Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 187 Endless Bacon

Sister Zhou finally came back on the eighth night of the Lunar New Year, just as the family of three was eating the dumplings she had left in the refrigerator.

For the first time, Li Manjun felt the importance of Sister Zhou to her. The moment she heard Sister Zhou's footsteps coming from the door while eating dumplings, she stood up with excitement.

Zhao Yong watched the TV and was startled by his wife's reaction. He heard her say: "Sister Zhou must have come back early!"

He said helplessly: "You are hallucinating."

The next second, the sound of unlocking was heard, and Sister Zhou walked in with her duffel bag, smiling and waving to her employer's family: "I'm back."

The first person every year screamed "Ah" in excitement and could not walk steadily. He couldn't wait to rush towards Sister Zhou and hugged her thigh.

Sister Zhou also missed Nian Nian these ten days after returning home. She hugged her first and then handed her to Zhao Yong to take out the contents of the luggage bag.

"They are all made at home, and I don't know if you like to eat them, so I didn't bring much. I only brought a little bit of each item, including bacon, sauerkraut, and sausages. I'll make them for you to try while I'm cooking."

Years ago, Li Manjun gave her a big red envelope worth 500 yuan, and she was a little scared at that time.

My monthly salary is 400 yuan, which also includes food and accommodation. I already feel very embarrassed to be paid double the nanny fee by myself.

Who would have thought that her employer would give her such a big red envelope, which made her feel very unsure.

But she also knew that Li Manjun would not take the money back, so she had to secretly give Nian Nian a small red envelope and bring back some rural specialties after the new year.

Fortunately, she asked her husband to buy more meat and made a lot of bacon and sausages years ago, so it was just right to bring them back now.

Although it is far from worth 500 yuan, it gives me peace of mind.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong looked at each other. Sister Zhou's "little bit" was really more than a hundred million bits. Now the family couldn't finish all the bacon.

Sister Zhou skillfully opened the refrigerator and planned to put the things she brought in. When she looked up, she found that the refrigerator was full, and Wang Xiaojuan had prepared bacon and sausages inside.

Sister Zhou instantly understood the confused smiles of her employer and his wife.

But it doesn't matter. Just hang the bacon and sausages under the window. The window is still empty and can be put there.

Ever since, for the next month, every meal at Li Manjun's house had sausages or bacon, and the couple ate them to the point where their faces changed at the smell of bacon.

Even those who cannot eat these things will frown when they smell the aroma of sausages and bacon every year.

Sister Zhou is also very helpless. The refrigerator can't fit in it, and it can't be hung on the window for long. If you don't eat it quickly, it will go bad. In order not to waste it, you can only make a little every day.

Moreover, the neighbors in the whole building have either made these two things at home, or they have brought these two things back from their hometowns, and they can't give them away even if they want to.

After eating until March, Li Manjun really didn't want to eat anymore, endured the pain, and asked Sister Zhou to throw away all the remaining bacon in the refrigerator.

"There is only this small piece left. I can finish it in two more meals. It would be a pity to throw it away." Sister Zhou was reluctant to throw it away.

Seeing Li Manjun's refusal, he tried to save the bacon dish, "Actually, you can make hot pot. I heard from the couple at the breakfast shop downstairs that they use bacon and beans as the base of the pot in Yunnan and Guizhou. It tastes very good. I'll try it tonight. try."

Seeing Sister Zhou working so hard, Li Manjun had no choice but to nod her head and told her, "Remember to make two other side dishes."

"Okay, definitely." Sister Zhou agreed with a smile.

The price of aluminum ingots fluctuated violently in March. Li Manjun told Yao Zhaowen not to panic before, but now looking at the fluctuating data lines, he really can't calm down.

The price of aluminum ingots has dropped again, with huge fluctuations. It goes up and down sometimes, which is scarier than the heart disease curve of heart disease patients.

Such fluctuations are not without reason, but because of changes in the above policies, the market also changes accordingly.

At the end of last year, the national price barrier was successfully broken, and various regions liberalized the prices of various commodities. However, prices in various regions could not be allowed to skyrocket or plummet. After the year, a number of relevant regulations were issued to adjust them.

In such an environment, not only the price of aluminum ingots fluctuates up and down, but also other commodities.

But none of this caused any fluctuation in Li Manjun's heart. What really made her heart skip a beat was the new recycling situation in the development zone.

In the past few years, companies everywhere have bad debts everywhere. The money you owe me and the money I owe you.

The steel plant where Zhu Yaowei worked was completely shut down this year because of funding problems.

In order to solve the problem, the authorities have liberalized the land use rights of various regions, hoping that various regions can help themselves.

As a result, Rongcheng also opened a development zone and transferred land use rights. Li Manjun's warehouse was one of the development sites.

Greenman Company leases all the wasteland near the waste recycling station, but this land is not entirely private. Two-thirds of the land comes from the Rongcheng government.

Last year, Li Manjun and Yao Zhaowen rented this land at a good price. Half of it was built as a warehouse, and the other half was repaired and paved with cement. This year, they plan to sublease it to businesses in need.

But someone took advantage of the loophole, and a large amount of open land was enclosed but not developed. Now the authorities are rectifying the development zone and are about to close it.

Li Manjun's heart skipped a beat because of the nature of the piece of equipment she was using for the warehouse.

She builds a warehouse. Is this considered developed or undeveloped?

When she rented the land last year, the person in charge told her that as long as she really used the land to build a warehouse or factory, that would be fine.

But today, at nine o'clock in the morning on March 18, she received a letter from the above, informing her that the warehouse land would be taken back.

The time limit for withdrawal is one month.

Li Manjun looked at the time on the letter and his hands trembled. He was really in big trouble this time.

"Boss, someone is up to something." Yao Zhaowen rubbed his forehead and said with a headache.

Li Manjun read the document in his hand again, reciting each word silently in his mind. He was sure it meant recycling, and tapped the edge of the table impatiently.

"Where is the contract we signed with the official?" Li Manjun suddenly remembered.

Yao Zhaowen hurriedly looked for it, and after searching for a while, he found the contract at the bottom of a pile of ledgers.

Li Manjun opened it and breathed a sigh of relief.

When she signed the contract, she took care of many details. There was a special note on the contract that as long as Greenman Company built a factory or warehouse on this land, it would be considered a normal development scope.

With this note, Li Manjun calmed down and asked Yao Zhaowen to make a copy of the contract and go to the Rongcheng Development Responsible Point to explain the situation.

Yao Zhaowen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, exhaled a breath, immediately copied the documents, and made a trip in person.

But the situation was different from what both of them imagined. The person in charge only took one look at the contract, shook his head and said to Yao Zhaowen:

"You'd better move as soon as possible. The rent you paid in advance will be returned to you after we calculate it."

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