.

Wang Xiaojuan felt distressed by the wolfish and choking look, "Eat more, you are already losing weight because of hunger. That wicked thing actually sold fake wine and harmed people. Sooner or later you will be punished!"

There were also a lot of unpleasant curses. Li Manjun didn’t want her child to hear too much, for fear that she would learn from them, so she signaled to her own mother that she was almost done with it, so stop cursing.

"I'm free tomorrow afternoon. I'll go over and buy a box of wine. If there's fake wine in it, I'll make him lose his pants." Li Manjun said fiercely.

Wang Xiaojuan gave her a funny look and refused to let her scold her. Wasn't she also thinking about punishing her?

Zhao Yong looked at his mother-in-law and wife with emotion and made another bowl of rice.

The treatment of patients is good, and his family won't let him do anything. After eating, he will lie down on the sofa. When the TV is turned on, even his daughter will be watched and will not disturb him.

Nian Nian hugged the plasticine, pouted and said aggrievedly: "Dad just said that the person who plays with Nian Nian's plasticine is a lie and has a long nose!"

Zhao Yong, who was lying on his back, smiled awkwardly. Children have really good memories. He hurriedly waved to his daughter and asked her to come to him and play with her with the plasticine. The little girl then put on her smile again.

Li Manjun warned: "In every year, my father is not fully recovered from his illness. Don't be too tired and stop playing after a while."

Nian Nian sighed "Alas" and said sadly: "Dad, please get well soon."

Zhao Yong glanced at his wife's busy back, and with sweetness in his heart, he replied perfunctorily to his daughter's prayer, "Yeah."

In the middle of the night, a strong wind blew outside the window, and there was crackling hail.

In a daze, Li Manjun squeezed into her husband's arms uneasily, feeling the burning heat like a flame, and then continued to fall asleep.

As a result, when I woke up and looked out the window the next morning, I saw that the glass on the window had been hit by hail and had a spiderweb-like crack.

Zhao Yong said that he would just buy a new piece of glass and replace it.

It happened that in the afternoon, Li Manjun was going to find the market where the counterfeit wine store was located and take over the glass purchase.

"I'll buy glass and you can install it when you come back from get off work in the evening."

Zhao Yong nodded and reminded Li Manjun to wear more clothes because it was cold.

Li Manjun put the coat he took off back into the closet, took out the down jacket and put it on. It was so warm that he was sweating a little.

Zhao Yong looked at it and felt that she was really warm.

After having breakfast at home, Li Manjun went out to the company to finish the morning's affairs. After having dinner in the cafeteria at noon, he headed towards the market with great vigor.

First, I walked around the door of the department store selling fake wine, then stopped by a nearby glass shop and bought a piece of glass to put in my car. When there were no customers in the department store, I pretended to be a customer and went into the store to investigate. .

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