Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 211 True Friend

"How much?" Li Manjun asked Lei Shi.

Lei Shi said: "The owner of this apartment, whose family immigrated, was eager to make a move and gave me the lowest price, 1.2 million."

He also wanted to make this business happen, and everything he said was true, without any concealment.

Zhao Yong looked into Lei Shi's sincere eyes and raised his eyebrows. One million and two hundred thousand is not cheap at all.

Li Manjun looked at her daughter who was picking flowers on the grass, walked over, knelt down and asked her, "Do you like it here every year?"

"Yeah!" Nian Nian nodded heavily as he held up the newly picked purple flowers, put the flowers in his mother's ears, admired them with satisfaction, and applauded himself.

Li Manjun felt warm in her heart, walked back with her daughter in her arms, and said with a smile, "That's it."

"How long will it take to complete the formalities?"

Lei Shi first answered, "Three days." Then he realized that this was it.

There is still some time in the afternoon, so quickly contact the landlord and let both parties sign the contract first.

Three days later, Li Manjun got a copy of the house book with her daughter Zhao Jianing's name on it. As for the original, it would take some time to get it.

During this period, Zhao Yong was called back to work in the company by Jiang Yu. Li Manjun took his daughter and Lei Shi to see the shops again. Based on his past life memories, he bought a shop of nearly 100 square meters near the future subway line of Haishi. The name Or write my daughter’s name.

No matter whether this shop is demolished or retained in the future, it will still make a profit.

He spent 1.2 million to buy a house and another 300,000 to buy a shop. A total of 1.5 million was spent, but Li Manjun didn't feel anything.

There was still some time before the return trip. Li Manjun looked at several local decoration companies. After comparison, he chose the most professional one and asked them to help him repair his old bungalow.

She likes the layout of this old bungalow very much. It has been restored and the water and electricity renovations have been completed. After the framework is completed, the next time Zhao Yong comes to Haishi, she will communicate remotely and ask him to put in the soft furnishings.

Calculated this way, the old bungalow can be almost completed in one year.

Zhao Yong came back from the branch and heard that his wife had made arrangements for him clearly, so he agreed with a smile.

As for the shops, there are already people renting them, but the rent payment partner has been changed from the original landlord to Li Manjun. Li Manjun just gives the current tenant his card number and asks him to punch in the account.

The current rent of this shop is 1,800 yuan a month. Li Manjun remains unchanged and will negotiate in a year.

In this way, the tenant feels more at ease and continues to renew the lease.

Li Manjun went to see Zhu Yaowei. As a big boss, he now visits the construction site every day. The former white and tender young man has now become closer to the dark-skinned and rough uncle.

"I heard that you bought two apartments directly?" Zhu Yaowei asked in surprise.

Li Manjun nodded, "It's hard to travel, so I have to buy some local specialties."

"A bungalow and a shop." She was quite satisfied.

"So, you came here to show off to me?" Zhu Yaowei joked.

Li Manjun was already accustomed to the unpleasant tone of his speech, so she smiled and said, "Then you must underestimate my status. We will return in two days, and I will come to say goodbye to you."

"I know, let me help you take care of your sister." Zhu Yaowei looked irritated like I know it all and you don't need to mention it again and again.

Li Manjun was really ready to say this, but he said it first, so he had to smile helplessly, "How is the situation here?"

"What?" Zhu Yaowei's eyes lit up, "The rich lady is going to give me some investment?"

Then he's welcome!

"To be honest, I owe a lot of debt now, and my hands are tight. The one million you gave me before has been spent long ago."

He had known for a long time that Li Manjun had hoarded aluminum ingots last year and made a fortune this year. He had always wanted to find her for financing, but he had not found the opportunity to ask.

Now that the person was delivered directly to his door, he wouldn't be sorry for asking her for it.

Li Manjun looked at him with a smile and nodded in agreement, "I'll give you another two million. It's not too much. I'm going to Dongshi Riyang Company to bid for their imported garbage. You know this, you must have it." A lot of money will do.”

Zhu Yaowei was very surprised to have two million, and said hurriedly: "I understand, let's go to the company now. I will ask the finance and legal affairs department to redo your funds and increase your shares to 100%." thirty."

"Thirty percent?" Li Manjun asked doubtfully: "I already have 30%, how much do you have left?"

Wang Zhi is also a shareholder. He holds 10%. Adding her 30% and Zhu Yaowei's other financing shareholders, how much does he have left?

"If you sell all your equity to raise funds, I'll be a little worried." Li Manjun said bluntly.

She was willing to raise so much money because she believed in Zhu Yaowei, not because she believed in Hengda.

Zhu Yaowei glanced at her helplessly, "What are you thinking, am I so stupid?"

He would not let anyone else manage his company under any circumstances.

"Don't worry, I will keep the 51% equity in my hands forever." He reassured.

Li Manjun felt relieved and followed him to Hengda's current office building, signed a new contract and handed over two million to Zhu Yaowei.

"Whether I can really get rich depends on you." Li Manjun put down his signature pen, sat across from Zhu Yaowei, and said with a smile.

Zhu Yaowei sighed and said, "Your words are very threatening. Besides, you can still value my money now?"

Li Manjun said seriously: "This is three million. Besides, I'm going to bid now, and I don't know if I can succeed."

"No matter if it succeeds or not, the money you have now will be enough for you to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime." Zhu Yaowei expressed envy.

"If I had only known that I would have stocked up aluminum ingots with you last year, I wouldn't have had to clean up the construction site every day now. My sister said, if I am like this now, I will never get a wife, and I will be a bachelor for the rest of my life!"

Li Manjun said "Yo", "Are you single?"

"What does change mean?" Isn't it good that he has always been single?

"How dare a man start a family before he has established a career." Zhu Yaowei stood up, looking like he had a great responsibility.

Li Manjun waved his hand in disgust, "I don't care if you are single or not, I'm leaving first."

She still has a long career ahead of her. The 20 million yuan can be used for more than just food, drink and fun. She doesn't want to lie down so early.

"When are you leaving? I'll see you off." Zhu Yaowei asked.

Li Manjun waved to him, "You don't need to give it away, my husband's friend will give it to us."

"Let's go." Li Manjun waved to him again, opened the taxi door, got in and left.

Zhu Yaowei stood there and watched, until the taxi was no longer visible, then he turned back to the company.

Thinking about the newly arrived two million, I couldn't help but feel a little enlightened for a moment.

When he first met Li Manjun, he never thought that one day they would become such sincere friends.

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