Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 219 Disgraceful

In the next three days, Li Manjun went to school very early and returned home in the evening.

When I got home, I packed up my things for going abroad and was so busy that my feet never touched the floor.

I finally finished the courses consecutively, and without even having time to rest for half a day, I packed up my luggage and rushed to the airport overnight.

It takes three or four hours to drive from Rongcheng to Dongshi Airport.

Currently, only Li Manjun in the company has a driver's license, so she still has to be the driver.

Fortunately, they were young and had good foundation, so they didn't feel tired at all. The three of them arrived at the airport on time smoothly.

Before getting on the plane, Li Manjun called home.

Zhao Yong had been holding his daughter in front of the phone for a long time, waiting for her to call. When the ring rang, he would rub his head straight up.

Zhao Yong picked up the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

"I'm about to get on the plane. Will Nian Nian sleep?"

My mother's voice came over the phone, and when I heard my name being called, Niannian immediately stepped on his father's legs and leaned on the phone and shouted, "Mom!"

"Is the baby still asleep?" Li Manjun's tone softened instantly.

Every year I try hard to squeeze out one syllable, "No!"

Zhao Yong asked with concern: "Is the journey going well? Have you had dinner? It's cold at night. Please take out the blanket you brought and put it in your bag. It can be used at any time when it's cold."

"I know, don't worry, I will take care of myself. It's very late. You should go to bed early with Nian Nian. Children won't grow taller if they stay up late."

"By the way, if you're busy with work over there, just call mom. I've already agreed with her that she can help take care of Nian Nian."

Zhao Yong thought to himself that his mother-in-law was more than willing to come and help. As soon as his wife opened her mouth, he immediately cleared the inventory in the store and wished he could bring Nian Nian directly to Heather Town to take care of her.

As for making money, there is no way you can make all of it. But it only takes two or three years for a child to grow up, and it can’t be made up for after that.

Wang Xiaojuan persuaded Li Manjun more than once to take care of the child at home. She felt sorry for her granddaughter who stayed with the nanny every day and was afraid that the child would not kiss her mother in the future.

Li Manjun could only roll his eyes speechlessly every time.

"Kiss mom every year." Li Manjun coaxed into the phone.

A "huh" sound came from the phone soon. Although she couldn't see it, she could still imagine her daughter's cute look when she pursed her lips and kissed the phone receiver.

The sound of the broadcast came, and Li Manjun said hurriedly: "Okay, stop talking, get ready to go in."

"Okay, pay attention to keeping warm." Zhao Yong warned worriedly.

The phone was hung up, and a busy tone came from the receiver. Zhao Yong picked up his daughter, hung up the phone, and took the little girl back to the room to put her to sleep.

It's just that this job is usually done by either Sister Zhou or Li Manjun. Zhao Yong has social activities after get off work, and has already fallen asleep every year when he gets home.

It was a novelty for Nian Nian to be put to sleep by his father. His big eyes rolled around, staring at his father, extremely awake.

Sister Zhou secretly visited twice and asked in a low voice: "How about I come?"

Zhao Yong suddenly felt provoked and waved his hand stubbornly, "No, Sister Zhou, you have worked hard too, go to bed early."

Sister Zhou could only glance worriedly at Nian Nian, who was still sitting by the bed, then closed the door and exited.

Zhao Yong yawned, picked up another picture book, and brought his daughter up to him, "Come, daddy will tell Nian Nian a story about a crow drinking water."

As he talked, his voice became smaller and smaller. Nian Nian turned his head and looked at his father's head bit by bit in confusion. He agreed to tell the baby a story, but why did his father fall asleep first?

After a six-hour long flight, Li Manjun and his party arrived at their destination.

The translator Long Hao contacted in advance was waiting at the exit holding a pick-up sign.

The translator is a Chinese. His parents are overseas Chinese immigrants. He grew up in Japan and is proficient in Japanese, Chinese and English. He has been working as a translator for foreign businessmen after graduating from university.

Professional translations are also very expensive. They are charged on a daily basis, which is RMB 100 per day.

Compared with the wages of residents in mainland China, one day is equivalent to half a month.

But compared with local prices, it's just normal.

After getting off the plane and seeing the tram track directly connected to the airport, Li Manjun felt as if he had stepped into an era of two thousand years.

"Is this a train?" Li Wei asked in a surprised voice: "This is the first time I see a train driving into an airport. Are all foreign countries so developed?"

Long Hao was secretly speechless and corrected Li Wei uncertainly, "It's called a tram. It existed a long time ago."

The translator asked curiously: "Are there no trams in China yet?"

Since they immigrated here with their parents, they have never been back to their hometown. Their memories of their hometown are far away. They only remember that their hometown was very backward at that time and there were yellow mud roads everywhere.

Li Wei and Long Hao shook their heads. They had never seen this mode of transportation in China.

"Are all the towns and villages connected to electricity?" the translator asked curiously.

Long Hao replied: "The electricity must be on."

Li Wei added weakly: "Some remote areas are still under construction, but they will have electricity in a few years, very soon."

The translator was surprised, "Is there anyone who doesn't have electricity now? The countryside here is connected to trams, and the facilities are very complete."

Li Wei nodded awkwardly and sighed softly: "It turns out that developed countries are so developed."

Those who have not stepped forward have no idea that the development of their own country is so far behind others.

"There's no need to be so envious, we will have it soon, and it will be even better than this." Li Manjun's eyes flashed, giving the two of them a shot in the arm.

The translator smiled politely, thinking it was just to comfort himself.

The gap of almost half a century is not so easy to catch up with.

It's even better than this, that's even more impossible!

But the other party was a customer, so he could only comfort them politely, "I will, come on."

The translator took them to the hotel selected by the host company to stay in a good environment.

But when the three of them went out to inquire and learned that the other rival companies all lived in presidential suites, their hearts sank.

"That's too much! Why are they presidential suites and we only have ordinary superior rooms?"

Long Hao complained unhappily to the translator and asked him to help communicate with the organizer and ask for the reason.

The translator didn't expect that the room specifications were actually different, but he still subconsciously felt that the hotel service here was so good that this kind of problem would not happen, so he tentatively said:

"Is it possible that you heard wrongly?"

After all, there was a language barrier and inaccurate expressions from both parties resulted in incorrect information transmission.

Long Hao looked at the translator who spent a lot of money speechlessly, "Is the word president the same as the ordinary word?"

Seeing this, the translator raised his hand to signal them to calm down and ask him to ask the hotel front desk.

As a result, the reason given by the front desk was that there were no more suites, so they arranged ordinary superior rooms for Li Manjun and the others.

The translator said helplessly: "It's just a room, forget it, it's not respectable to cause trouble."

The word "disgraceful" stuck in the throats of Long Hao and Li Wei. They frowned and looked at Li Manjun, who had been checking the bidding documents.

"Manager, why don't you forget it?"

Li Manjun said without raising his head: "If people say they don't have it, just believe it. Just go and see for yourself and you will know."

Long Hao's eyes lit up, yes!

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