Li Manjun didn't get home until nine o'clock in the evening, so he could only wait two days until he was free before going to Wan Rongming for appraisal.

Zhao Yong saw her running away for a whole day and then came back with a small black turtle, and he suddenly lost interest.

Li Manjun asked her daughter to come over to her mother, handed her the little turtle to look at, and Nian Nian said cooperatively: "Wow!"

"Do you think the little turtle is cute every year?" Li Manjun squatted in front of her daughter and asked expectantly.

Nian Nian is an honest and good baby. He doesn't know how to tell lies. His little mouth squirmed for a long time, but he still shook his head.

Zhao Yong burst out laughing, and Li Manjun rolled her eyes at him, "You're so ridiculous, take Nian Nian to take a bath and tell her a bedtime story. I'm almost exhausted, so I'll take a bath first."

After putting the little turtle in his bag so that he could bring it to Wan Rongming for identification later, Li Manjun shook his sore arms from hitting the steering wheel and walked towards the master bedroom bathroom.

I wanted to take a bath, but now I didn't have the energy, so I took a hurried combat bath, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Zhao Yong got in with his daughter in his arms, picked up the bedside storybook, read the story to coax his daughter to sleep, then put her back into her small room and settled her down, and then she had time to lie down.

Not to mention, just one hour of parent-child time before going to bed made him, a tall man about 1.8 meters tall, feel sleepy all over and just wanted to lie down.

Li Manjun turned over, wanting to wake up. Zhao Yong poked his wife and asked in a low voice: "How much did this turtle cost today?"

Li Manjun replied confusedly: "Friendship price, five hundred."

The slumping appearance of the black turtle appeared in front of Zhao Yong's eyes, and his flesh ached. He really couldn't figure out how valuable these strange things were.

Li Manjun couldn't hear his voice. If she could hear him, she would point at the pile of calligraphy and paintings on the wall of his study and ask: You bought all these junk things with money. How do you think they are valuable?

"Then how much introduction fee will you share with Hao Jian?" Zhao Yong asked again.

"No." Li Manjun muttered, telling him to shut up and go to sleep.

On the way back, Li Manjun wanted to give Hao Jian an introduction fee, but Hao Jian didn't ask for it.

He said sheepishly: "You may lose money on this order, and that's also my cousin. Sister Manjun, I would be very grateful if you are willing to help me with this. Why do I have the nerve to ask you for an intermediary fee?"

Seeing that he really refused to take it, Li Manjun didn't mention it again and asked him casually what he was doing now.

"I just work as a carpenter with my dad, helping people pack cabinets and stuff." Hao Jian was a little embarrassed.

Compared with his classmate Liu Cheng, who is now running a small business in the town, he has not yet done anything serious. Every time he is asked, he is afraid of being looked down upon.

"Now all the young people in the village are going out to work, why didn't you go?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

Hao Jian scratched his head in embarrassment, "I, I don't like going into the factory. It feels like going to jail."

"Have you been there?" Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to express this feeling.

Hao Jian nodded. He had indeed been there. He went out with relatives at home. He had been there for two months and found it difficult to adapt to the collective military management model. He came home even before his salary was paid.

Then, with the help of his parents, he married his current wife and gave birth to a child.

"I don't have any skills, so I can only follow my dad and help him." The rest is to farm at home and be self-sufficient. Apart from having no cash to spend, I don't have to worry about food and drink for the time being.

Of course, the premise is that he, his wife and children are content with the status quo and don't envy others who go out to work to earn money and renovate new houses for their families.

Li Manjun laughed helplessly, "You still envy others who can make money, right?"

Hao Jian smiled bitterly and nodded, "It's impossible not to be envious. I just hate that I have no ability."

He is born with such a character. If you say it nicely, it means he is honest. If you say it badly, he means he is big-hearted and has little ability.

In the past, he felt that he was quite clever. Occasionally, he tasted the benefits once or twice, and he thought that he could always go on like this smoothly.

But when I really went out, I realized that the outside world had already undergone earth-shaking changes. There was no room for people like him in that city.

Without a high degree of education or any personal connections, the only way out was to work in a factory.

Others have indeed made money by working part-time and returned home in fine clothes.

Only he couldn't. From the first day he entered the factory, he wanted to escape from that dense and closed place.

Fortunately, his wife never said that he was incompetent, and she never asked him to be like others and urged him to go out to work.

"When I learn my dad's craftsmanship and open my own furniture store, my life will definitely get better." Hao Jian's eyes were full of longing.

Li Manjun first expressed his approval, then thought that her husband's company was also recruiting couriers, and asked tentatively:

"My husband's company is recruiting people. They just help deliver things to people, run errands, etc. The work is quite hard, but the income should be much more than you are now. Do you have any ideas?"

"Oh, by the way, you still need to be able to pedal three wheels, but this is simple. When the time comes, they will have a dedicated master to teach you."

Hao Jian's heart moved, "Sister Manjun, I can ride three wheels!"

Li Manjun knew he wanted to go, so he directly told Hao Jian the address of Junda Freight Company and asked him to apply directly after the Qingming Festival.

"How dare you make this trip today and not only bring back a black turtle, but also bring me someone?" Zhao Yong said with resentment in his tone, but his eyes were smiling.

It is rare for his wife to visit him, which shows that she finally realizes that she is the boss's wife of Junda.

Li Manjun thought he really cared, so he woke up from his sleep and explained seriously:

"You were recruiting people. I just told Hao Jian the news. He will apply for the job on his own. In the end, it depends on your company's personnel arrangements. If you think it works, just stay. If it doesn't work, let him go back."

Zhao Yong laughed, "I'm kidding you, there's no need to leave personnel for the person recommended by the boss lady, just arrange it directly."

Li Manjun was startled, then realized that he was teasing himself and kicked him, "You hate it, don't you?"

The person next to the pillow's eyes darkened, and he pulled up the quilt to cover the two of them.

Tomb Sweeping Day is here.

Sister Zhou took two days off to go back to her hometown to sweep graves. Liu Juying came over the day before Qingming Festival to clean up Li Manjun's house before leaving for the holiday.

Li Manjun sent his younger brother Li Jianjun to the town the day before and brought back the Youth League wrapped by Wang Xiaojuan.

Although her father-in-law and mother-in-law passed away early, Wang Xiaojuan still wanted them to try the Qingtuan dumplings she made and called Li Manjun to urge her to come home to get it.

Li Manjun only thought that Qingtuan was delicious, but Zhao Yong was completely moved.

Before getting married, he was the only one in the world who remembered his two deceased elders.

But now, more and more people remember them.

"I visit my grandparents every year~"

Carrying a small basket filled with youth balls that her mother had specially found for herself, Nian Nian was the first to run to the gate, waiting for her parents to change their shoes and set off together.

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