Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 215 Afternoon Tea

"Let's settle the matter first this time. I think if you really buy an imported color TV that costs more than RMB 10,000, he may not dare to buy it. They are people who work in the unit, so high-profile, he is not afraid of investigation?"

Li Manjun gave her husband an idea, "We are in a hurry this time, so please bear with it for now. As for what happens next, I think with the resources you have now, you can definitely go up in social circles. I remember that there is Director Zhengsu above Deputy Director Liang." .”

The couple thought of going together, and Zhao Yong also had the same idea. Director Liang had an unsatisfied appetite. Even though they seemed to be brothers, in fact, the other party didn't want to get in trouble with him.

"I think domestic color TVs are quite good now. They cost 2,000 to 3,000 yuan each, so I'll buy this one." Li Manjun said, "Tomorrow I'm going to Shirley Zhong's studio to return the video recorder to her, and by the way, I'll have afternoon tea with Sister Wen."

Zhao Yong looked at Li Manjun in surprise, "I'll cover your expenses tomorrow. I'll reimburse you when you get back."

Li Manjun was not polite about the money he put into his pocket, "Is it all reimbursed?"

Zhao Yong patted his chest and said, "It's all reimbursed!"


She hasn't seen Wen Yufeng and the others for a long time, and she will give them the gifts she brought back from the sea market tomorrow.

The next morning, Li Manjun went to the recycling bin to finish some of the work accumulated in the store. At noon, she called Mrs. Lin and Wen Yufeng and asked them to go to the studio together.

Mrs. Qiu is already in the studio, so there is no need to contact her alone.

Mrs. Lin smiled and asked, "Do you mind if I bring the children?"

"Okay, of course I don't mind. Do you want to bring the two beauties here together?" Li Manjun asked politely.

"No." Mrs. Lin said, "The sisters are at school. I'm taking my son."


Where did Mr. Lin get his son?

Li Manjun was really stunned for a while, and then suddenly remembered that he was the son of the mistress. She hadn't contacted Mrs. Lin for a long time and almost forgot about it.

"Then we'll meet in the studio in the afternoon."

Mrs. Lin happily said yes. She hadn't gone out to play with her sisters like this for a long time, so she was looking forward to it.

Wen Yufeng was not easy to make an appointment with, she was still at work.

However, Li Manjun tempted her with desserts and said that she knew the plot behind White Snake. As a fan of the drama, Wen Yufeng said, "I'm asking for leave and will come right away!"

Li Manjun smiled and put down his big brother, simply packed up and headed to the studio.

Shirley Zhong was busy, and Li Manjun knew that the designer was most afraid of being interrupted, so he stopped the assistant who was about to report, "It's okay, I'll just wait in the tea room outside for a while, don't bother her."

After she decided to have afternoon tea last night, she called Shirley Zhong and told her in advance that she should have reserved a time.

The assistant smiled apologetically and asked politely: "Manager Li, can I get you a cup of coffee?"

Li Manjun waved his hand, "Just water, please."

"You're welcome." The assistant motioned for her to sit down first, then turned around and poured Li Manjun a glass of warm water.

After waiting for a while, Mrs. Qiu walked in wearing red high heels. When she saw Li Manjun, her expression lit up.

"The rich lady is back from her trip!"

Li Manjun secretly rolled his eyes. Mrs. Qiu still spoke in such a sinister tone.

But seeing how beautifully she dressed up today, she just cooperated.

"I brought you a gift, let's see if you like it." Li Manjun stood up, picked a gift bag placed on the small sofa opposite and handed it to Mrs. Qiu.

"Ah, silk scarf!" Mrs. Qiu opened the gift in surprise. There were glass mirrors of the same height everywhere in the studio. She draped it on her shoulders and took a look in the mirror, smiling broadly.

Li Manjun introduced: "It is made of silk fabric. The ancients said it is as thin as cicada wings."

Mrs. Qiu was extremely satisfied, "It's so beautiful."

Her silk scarf is sapphire blue, with butterfly love flower patterns printed on it, elegant and light.

"What's so beautiful?" Mrs. Lin walked in with her three-year-old son and Wen Yufeng. When she saw the silk scarf on Mrs. Qiu's body, she exclaimed in amazement.

Mrs. Qiu smiled and said, "Manjun gave it to me, so hurry up and ask her for it."

The door of Shirley Zhong's studio opened. She heard the movement outside, finished her work early and came out to say hello to everyone.

Li Manjun hurriedly took out all the gifts for everyone, one for each person, with different colors and patterns. At first glance, it seemed that they were specially selected according to the characteristics of each person.

Wen Yufeng touched the silky silk scarf and looked at Li Manjun with emotion, "You are too attentive."

Li Manjun nodded and smiled. Seeing everyone gathered, he invited everyone to have afternoon tea at a nearby dessert shop.

When Mrs. Lin’s son heard that there was cake to eat, he cheered happily: “Yeah!”

The son was happy, and so was Mrs. Lin. She curiously asked Li Manjun what he had done in Haishi.

"Big cities are still different from ours. They are developing rapidly and there are many high-rise buildings. Unlike ours, there are not many high-rise buildings now. There is also an Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which is said to be the tallest in Asia. It will be put into use next year. Listen He said that it would be open to tourists to visit the tower in the future.”

Li Manjun spoke seriously, and everyone listened carefully, and soon arrived at the dessert shop.

Li Manjun said she wanted to treat her, but no one was polite to her. Wen Yufeng especially loved sweets and ordered two portions.

In the eyes of Mrs. Lin and Wen Yufeng, Shirley Zhong is usually aloof and difficult to date, but this time they found that Shirley Zhong talked a lot as long as they talked about clothes, design, and work.

Even at the end, Shirley Zhong was the only voice left in the audience. She talked about her plans for the winter conference and talked about anecdotes about her previous trip to France to purchase goods. Her whole person came alive.

Wen Yufeng looked at Li Manjun in surprise and asked: So Shirley Zhong is like this.

Li Manjun nodded slightly in a funny way, yes, when talking about things that interest her, the cold goddess can also be down to earth.

When Wen Yufeng heard that Li Manjun was telling her about the upcoming plot of the White Snake, she asked excitedly: "Are Xiaoqing and Mr. Zhang really going to separate?"

She now enjoys watching the scenes between Xiao Qing and Mr. Zhang, and thought they would get married like Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen.

She couldn't accept the tragic ending!

Seeing that Wen Yufeng was so excited, Li Manjun didn't dare to say anything anymore. He laughed and said that he had heard what others said and it might not be true. Wen Yufeng let out a sigh of relief.

The two whispered, and Li Manjun hinted that Director Liang wanted to import color TVs.

Wen Yufeng's expression changed slightly, and then she patted Li Manjun's hand and told her to rest assured that she would go back and ask Lao Liang.

Imported color TV, she thought he was crazy, he really dared to ask for anything, and he didn't care whether he, a little deputy director, was worthy of it!

Li Manjun picked up the milk and tasted it slowly.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon tea and Mrs. Lin said she would come again next time.

Mrs. Qiu teased her son and joked: "You are a full-time housewife who takes care of your children every day. Do you have time to spare?"

Mrs. Lin's expression visibly stiffened.

Shirley Zhong and Li Manjun looked helplessly at Mrs. Qiu, she had such a mouth.

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