Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 236 Red Bean Cake

The day before the final exam, Li Manjun went to the hotel to find You Xiang to return his notebook. He was still coughing, but it was less serious.

You Xiang treated the guests to afternoon tea. The two of them ate desserts and drank hot sweet milk in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel. The content of their conversation was not gossip and interesting things, but all test points.

"You've been hospitalized and haven't gone to class these past few days. These are the key points I've written down. The teacher said that 80% of the test sites are there. Just hurry up and study hard. Otherwise, you'll be finished if you fail the exam."

You Xiang opened his textbook and urged Li Manjun to quickly focus on the key points. Although there was only one night left, it was better than taking the naked exam without any preparation.

Li Manjun had a big head and was still recovering from a cold. When he saw the textbooks filled with circles, he felt dizzy and asked in shock: "So many?"

You Xiang nodded "Yeah," "Yes, this is the first subject, and there are seven subjects. You focus on the speed lap. I have to take over the shift with my colleagues in a while, so I won't accompany you."

Li Manjun asked: "Are there any restrictions on dining hours in the restaurant?"

"Limited, two hours. If you exceed the limit, you will have to pay extra. But we insiders don't have to pay." You Xiang winked at Li Manjun and told her to be smart and not pay randomly.

Li Manjun nodded, stopped talking, and focused on focusing on the key points.

At three o'clock, You Xiang left first as he was about to hand over the class. Li Manjun completed the key points by himself until 5:30 in the afternoon before completing all the subjects.

Looking at the darkening sky outside the window, I stretched, picked up the cup and wanted to take a sip of milk. I didn't know when I had finished it, so I had to put down the cup, picked up my book and bag, and left the restaurant to find You Xiang.

You Xiang had already warned his colleagues in the restaurant in advance. Li Manjun walked out without paying a penny and came to the lobby. You Xiang was busy at the front desk. Li Manjun waited until she was free, returned the book and hurried home.

There was not much time, she had to prepare for the subjects to be tested tomorrow.

Seeing Li Manjun coughing and reciting, Zhao Yong frowned in distress, but the more serious she became, the harder it was for him to persuade her, so he simply pulled up a chair and read with her.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Li Manjun looked at the man who had fallen asleep on the table and couldn't help but poke his tall nose.

Zhao Yong opened his eyes slightly, and Li Manjun said softly: "Go to bed and sleep. I'll watch it for another half hour and that's it."

He didn't move, staring at her. Li Manjun understood and leaned forward to kiss him. Then the man rolled onto the bed with a satisfied smile.

After a while, slight snoring sounded.

Li Manjun saw a little more, then went through all the important points, closed the book, went to the bathroom to wash up, set the alarm clock, turned off the lamp and went to sleep.

Zhao Yong had already covered him in bed, which was warm and not cold at all. The couple slept next to each other warmly.

The exam lasted four days. During these four days, Li Manjun felt like a ruthless exam machine. His brain was running continuously. He could only memorize and do the questions and could not absorb any other information.

The moment I finished writing the last question of the last subject and walked out of the classroom, I felt like I was alive again.

"Come over here."

A familiar male voice sounded, and Li Manjun looked up in surprise. Zhao Yong, wearing the leather jacket she bought, was standing under the streetlight on the opposite side of the road waving to her.

"Why are you here? It's so early. Is the company okay today?" Li Manjun ran over and couldn't stop smiling.

"I'll pick you up, I got off work early." When Zhao Yong saw her running towards him, he immediately stretched out his hand to help her get her book bag, and then touched her hands, "Hey, your hands are cold."

After that, he put her hand into his pocket and said, "Warm it up quickly."

The students also finished their exams and walked out of the classroom one after another. They were surprised to see the couple standing together. They all thought that Li Manjun was not married yet.

Li Manjun was a little embarrassed in front of so many classmates, so she took out her hand and led Zhao Yong towards the school gate.

"Aren't you going to say hello to the classmates?" Zhao Yong asked, looking back to see if there were any handsome male classmates in his wife's class. Well, they were all crooks, much worse than him, safe. .

Li Manjun still doesn’t know his virtue?

"What are you saying hello to? I don't see you often." What's more, she asked for leave every three days and didn't even stay in the classroom a few times.

Zhao Yong nodded, looked away from those classmates, and asked curiously: "Don't you have a good friend? You are in the same class, and why don't you introduce your husband to her?"

"She finished her exam and left early." Li Manjun said, "Let's introduce her next time we meet."

"How did you do in the exam?" Zhao Yong asked.

Li Manjun shrugged, "It's okay."

good? That's good. Zhao Yong smiled and asked, "Would you like to go out to celebrate?"

"No." Li Manjun missed her daughter, "Go home early today and spend time with Nian Nian. I've been busy taking exams these days and ignored her. Plus, I was hospitalized before. I'm afraid Nian Nian will be angry with her mother."

Seeing that his wife was in a low mood, Zhao Yong said hurriedly: "No, you are her biological mother and are connected by blood. How could I be angry with you? Come on, I see there are a lot of snacks in front of your school. Let's buy some food for Nian Nian." go back."

Li Manjun's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Okay! I love eating red bean cakes every year, so I'll buy this one."

Zhao Yong looked at her smiling face with soft eyes, "Okay, I will listen to you."

Thinking of her daughter's surprise when she saw the red bean cakes, Li Manjun immediately became energetic and urged Zhao Yong to hurry up. He almost jogged all the way to the food stall and excitedly said to the boss: "Five red bean cakes."

One for her, one for Zhao Yong, and two for each year, giving Sister Zhou a taste.

In order to ensure that the red bean cake was still hot when it arrived home, Li Manjun took off her scarf, picked up the red bean cake, held it in her arms, and immediately drove home. When she got home, the red bean cake was still hot.

Sister Zhou smiled in surprise, "There's also mine."

Li Manjun nodded at her and motioned for her to try it quickly. He eagerly took two red bean cakes and came behind his daughter who was lying in front of the sofa finishing building blocks.

The little girl was so focused on playing that she didn't even know that her parents were back. She accidentally turned around and saw Li Manjun. She was stunned at first, then realized what she was doing and hugged her mother.

"Mom!" She shouted very loudly every year.

When Li Manjun took out the red bean cake, the little girl danced with joy, "You eat it!"

She still can't tell the difference between you and me, so she always refers to you as me.

Li Manjun corrected her and asked, "Who wants to eat?"

Nian Nian tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "I'll eat it."

"If you answer correctly, I will reward you with two red bean cakes." Li Manjun asked her daughter to wipe her little hands with a tissue before placing the red bean cakes in her hand.

Nian Nian couldn't wait to take a big bite, and he ate in a hurry. Before he could take a bite, the pieces fell off first.

Li Manjun was both disgusted and amused, "Isn't Nian Nian a greedy cat?"

Nian Nian was chewing red bean cake, shaking his little head happily and meowing "meow meow". Nian Nian was a cat, "Mom, look!"

Zhao Yong watched this scene from the side, feeling extremely soft-hearted.

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