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Chapter 257 Craftsman Li Manjun

Zhao Yong cooked the meal in the evening. Since Sister Zhou was born at home, Zhao Yong has had little opportunity to cook. He hasn't touched kitchen utensils for such a long time, but his skills have not declined.

Anyway, compared with Li Manjun, in the eyes of Li Dawei and his wife, their son-in-law is the god of cooking.

"Tell me how lucky you are to be able to meet a man as good as Xiaoyong as your husband. When I introduced you to a blind date with your Aunt Wu, you were still not happy."

After finishing the meal, Zhao Yong actively put away the dishes and went to wash the dishes. Wang Xiaojuan was very satisfied with it and scolded her daughter, "You should also be nicer to Xiaoyong. Such a good man is so hard to find nowadays. You are not rare. There are so many." It was someone who robbed it.”

Li Manjun took a look at the kitchen. She was satisfied with the tall man inside, but why did her mother sound so uncomfortable when she said this?

"What do you mean I'm lucky enough to find such a good man? Doesn't this just prove that I'm good enough to attract such a man?"

Li Manjun grabbed a handful of melon seeds that his father had brought back from the banquet, and sneered at them: "Mom, don't praise men so highly, we women are not bad either."

Wang Xiaojuan's mouth twitched slightly, and she turned back to look into the kitchen. Zhao Yong had washed the dishes and wiped the stove. Compared with Li Dawei, it was really necessary to compare goods, and comparing people to people was infuriating.

Seeing that Li Manjun was still complacent, Wang Xiaojuan turned around and gave Li Dawei a cane, "Look at you, then look at Xiaoyong, you are both a man and you only know how to make a mess in the kitchen and make me angry. "

Li Dawei frowned in pain and said inexplicably: "Praise Xiaoyong, just praise Xiaoyong. What do you think I did, did I offend you?"

"No?" Wang Xiaojuan's voice increased, and Li Dawei shrank his neck, picked up the exercise book that Li Jianjun was not using, and continued to draw talisman with his granddaughter, too lazy to answer the inexplicable mother-in-law.

Wang Xiaojuan snorted at him and sighed, "It seems that Lan Fang and Xiaoyou's clothing factory will still have to run, and your Aunt Wu and I's entrepreneurial journey has been ruined again."

She was feeling pity and looked like she wished they could just transfer the factory to her.

Li Manjun didn't even know when her mother's temperament of caring about other people's gains changed, so she warned her seriously:

"Don't always think about others. If you really want to set up a clothing factory, I'll pay for it and you can run it. We can do it ourselves."

Li Manjun said this, and Wang Xiaojuan quit again.

"It's too tiring to start from scratch. I won't do it. If you can't manage it, you can't blame me to death."

Li Manjun laughed. She knew how much she weighed.

"If you don't have this ability, don't mention it. If it reaches the ears of the Zheng family, I don't know how much people will hate you." Li Manjun lowered his voice and warned seriously again.

She just kicked down the door of someone else's house. If her mother is added to the family, the Zheng family will start to worry about it. Li Dalong and Qian Shufen will not be able to kill them.

As soon as Li Manjun mentioned her relatives in her hometown, Wang Xiaojuan woke up and hurriedly waved her hands to show respect, "I'll talk to you in private, but I won't tell anyone. They don't know, so don't scare me."

Li Manjun threw the melon seed peels in his palm into the trash can, clapped his hands, and a few pieces of melon seed peels flew to the ground. Nian Nian, who was drawing ghost charms, immediately raised his head and pointed at the ground with his little hands stained with ink, "Don't throw them away." .”

The word "garbage" is a bit difficult to pronounce, and the little girl tried hard for a long time but couldn't pronounce it clearly.

Seeing her mother lying down lazily, Nian Niang frowned in dissatisfaction, slid down from the dining table, ran to the trash can, squatted down, picked up the scattered melon seed peels one by one, and threw them into the trash can.

After finishing, he clapped his little hands and said to his mother seriously: "This is it."

Li Manjun was deliberately teasing his daughter. Seeing her serious little adult appearance, she sat up straight and nodded heavily.

Only then did Nian Nian nod his little head with satisfaction, then turned around and continued to draw ghostly talismans.

Zhao Yong cleaned up the kitchen and walked out. When he saw his daughter picking up garbage, he patted her little head happily.

Li Manjun was afraid that Wang Xiaojuan would have to teach him how to be a 'good wife and mother', so he got up and came to the dining table, sat down and painted with his daughter.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a waste paper shell placed at the door of the kitchen. I had an idea and sent my husband to get the paper shell, scissors, and tape, planning to make a small craft.

First prepare a chopstick, then use scissors to cut out a circular piece from the paper shell, and then cut out the outline of a dolphin. Finally, use a paintbrush to draw the pattern, place the two pieces of paper at random and put them on the chopsticks with tape.

"Baby, look." Li Manjun called to his daughter, holding the lower end of the chopsticks in his hand, and with a "whoosh" turn, the paper quickly rotated, and the dolphin held up the ball.

Nian Nian's eyes widened, he said "Ah" excitedly, and stretched out his hand to turn.

Li Manjun asked her to come to him, put the chopsticks in his daughter's little hands, and taught her to turn the chopsticks.

With a crash, the two pieces of paper, which were originally just scattered, visually overlapped during rapid rotation, making it look like a dolphin playing with a ball.

Nian Nian was stunned. After a while, he looked back at his mother in surprise and said, "It's moving."

"Yes, the dolphins are moving, right?" Li Manjun asked softly.

Nian Nian nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

"Come on, spin it again." Li Manjun let go of her hand and encouraged her daughter to spin it by herself.

Nian Nian tentatively rubbed his chopsticks, but the speed was a bit slow and the visual dislocation effect was not obvious.

He tried a second time, speeding up, and finally succeeded. The little girl shouted in surprise: "Grandpa, grandma! Look at the year!"

Li Dawei and Wang Xiaojuan looked at it lovingly, "It's so beautiful. The dolphins are moving."

"Yes." Nian Nian nodded with a smile.

Zhao Yong looked at his wife, his eyes were full of her, "How did you come up with this dolphin header?"

"There are many more that I have seen in natural science textbooks before." Li Manjun picked up the remaining waste paper shells on the table and asked her daughter: "Does the baby want to make one by himself?"

Zhao Yong was a little worried: "Children can't play with scissors."

Li Manjun said it was okay, just pay attention.

Nian Nian was very interested and wanted to do it by herself. She climbed onto the dining chair skillfully and knelt on it, waiting for her mother to teach her.

Li Manjun asked Zhao Yong to help her daughter, step by step, teach the father and daughter how to make the dolphin ball. The family of three had a great time, and they opened the door to a new world every year. It turned out that the discarded paper shells could make such interesting things.

Looking at my mother with big eyes filled with adoring stars, "Mom, I'm so disgusted."

Li Manjun was afraid of being praised by others, so she dug out all the available scraps at home, made roses out of cans, and made a car out of soda bottle caps and bodies.

Nian Nian was mesmerized by the show, exclaiming "Wow" from time to time. Li Manjun's vanity was greatly satisfied. If Zhao Yong hadn't reminded him that it was already very late and it was time to go to bed, he would have wanted to show off again.

The family of three went back to their room to sleep. Wang Xiaojuan looked at the table full of waste paper shells and wine bottles, and just wanted to drag her eldest daughter out and give her a beating.

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