Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 288 Don’t want a younger brother

Jiang Yu's accent has changed significantly. He used to speak broken Mandarin in Rongcheng, but now it has changed into the tone of Haishi.

He said that Haishi people are very interesting and they are very enthusiastic when meeting people who speak dialects. When I hear people speaking Mandarin, I feel very cold.

"Then what kind of Haipu do you have?" Li Manjun asked jokingly.

Jiang Yu said with a smile: "I sound like a shrewd outsider, so I have to be extra careful, hahahaha!"

Everyone was laughing and joking and finished visiting the branch.

The scale does not seem smaller than that of Rongcheng Base Camp, and the management here is obviously more standardized.

"We are planning to join the franchise next year, but I don't know what the overall quality level will be like by then." Jiang Yu said with emotion.

This is what Zhao Yong is worried about, but now is not the time to talk about overall quality. What is needed now is speed, rapid spread, quickly stationed in every corner of Haishi, and then radiate to the surrounding areas.

"You must be ahead of others and move quickly." Zhao Yong gave a few symbolic instructions.

They will discuss these matters again at the meeting when the time comes.

After leaving the branch, Zhao Yong took a car so that he could take Li Manjun and his daughter around Haishi.

Now, they are going to a new home.

"Now, apart from the lack of furniture, the house is fully equipped with home appliances and so on. We can sleep on the floor," Zhao Yong said jokingly.

Every year I ask what flooring is.

Li Manjun explained to her that she would sleep on the floor.

Nian Nian immediately showed a look of disgust, "No, no, no." She didn't want to sleep on the floor.

It's fun to lie to children. The couple burst out laughing, looking puzzled and thinking, "It's really weird for adults."

It was impossible to sleep on the ground, but Li Manjun and Zhao Yong decided to sleep in their new home because they could save a lot of money. Hotels here in Haishi are not cheap.

I brought a complete set of bedding in my suitcase, except for a mattress.

Li Manjun asked Zhao Yong to drive and go to the old house to see the decoration first. In the afternoon, he went to a nearby furniture store to buy a mattress before returning.

This time I came to Haishi specifically to buy furniture for the old house. Li Manjun didn't trust the decoration company for these soft furnishings. She had to follow her own aesthetic.

As the car drove into the long Wutong Avenue, Li Manjun said to her daughter: "This is our home last year."

Nian Nian's eyes are full of confusion, Nian Nian's home is not here.

Li Manjun continued: "Mom and dad bought Nian Nian a big house here. When Nian Nian grows up, he can live there by himself."

Nian Nian shook his head hurriedly, "No."

She hugged her mother and said, "I will live with my mother every year."

Li Manjun raised the corner of his mouth, "Okay, then let's live together."

Zhao Yong said funny: "You tell her this, but she doesn't understand. Let's wait until she grows up."

"But having said that, our daughter is much happier than us."

"I'm working so hard just for her. I want us to grow up happily and without worries every year." Li Manjun said softly, with firm eyes.

If she could, she wanted to give her daughter the whole world.

Zhao Yong smiled lightly and parked the car in front of the gate of an old bungalow.

The garage is on the side of the house, but someone needs to go in first and open the door to drive the car in.

Anyway, we can stop at the door. We have to go to the furniture store later, so there is no need to worry.

Li Manjun couldn't wait any longer. She got out of the car with her daughter in her arms and signaled Zhao Yong to quickly take out the key and open the brand new old black wooden door in front of him.

In appearance, the old bungalow blends perfectly into the surrounding environment. It can be seen that it has been repaired and the wall color is new, but the color scheme is still the original tone.

Zhao Yong opened the door, and the first thing he saw was a neatly maintained garden. There were no flowers, only flower beds were made, and a few evergreens were planted in the four corners.

In the middle of the flower bed, there is an angel boy peeing. Zhao Yong said that this is a fountain, and he can water the flowers directly in the garden in the future.

Through the garden, there are three steps. Up the steps, you come to the main building.

It has white walls and red glazed tiles, and even the attic has three floors. After a spring, the wall facing the sun has been covered with ivy.

There are four doors on the first floor. The main entrance is in front of the flower bed. It is a four-meter-wide door with a French curly grass shape. When the door is opened, there is a very spacious hall with a ceiling.

The entire house has been paved with yellow-brown patterned tiles in accordance with Li Manjun's requirements. The original dark wood grain wainscoting is still retained in the house. The walls also retain the original off-white color. The large floor-to-ceiling glass windows extend from the top to the first floor. , the entire hall is well-lit, bright and atmospheric.

There is a large crystal chandelier above the head. The sunlight is shining down in the middle of the afternoon, and the crystal reflects the colorful halo on the wall, which is extremely beautiful.

She couldn't bear to blink her eyes every year. At her age, what she liked most were these colorful, shiny things.

There is a horizontal corridor on the first floor that runs from east to west. To the east are the kitchen, bathroom, and nanny's room. To the west are two large guest rooms. The rooms have new sewers and are equipped with bathrooms and showers.

After visiting the rooms on the first floor, return to the lobby. There is an upward staircase in the middle, extending in both directions to the left and right. No matter which way you go, you can reach the upper floor.

There are four rooms on the second floor. The master bedroom is on the east side. While retaining the original style, a large floor-to-ceiling window was built, which leads directly to the balcony. You can see the grass, trees and swimming pool in the back garden.

The master bedroom is equipped with a dressing room and a large bathtub, which is three times larger than the bathtub in Li Manjun's current home.

In order to support this part of the load, the construction team reinforced the walls of the entire house.

Opposite the master bedroom is the study room. Zhao Yong often goes to the sea market and has already bought the mahogany furniture he wants.

Li Manjun was not interested, so he walked around to see the daughter's room and entertainment room on the west side.

When the entertainment room was first built, the head of the construction team repeatedly checked with Li Manjun and asked her if she wanted to keep an extra children's room.

Li Manjun said definitely no, several times in a row, because she had already determined that she would not have a second child.

Of course, this is the current thinking. Li Manjun doesn’t know whether it will suddenly change in the future.

Anyway, Zhao Yong had no objection whether she gave birth or not. This was what they had agreed upon before they got married.

However, friends around me are urging me to always say at gatherings that it would be more lively if I was still young, and it would be better to have a companion every year. A child will always be lonely.

Li Manjun asked her daughter on the spot: "Do you feel lonely every year?"

The child didn't know what loneliness was. After thinking about it for a long time, he took the toys given by the waiter and ran to play with his brothers and sisters.

Mrs. Lin even chased after her and asked, "Would you like a younger brother to play with you every year?"

"No!" Nian Nian answered simply and neatly. Any extra second of hesitation would be disrespectful to his brothers and sisters.

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