Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 249 Feeding food is like feeding poison

"Manager Li?"

Uncertain shouts came from behind. Li Manjun, who was leading her daughter to the flower bed downstairs in the community, looked back. A man with a young face and an older hairstyle was looking at her through thick glasses.

Seeing her looking back, her uncertain expression changed instantly. He smiled and waved to her, "Manager Li!"

Li Manjun was a little confused. The man looked familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember who it was.

"Computer, your computer has arrived. I was about to ask you when it will be delivered." Xiang Lian walked over as he said it. The heavy black bag in his hand contained the laptop he never left his hand.

Li Manjun remembered, nodded with a smile, picked up her daughter who refused to get out of the flower bed, and took a few steps forward, "It's Director Xiang. Are you getting off work so early today?"

I looked up at the sky, it was just darkening, it was past six o'clock.

Xiang Lian nodded, "Today's matters have been dealt with in advance. By the way, is this your daughter?"

"Yes, my nickname is Nian Nian, and she is two years old." Li Manjun raised her daughter's little hand, "Nian Nian, say hello to uncle."

Nian Nian's big eyes looked at Xiang Lian curiously, and when he saw the glasses on his face, he said "Ah" in novelty.

Xiang Lian smiled and explained to the little girl in a soft voice that these were glasses.

Nian Nian reached out to touch her, but Li Manjun grabbed her little hand and refused to touch it, asking Xiang Lian if he could install the computer tomorrow.

"Have you pulled up the network cable?" Xiang Lian asked.

Li Manjun nodded, "It's done."

"That's good. I'll have someone bring the computer over tomorrow afternoon for you to install it. Are there people at home and in the factory?"


The two of them didn't have much to say. It was getting late and it was time to go home for dinner. They smiled and went to their respective homes.

"That's right!" Xiang Lian suddenly turned around and called Li Manjun, asking her if it was convenient for her to help him look at the program code he had written recently.

"There is a small problem that has not been solved. Although it does not affect the overall effect, I want to make it smoother." Xiang Lian said seriously.

Li Manjun asked him curiously: "What kind of software do you want to make now?"

Xiang Lian was a little embarrassed because he was imitating, "Work software, used for statistical calculations."

Li Manjun understands, it is just to develop forms, this is simple.

"You install my computer first, and then after I apply for an email address, you can directly send it to my email address and I'll take a look at it for you, okay?"

Xiang Lian was delighted: "Okay, I'll ask them to help you pretend tomorrow morning!"

Li Manjun can do it in the morning or afternoon. He raises his daughter's hand and waves, saying goodbye to his uncle and going home for dinner.

Sister Zhou bought two handfuls of small green vegetables from the countryside today at the old farmer's market. She fried them in a plate with only oil and salt. They were sweet and crispy. Even those who don't like vegetables would eat several of them every year.

After finishing the vegetables, Nian Nian held up her oily little hands and called her mother to wipe them. She had a little mysophobia on her body.

Sister Zhou motioned to Li Manjun not to move and to go alone. He got up and got a handkerchief, wiped off the oil on Nian Nian's hands in a funny way, and fed her rice.

"Let me do it. Sister Zhou, eat quickly." Li Manjun quickly finished the last two bites of rice, put down the bowl and chopsticks and took the small bowl for children from Sister Zhou's hand.

Sister Zhou was not polite to her. She picked up the almost cold rice bowl with a smile and continued eating.

"Today's green vegetables are really good, and they are better from our rural areas." Zhao Yong praised while eating. When he picked up a plate of fried green vegetables, a large piece of it was empty.

Seeing that there were only two vegetables on the plate, Nian Nian became anxious and glared at his father with a pout, "Nian Nian!"

I hurriedly urged my mother to put vegetables in a small bowl for myself, so that my father could not finish them all.

The corner of Zhao Yong's mouth twitched slightly, and the old father's heart was stabbed hard. He deliberately reached out with his chopsticks to tease his daughter. Nian Nian's small mouth immediately pulled down. Li Manjun glared at him: "Are you bothered? It's time to eat."

Zhao Yong laughed awkwardly and took back his chopsticks angrily.

Nian Nian raised a brow at his father proudly, and Li Manjun was helpless. This expression was exactly the same as when Zhao Yong was pissed.

However, the little girl was happy for less than two seconds, and her mother stuffed a large spoonful of white rice into her mouth with a smile.

"Good baby, eat big. Mom will reward you with green vegetables." Li Manjun coaxed perfunctorily, taking advantage of him and giving her another spoonful of rice.

Nian Nian didn't like rice, so she frowned and gulped it down. Li Manjun immediately rewarded her with a piece of green vegetables, and only then did she continue to cooperate.

However, my daughter behaved well during her meal today and was much better behaved than usual.

When Li Lijun was around, she couldn't finish a bowl of rice in half an hour. She would imitate here and there while eating. Feeding her rice was like feeding her poison.

Unless there is something she particularly likes, eating is like going to war, requiring a battle of wits and courage.

After a lot of tossing, there is often leftover rice, which is less important when it is cold. The main reason is that the rice is soaked in soup and looks a bit disgusting.

It is said that mothers will not dislike their daughters eating leftovers, but Li Manjun dislikes it very much. She has never eaten a bite of the leftovers every year.

Although I ate well today, I still had two mouthfuls of rice left. Nian Nian waved vigorously and patted his bulging belly to express that he couldn't eat anymore.

Upon seeing this, Li Manjun handed the bowl directly to Zhao Yong.

Zhao Yong frowned, and rarely gave his daughter a harsh lesson. It was shameful to waste food.

After the lesson was over, he ate up the leftovers resignedly.

If a grain of rice falls on the table, he will pick it up and eat it, not to mention such a big meal, it is absolutely impossible to throw it away, so he can only finish it by himself.

Sister Zhou was already used to it. Seeing that everyone had finished eating, she got up and cleared away the dishes.

She doesn't need to wash the bowls. Liu Juying will come over tomorrow to do housework, so she just needs to pick up the bowls and put them in the sink.

After doing some simple cleaning and watching TV for a while, Nian Nian began to yawn. Sister Zhou picked her up and led her to take a bath.

I call my mother every year, "Bubble, wash the bubble."

Li Manjun lay lazily on the sofa and bumped the man next to him with his elbow, "Your daughter wants to take a bath."

Zhao Yong had a busy day, and he would feel drowsy after watching TV for a while. He opened his eyes slightly, cheered up and said to his daughter who wanted to take a bath:

"You didn't eat well today. You left so much food and wasted the food that the farmer uncle worked so hard to grow. You need to be punished a little, so you can't take a bath today."

Nian Nian held her mouth in grievance and was taken away by Sister Zhou.

After a while, the girl's happy giggles could be heard in the main bathroom. She was unhappy for only a few seconds and was forgotten as soon as the water flushed.

Li Manjun glanced sideways at Zhao Yong, who had already closed his eyes and took a rest.

After watching another episode of Roaring Emperor's bloody drama, Li Manjun turned off the TV and woke Zhao Yong up. After sleeping like this, he couldn't fall asleep again at night.

"Tomorrow morning, someone will come to install a computer at home. You can keep an eye on it at home. Sister Zhou is going to take Niannian to Zhong Shirley's place to train on the stage. There needs to be someone at home." Li Manjun warned softly.

Zhao Yong rubbed his eyes, patted his face to wake himself up, and nodded in agreement.

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