Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 229 Active choice

"There are four siblings, Gao Yuejin, and he is the eldest brother. No matter who is with him in this situation, he is destined to endure and suffer injustice. You should think carefully about it."

In the car, Li Manjun reminded seriously.

There was nothing wrong with her car. Gao Yuejin gave her a car wash after checking it. They both found out almost everything they wanted to know and drove away immediately.

Liu Yan had not yet recovered from her aunt's concealment. She was stunned for a while, then frowned and said:

"If I hadn't come to inquire today, I wouldn't have known that his father had already gone, and only his mother was left to take care of the four children."

She was a little angry. Everyone knew it was bad to have too many children in the family, and this family had four.

For a widowed mother with four children, her basic character will become extremely strong under the hardships of life.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the child is extremely weak and will act pitiful in front of the child, always using family affection and filial piety to suppress the child.

It's not that Liu Yan and Li Manjun have to think of people so badly, but that there are too many examples of this in reality, and the probability of it happening is extremely high.

But when Li Manjun suggested changing to the next one, Liu Yan hesitated.

This hesitation was something she didn't even expect.

"Manjun, don't you think Gao Yuejin looks pretty good?"

Li Manjun nodded pertinently, "In terms of him personally, I think he is indeed pretty good. He is serious and attentive in his work, and his colleagues rated him well. After a brief contact, my subjective feeling is quite good."

"This is the situation in his family." Li Manjun sighed, "You should think about it again and go back and ask your aunt what the hell is going on. Such important information must be concealed. There may be more situations that we don't know. "

Liu Yan responded humbly and wanted to go back and ask questions.

Li Manjun invited Liu Yan to stay at his house today and not go back. After a while, the two of them went directly to the mall to have fun before going home.

"Farewell, I really think my clothes are pretty good. There's no need to waste that money. Besides, when I think about how much my aunt has hidden from me, how can I still be in the mood to go shopping?"

Liu Yan was helpless. She was in a very complicated mood now and couldn't explain it in a few words.

Li Manjun had no choice but to make an appointment to drive Liu Yan to the bus station next time, just in time to catch the return bus.

"If you have news about your aunt, please tell me as well." Li Manjun warned.

Liu Yan naturally agreed, and now only Li Manjun is more reliable and can give her truly self-interested advice.

Unlike her mother, who is now only thinking about how to get her daughter-in-law into the house and urging her to move out.

So she hurriedly asked her aunt to introduce her to a blind date.

"Call me anytime if you have anything. If you are wronged, come to me in the city. My sister will protect you!" Li Manjun patted his good sister on the shoulder and said seriously.

She said it seriously, but Liu Yan laughed out loud, waved her hand, and got in the car to go home.

However, looking at Li Manjun's retreating figure, Liu Yan felt more confident than when she came.

When she just left, she handed her bankbook to Li Manjun and asked her to help keep it.

If it weren't for her aunt's concealment, she might not have done this, but now when she thought of Gao Yuejin's situation at home, she suddenly felt that no one in her family could trust her.

Liu Yan smiled bitterly. She now understood what Man Jun said about the skewed resources between men and women.

Before her brother had a girlfriend, she felt that her parents were good to her.

But now whenever the subject of her younger brother's marriage comes up, her parents will tell her in a matter-of-fact tone: "You are not young anymore. Your brother is getting married now. Hurry up and don't let the girl get married." I saw my sister-in-law staying at home."

Her parents didn't even want to ask her if she wanted to get married.

Thinking that Manjun was also passive in the blind date, she decided to imitate her and actively choose the best option under limited conditions and actively go on a blind date.

"Master? Master!"

"Everyone has left, are you still watching?"

The two apprentices shouted from behind, and Gao Yuejin turned around and walked back to the store, looking a little embarrassed.

He also watched the two female customers get on the bus and leave, and then suddenly realized that the female driver called the woman wearing sunglasses Yanzi.

He suddenly thought of a person - the person his mother asked someone to introduce to him, Liu Yan of Heather Town.

Thinking again about the accents the two of them spoke with just now, weren't they just pure Heather Town accents?

Well, before he even decided on a meeting time, they came to inquire first.

"Can you see what the one wearing sunglasses looks like?" Gao Yuejin tentatively asked his two apprentices.

The two apprentices glanced at the master ambiguously, and the young apprentice said: "Master, you can see it, right? Those two rich women came here specially to see you."

"Rich woman?" Gao Yuejin glanced at his young apprentice unhappily, saying that was not polite.

Although these two women can tell at a glance that they are genuine rich women.

The young apprentice said excitedly: "Yes, it's the rich woman. That's an imported car. We don't have many in Rongcheng."

Their auto repair shop actually repairs trucks and taxis the most, and private cars are really rare.

"Look at that woman holding a big brother in her hand. She is a rich woman!"

Gao Yuejin glanced at his young apprentice, "They are rich, why are you so excited?"

"Hehe." The young apprentice scratched his head, "It's rare to see such a rich and beautiful woman."

Gao Yuejin was very confused. The introducer didn't tell her that Liu Yan was so rich.

Moreover, if you were really so rich, would you still ask for this condition from him?

So, is it possible that the rich one is her friend, and the two of them came together to see him.

"I just saw you talking to them a lot. What did you talk about?" Gao Yuejin asked curiously.

The two apprentices winked at him and said, as if taking credit for their help, that they had just said a lot of nice things.

"Your sister is not a college student. I also told them, and they even praised your sister and said that your sister is really amazing." The eldest disciple said happily.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yuejin's expression immediately changed, "You don't even know who the other party is, why did you say everything!"

The two apprentices were dumbfounded, "Can't you say this?"

Gao Yuejin looked at the innocent faces of the two people and could only sigh. There was definitely no chance now.

That's what I was thinking in my heart, but the shy face under the sunglasses just now appeared in front of my eyes, making me feel even more depressed.

When I got home from work that day, when I saw my mother busy with dinner in the kitchen, Gao Yuejin couldn't help but complain a little to his mother:

"I told you not to lie like this, now it's okay, just blow it!"

Gao Mu looked puzzled, "What are you blowing?"

Gao Yuejin sat down on the old wooden chair dejectedly and had no choice but to tell what happened at noon today.

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