When I got home, I met Sister Zhou every year. I immediately took Sister Zhou’s hand and asked her to get a candy box for me.

Because Li Manjun doesn't let her eat sweets every day and limits the number of candies she can eat every day, she can't bear to eat them all in one day every year, so Sister Zhou will help her pack the extra candies in cookie boxes.

As time goes by, a lot of candies are accumulated in the cookie box, which are little treasures every year.

Sister Zhou would sometimes give her one secretly, and Li Manjun also knew that she would turn a blind eye to innocuous matters.

After all, even she couldn't bear her children's constant begging sometimes, let alone Sister Zhou, who had brought her up every year.

But such a precious candy box, Sister Zhou has to take it down every year. She wants to give it to the big brother she met today.

When I got the candy box, I would bring it to my mother in the master bedroom every year and ask my mother when she was going to see her big brother.

Neither Li Manjun nor Zhao Yong expected that their daughter would still remember it and really keep it in mind. The couple looked at each other and were both stunned.

Nian Nian shook her mother's clothes and said, "Mom?"

Only then did Li Manjun react and calculated the time carefully, "How about we go next week on Sunday? My parents have work these days and don't have time."

Nian Nian frowned and lowered his head in frustration, "Okay."

She knew that her parents were very busy because they had to make money to buy sweets every year.

"Absolutely." Nian Nian opened her eyes wide and made a serious promise.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong nodded together, and then Nian Nian went out with the candy box and asked Sister Zhou to help her hide it again.

The location where she hid the treasure was only known to Sister Zhou, not her parents.

Zhao Yong warned worriedly: "Don't eat too much secretly."

In the kitchen, the little girl's reply of "I know" came from afar. Zhao Yong curled his lips and smiled. This idiot daughter was exposed by her voice.

Nian Nian still didn't know that he had exposed the location of the treasure, so he made a promise with Sister Zhou that no one would tell anyone about it, so he could go take a shower without worrying.

Zhao Yong came to the kitchen and wanted to find out the candy box to see how much his daughter had eaten.

Li Manjun grabbed him funny and said, "We agreed to let her store the extra sugar by herself, so we must keep our word."

Zhao Yong looked around the kitchen curiously, and from time to time he heard the sound of bathing in the bathroom. "It's okay. Let's be careful. We won't know about it every year."

As he spoke, he took advantage of his height and found the blue cookie box in the top cabinet.

Li Manjun couldn't stop her, Zhao Yong had already opened the box. She couldn't help her curiosity and stepped up to take a look.

There are actually not many candies in the box, just twenty or thirty.

"You're so boring." Li Manjun gave Zhao Yong a funny look.

Zhao Yong also felt that he was childish, so he touched his nose in embarrassment, closed the biscuit box, and carefully put it back in the cupboard. The couple sneaked back into the room with a guilty conscience.

Soon after taking a bath, Nian Nian put on his pajamas and came to play with his parents with the little rabbit in his arms. The little guy rolled around on the big bed several times, and finally squeezed in between his parents, asking his mother to tell him a story.

Now that Li Lijun is away, the task of bedtime stories falls to Li Manjun. She takes out the storybook on the bedside table and tells her daughter a story.

Halfway through the story, both father and daughter fell asleep. Li Manjun gently closed the book, took her daughter out of the bed, put her in her own small room, arranged the little rabbit, and watched her sleep peacefully before returning to the room. .

Because of Li Lanfang's marriage, his work was delayed for three days, and Li Manjun was frantically busy as soon as he arrived at the company.

I was busy non-stop until about three o'clock in the afternoon, and then I had lunch.

Halfway through the meal, Liu Yan knocked on the door and said that the new interns and salesmen had arrived and were waiting to see her in the staff cafeteria of the sorting site.

The company's current conditions are limited and there is no formal reception room yet. The canteen is the most open place.

Li Manjun thought that if the rental contract at the recycling station expires in June, she would try to discuss with the landlord to buy it and build a new office building to facilitate working with guests and improve her own office conditions.

"Ask them to wait for me. I'll go to the toilet after eating this little meal." Li Manjun mumbled while chewing the rice in his mouth.

Liu Yan got her a glass of water and put it at hand, and told her to eat slowly before leaving.

It took Li Manjun two minutes to finish his meal, three minutes to use the toilet, tidy up in front of the mirror, and neatly go to the employee canteen.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw two people sitting inside. Liu Yan was probably busy and no one greeted them.

Li Manjun walked closer and smiled at the two of them.

"Which of you is Mo Yang and who is Steve?"

She looked at the two men in front of her, one was young and flamboyant, wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and toad glasses. One is calm and low-key, wearing a gray suit, a small tie, and frameless mirrors.

In fact, you can guess who the two of them are without asking, but you should still ask carefully.

The man in the suit stretched out his hand first: "You are Manager Li, I am Steve. Shirley recommended me to come here. She is my high school classmate."

Steve speaks fluent Mandarin. Just looking at his current image, I feel that he is a very professional and reliable person.

Li Manjun shook hands with him and asked with a smile: "Shirley Zhong told me that you are proficient in three languages?"

"Yes, I had a rough understanding of your company's situation before I came here. I heard that you are cooperating with Japan's Toyo Environmental Protection Energy Company. I studied as a graduate student in Japan, so I have no problem writing and communicating in Japanese."

Li Manjun swallowed secretly. Shirley Zhong really thought highly of her and actually introduced her master's degree classmates to her rag-tag company.

To be on the safe side, Li Manjun tentatively asked Steve if he knew what his company did and what he would do in the future, and whether he would feel that he was overqualified.

Steve said that he knew everything, and he believed in the recommendation of his old classmates, "Shirley said that you are a boss with a keen business sense, an open mind and a flexible mind. If I can work with you in your company, I am very much looking forward to it."

These words made Li Manjun feel like he was floating.

Fortunately, she had a clear understanding of herself, and this was just a polite comment.

Li Manjun gave Steve a friendly smile and turned to look at the young man who had silently taken off the toad mirror.

Perhaps it was Steve's steady and complimentary introduction that shocked the young people who had not experienced social beatings. Mo Yang unconsciously restrained himself a little, smiled politely at Li Manjun, and introduced himself:

"Hello, Manager Li, I'm Mo Yang. My sister introduced me here. I haven't graduated yet, majoring in computer science."

As for other things, he couldn't tell because he didn't know anything!

However, he can learn, and he is easy to learn.

Mo Yang smiled with neat and white teeth, very confident.

Li Manjun expressed a warm welcome to the two of them and took them to the yard next door to let them familiarize themselves with the office environment in advance.

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