Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 266 Can’t Hold It Down

"Li Manjun, you're going too far. It's only been over fifteen minutes. You're knocking on the door so hard that I'm going to have a heart attack." Wan Rongming was not straightforward and strong.

Li Manjun didn't argue with him, walked into the store, took out the goods and put them on the table.

Wan Rongming hesitated for a while and then came over with glasses.

As soon as I got the thing in my hands, I said "yo", "Where did your new treasure come from? How much did it cost?"

Li Manjun smiled and said, "Countryside."

Looking at Wan Rongming's expression, she guessed that he probably didn't lose money this time.

"What on earth is this?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

Wan Rongming didn't answer. He looked at it for a long time and then said: "This should be made from the soil. If you look at the stains on it, it is actually caused by rusting in the humid underground for a long time."

"What do you mean?" Li Manjun frowned. It wasn't what she thought, was it?

Wan Rongming nodded, that's what she meant.

Li Manjun took a breath and couldn't figure out how cousin Hao Jian could get this thing. Heizi's father didn't look like someone who would do such a thing.

She guessed that he might have taken it from someone else.

"This thing is not bad." Wan Rongming turned on the light, pointed to the words on the turtle's belly and said to her: "It says official position, the position of a military general in the Tang Dynasty, so if I guessed correctly, this should be a Something like a tiger charm.”

Li Manjun's eyes lit up, "Isn't that valuable?"

Wan Rongming glanced at her, paused, put the things down, and said leisurely: "How much did you pay for it? I will take it back ten times."

Li Manjun snorted and put the turtle seal into his bag, "I won't sell it!"

Wan Rongming saw it and said anxiously, "Twenty times!"

He bet that the cost she collected would never exceed eight hundred yuan, twenty times that, sixteen thousand yuan, which was very high.

"Don't be reluctant, you can't control such a bright weapon." Wan Rongming looked serious.

Li Manjun still doesn't know what he has in mind?

He took out the fifty yuan appraisal fee from his wallet and put it on the table. "Don't scare me with superstitious things. I haven't believed in evil since I was a child. I will keep this thing first and keep it as a collection."

She really had no intention of selling it, because the turtle print was small and delicate, and she liked it very much.

Anyway, now that I have no shortage of money, it would be good to collect one or two pieces to satisfy my collecting hobby.

In fact, Li Manjun also liked those things before.

Especially that set of bed, if she had the financial conditions now, she would definitely not be willing to sell it.

These old items are becoming less and less. Now she can still get back five hundred yuan. In a few years, who knows what the market will be like?

"By the way, does this thing have any meaning? Should I buy something to fill the town?" Li Manjun said he didn't believe it, but he still couldn't help asking.

Wan Rongming said she was boring, "You don't understand. It's just a waste of things. Aren't you saying you're not afraid? Then why are you asking?"

Seeing that he was really angry, Li Manjun coaxed in a funny way: "I really didn't plan to sell it. If my friend hadn't called me this time, I wouldn't have collected these things. You know how troublesome it is to go back and forth several times." .”

"Honestly, I spent money to take back this little turtle without knowing whether it was real or fake, just because I liked the way it looked. I thought that if I lost money, I would treat it like buying an ornament I liked."

Wan Rongming heard her explanation and knew that she was not trying to raise the price, so he felt much better, waved his hand and said:

"If it doesn't sell, it won't be sold. Why are you talking so much? I'm going to tell you now, this thing is real, but it's also really dangerous."

"Maybe you have a tough character. Most people can't hold it in their hands. Something would have happened a long time ago."

Li Manjun was a little confused when she saw that Wan Rongming was speaking seriously, "Is it true? Don't scare me."

He just said that ordinary people couldn't control this thing. She really didn't believe it. He just wanted her to sell something and he said it on purpose.

Seeing that she still doubted him, Wan Rongming sighed, "There are still many things in this world that science cannot explain. It's hard to explain. You'll know when you meet them."

Military generals are born with a lot of blood, and they are also bright weapons, so something will definitely happen to them.

It was really scary to say it. Li Manjun originally had no psychological burden, but when he said this, he felt awkward.

Fortunately, she was smart and asked: "If ordinary people can't control it, what kind of ordinary people can control it?"

She pointed at the antiques that filled his room, "Why aren't you afraid that your room is full of antiques?"

Wan Rongming laughed, a little embarrassed, "That's because I'm used to it, and besides, I don't have a clear weapon here. If this kind of thing is not sent by an acquaintance, I won't accept it no matter how cheap it is. I'll deal with it." It’s not as easy as you think.”

However, no matter how difficult it is, it is still easier than for ordinary people like Li Manjun. After all, he is still in the circle and has his own channels.

There are people in their circle who specialize in creating crystal devices. Once these things are sent abroad, they will be worth a lot of money.

Li Manjun took a look inside the bag and saw the little turtle lying in it. Looking outside the store again, she found that Wan Rongming's few words made her feel guilty.

To sell or not to sell?

Seeing her hesitation, Wan Rongming felt secretly happy and asked seriously, "How much did you pay for it?"

"Don't ask, tell me how much you can offer." Li Manjun straightened his expression, "We are already so familiar, and it's boring for you to play tricks with me."

Wan Rongming's eyes flashed cunningly, and he raised his hand to make a gesture.

Only twenty thousand.

"It's so boring!" Li Manjun slung his bag over his shoulder and snorted: "Bye, I'm leaving. Keep the appraisal fee on the table."

Wan Rongming was stunned for a moment, but he didn't stop her from leaving.

I don’t know if it was psychological effect, but Li Manjun said he didn’t believe in evil, but as soon as he left the store, he tripped and almost fell down.

Fortunately, the sanitation lady who was cleaning next to me gave her a hand, and everything was fine.

"Thank you." Li Manjun thanked his aunt gratefully, patted the wrinkles on his clothes, and looked back at Wan Rongming's store. He stood at the door of the store, shaking his head, "If you don't believe me, just experience it for yourself." expression of sympathy.

Li Manjun narrowed his eyes, turned around and strode away.

After exiting the street, the car stopped on the side of the road, got in and started the car to go to the company.

Along the way, Li Manjun drove carefully, at a speed of forty miles, which was as steady as a horse.

Arriving at the company safely, I got out of the car and looked at the scorching sun above my head. Damn it, nothing happened!

"What are you doing?"

Liu Yan stood at the door of the factory, looking suspiciously at Li Manjun, who was spinning in circles.

Li Manjun coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, smiled and said, "It's okay, I haven't seen such a bright sun for a long time."

The corner of Liu Yan's mouth twitched slightly. Is there any sun that doesn't shine?

"Li Manjun, are you okay?" Liu Yan asked with concern.

Li Manjun waved his hand, "It's okay. Just go ahead and do your work. I'm going to the office."

After that, he left in a hurry, for fear that Liu Yan would come over and ask questions.

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