Li Daniu and Ren Yan are coming to the city. Zhao Yong has already helped contact them at the kindergarten, and now they only have one place to stay.

Li Manjun made many phone calls based on the leasing information in the newspaper, used his free time to visit several houses in person, and finally found a suitable one today.

The price is cheap, the location is good, and the house is clean.

The only drawback is that it is a bit small, only about 20 square meters, which is a large single room.

But it is completely enough to only live in Li Daniu's family of three.

Moreover, as an intermediate station connecting the past and the next, the price/performance ratio in all aspects has been achieved to the extreme.

The house was promising. Li Manjun called his cousin as soon as he got home.

There were only two telephones in the village. To call the village chief, the village chief had to call someone. Li Manjun waited by the phone for more than ten minutes before receiving a call back.

She was told that the beeping machine in Li Dalong's hand should be given to Li Daniu for use. It would be a waste to hang it on Li Dalong's bedside to show off.

When the phone was picked up, Ren Yan's excited voice sounded on the other side, "Manjun? I heard that the house was found?"

"Yes, I went to see it in person today and I thought it was pretty good. Whenever you have time, please come and take a look as soon as possible." Li Manjun said with a smile.

Ren Yan immediately turned around and asked Li Daniu next to her, "Are you going to the city tomorrow?"

Li Daniu nodded, and Ren Yan replied to Li Manjun: "We'll come tomorrow, come tomorrow morning. Do you think it's convenient for you? I'm so sorry to bother you all the time. I'll wait until you and Zhao Yong are free, and let's go out to eat together. Our treat.”

Li Manjun responded with a smile, "Okay, don't be in a hurry to eat. I'll pick you up at the station tomorrow morning."

Ren Yan hurriedly said yes and hung up the phone. The couple walked home along the field ridge with a flashlight. Thinking of the hard-working but happy days in the city as a family of three, their steps became brisk.

Li Daniu rarely saw his wife so happy, and secretly made up his mind to establish a foothold in the city and buy a house.

Li Daniu and his wife arrived at 9:30 the next morning. Because driving the tractor was too slow, they took the shuttle bus into the city.

Li Manjun picked them up at the station gate and drove them to the landlord to view the house.

Ren Yan touched her seat belt, looked at Li Manjun who was skillfully operating the steering wheel, and exclaimed:

"I didn't expect you to be able to drive a car. You are so capable. If my daughter is half as good as her aunt in the future, your brother and I can wake up laughing in our sleep."

Li Manjun looked at the traffic light. When the red light came on, he parked the car in front of the zebra crossing. He turned back and said with a smile:

"Each generation is getting better than the next. From now on, Niannian and Nannan will only be better than us, because their starting point is the end point of our creation."

"Their starting point is the end point of our creation." Ren Yan repeated this sentence twice. The more she read it, the more she felt an indescribable feeling.

How she wished her finishing point was higher, so that her children would run farther than herself.

Therefore, she and Daniel have to work harder.

"Here we are, right here." Li Manjun pointed to the alley ahead, "You guys get out of the car first. The alley inside is too narrow for cars to drive in. I'll park the car next to it and we can go there together."


The two got out of the car and waited for her. They looked at the four- and five-story buildings on both sides of the road and the high-rise buildings being built not far away. They looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, looking forward to seeing the house Li Manjun was talking about.

If the deal is concluded today, it will be their home in Rongcheng from now on.

Li Manjun parked the car, waved to the two of them, and led them to find the landlord.

The house is a self-built building. The landlord owns the house. He lives on the first floor and rents out the three floors above. It is a proper tenant.

This small building is also new. It was built in the late 1980s, only four or five years ago. The white walls in the house are very clean.

Li Manjun was previously worried that this large single room was a bit too small, and her cousins ​​might not be satisfied with it.

But in fact, she was overthinking it. The couple was very satisfied with the square, bright house with white walls.

"This is better than the newly built foreign-style building in our village chief's house." When the landlord led Li Daniu to see the shared bathroom, Ren Yan quietly bit Li Manjun's ear.

Seeing that she was satisfied, Li Manjun's heart finally settled.

"When the time comes, draw a curtain in the middle of the room and put a small bed, so that my daughter can sleep in her own bed."

Ren Yan planned enthusiastically, "Put a desk under the window sill here. The light is good here, so my daughter can do her homework. You can also cook in the corridor. It is also close to the toilet, so it is convenient to pour water and take a shower."

Their requirements were really not high. They took a fancy to this single room at first sight and signed a contract with the landlord on the same day.

"When my daughter comes over, it will take her just two months to get used to it, and she will go to preschool in September. It's just right." The more Ren Yan thought about it, the more satisfied she became.

After the rental contract was signed, it was noon, and Li Manjun took the two of them to a nearby shop for lunch.

Li Daniu rushed to pay, as if he was worried that she was going to check out. Li Manjun couldn't laugh or cry.

There were quite a lot of people in the restaurant, so the boss brought three pots to cook, but it was still not fast.

Li Manjun waited boredly with his chin propped up, and said with emotion: "It would be great if there was a big fast food canteen, where you can grab and eat."

"Canteen?" Ren Yan didn't understand clearly, "What canteen? Do you want to eat in the canteen, my aunt?"

Without waiting for Li Manjun to answer, he immediately grabbed Li Daniu, who was looking at the menu on the wall, and said, "She wants to eat in the canteen. How about we go to the canteen."

I also want to refund the money I ordered from this restaurant, but this is too difficult to wait for.

Before he could say anything, he was stopped by Li Manjun, "Sister-in-law, you misunderstood. I meant fast food."

The couple turned to look at her in confusion, "What is fast food?"

Li Manjun made an analogy, "You know the big pot of food in the school cafeteria, right?"

The couple nodded, knowing that at noon in Heather Town Middle School, there is a big pot meal in the cafeteria, meat dishes cost 50 cents each, meat and vegetable combinations cost 25 cents, vegetarian dishes cost 10 cents, and rice costs 5 cents.

Li Manjun suddenly had an idea when he saw the couple's big eyes seeking knowledge.

"The fast food I'm talking about is like the school cafeteria. The dishes are fried first, pot by pot, and a few dishes are ordered every day. They are prepared in advance in the morning. When people come at noon, each person is given a plate and just scoops it up. Cheap and big bowl, economical.”

The couple looked at each other, scratched their heads and smiled, "There are many tricks in the city, and this is the first time we have heard of this."

I never thought about moving the canteen outside.

Li Manjun said: "In fact, you can also directly pack the lunch boxes into boxes and sell them directly in crowded places, such as construction sites and school gates. Set the price, pay and take it away to eat."

The couple expressed that they had raised their postures and did not understand Li Manjun's prompts.

Li Manjun had no choice but to say directly: "There are quite a lot of construction sites in Rongcheng. Sisters-in-law, you have just entered the city and don't know what to do. Why don't you try selling lunch boxes? This is low-cost and does not require a storefront. All you need is a tricycle."

"If it really doesn't work, a pushcart will do."

The couple was shocked. Her aunt's idea was really good!

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