Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 184 Stay steady and don’t panic

Sister Zhou hasn't come back yet, so Li Manjun and Zhao Yong discussed taking their daughter for a day each.

"Take him to the company?" Zhao Yong asked in surprise.

Li Manjun nodded, and while cleaning up the dirty clothes her daughter had worn in her hometown these days, she said, "Sister Zhou hasn't come back yet, so we have to do this first."

"My store shouldn't be busy these two days, how about you?"

Junda Logistics has just moved to a new office building, but actually nothing has been arranged there yet.

It was Sun Haiyang who felt that moving there a few years ago would bring good fortune, so he moved there in a hurry.

Zhao Yong said: "There is nothing in the new office building. I'm afraid it will freeze every year."

The Chinese New Year is over, but I heard from neighbors that there may be a late spring cold this year, and it would be bad if my daughter catches a cold.

From birth to now, my daughter has never been to the hospital. If she accidentally catches a cold, the child will suffer a lot.

Li Manjun gave him a thought, "Then you will go to work one day later and take care of it at home."

Zhao Yong had no choice.

So, on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Li Manjun went to work, while Zhao Yong stayed at home to take care of the children.

When Li Manjun left in the morning, Zhao Yong held Nian Nian in his arms, and the father and daughter stood at the door of the house looking at her eagerly.

During the Chinese New Year period, I spend time with my parents every day and become more clingy.

Li Manjun changed her shoes and was about to go out. The little girl watched eagerly, stretched out her little hand, and kept waving back, calling her mother back.

Li Manjun smiled and coaxed: "Mom goes to work and makes money to buy milk powder for Nian Nian. How about Nian Nian staying at home with dad and waiting for mom to come back?"

Shaking his head every year, it’s not good! Want mom!

Li Manjun had already put on her shoes. When she saw her mother put on her backpack every year, she knew she was leaving. She looked like she was about to cry or not. She held her mouth tightly and felt aggrieved.

Li Manjun could only wink at her husband, and Zhao Yong pointed to the sky, "Look, there are little birds every year!"

The child immediately raised his head and looked up into the sky, and Li Manjun took the opportunity to turn around and leave quickly.

But soon Nian Nian discovered that there was nothing in the sky. When he looked back, he found that his mother had abandoned him and walked away, and cried loudly.

Zhao Yong could only take her downstairs to go shopping to divert the child's attention. After she forgot about her mother, he took her home. The father and daughter sat on the sofa, one watching TV and the other riding on his father's head to act wild.

Li Manjun drove to the store and knew that her daughter was fine before she received a call from Zhao Yong.

In the past, she and Zhao Yong had to go out to work every morning, and Sister Zhou would stand at the door with Nian Nian in her arms to say goodbye to her parents. Therefore, the little girl has developed the awareness that her parents will go out in the morning and come back in the evening.

Now she chases her mother every year, which shows that she needs her mother more than before, and she is more willing to stay with her parents.

Li Manjun felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of her daughter's aggrieved expression before going out.

During this year, she clearly felt that her daughter was becoming more dependent on her, and she also enjoyed the feeling of being needed by her.

But now, the daughter is forced to reduce her demands on her parents because of changes in her job.

Although we know that children at such a young age will not remember anything, as parents, we always cannot forget it for a while.

However, when Yao Zhaowen threw out a stack of bills, Li Manjun immediately put aside his emotions and actively devoted himself to work.

"These bills were all bills we didn't have time to settle last year, including the cost of materials for building a warehouse and the cost of cement for repairing the parking lot."

Yao Zhaowen read out the bills one by one, pressed the calculator to calculate again while reading, and finally told the total: "The total is 78,529 yuan."

"By the way, there is still the last batch of aluminum ingots at the North Aluminum Ingot Factory. They will be delivered to us after the Lantern Festival ends at the end of the year."

Speaking of this, Yao Zhaowen remembered the price of domestic aluminum ingots he heard on the radio when he went out this morning, and couldn't help but remind him:

"Boss, the price of domestic aluminum ingots has dropped below our purchase price this morning."

"Although we signed a contract before, based on last year's price, the last batch of money has not been paid yet. How about I go talk to them?"

Li Manjun put down the debt note, raised his head and asked calmly: "How to talk?"

"We haven't paid for the last batch of goods yet, maybe we can."

Before Yao Zhaowen finished speaking, Li Manjun's eyes had turned cold. He picked up the water glass and took a nervous sip of water. He already understood what the boss meant.

She won't do this.

Wang Dasheng did not participate in the morning meeting. He only stood by the door and listened to the two people talking, and learned about the company's operations and cooperation projects.

Now when he heard Yao Zhaowen's words, he whispered: "Brother Yao, this is not good. The most important thing in doing business is integrity."

Yao Zhaowen looked back at him and raised his eyebrows, "But if the negotiation is successful, the cost of our last batch of goods can be reduced to 5,800 yuan per ton, which is a difference of 200 yuan per ton."

Wang Dasheng licked his lips, unable to refute whether Yao Zhaowen was right or wrong. He raised his head and looked at Li Manjun, "Boss, can we really make money by hoarding so many aluminum ingots?"

Neither he nor Yao Zhaowen knew how much money the boss had, but the price of aluminum ingots was transparent and the goods were piled in the warehouse next door. It was easy to calculate an answer using a computer.

Now they have 1,100 tons of aluminum ingots in their warehouse. The average price is 6,000 yuan per ton, which adds up to 6.6 million yuan.

When this number was first calculated, Wang Dasheng couldn't believe that his silent boss was actually a millionaire!

Not more than one person knew about the fact that Li Manjun and Zhu Yaowei were making money in Haishi. Li Manjun never said anything about Yao Zhaowen and Wang Dasheng.

However, she had contact with the two of them every day, and they had some guesses.

Therefore, the two of them never quite understood why Li Manjun was so persistent in hoarding aluminum ingots instead of using the money to expand the store.

Especially now that the price of aluminum ingots is so volatile, Yao Zhaowen, a college student, doesn't know why Li Manjun is so confident.

Now when he thought of so many aluminum ingots stored in the warehouse, he felt very panicked.

As for credit, it is not worth mentioning in front of tens of thousands of dollars.

There are still 233 tons of tail goods left, which is 200 yuan less per ton, which adds up to more than 40,000 yuan.

It’s nothing compared to the total price of aluminum ingots in the warehouse, but 40,000 yuan can repair half of the warehouse!

Li Manjun didn't have time to pay attention to the price trend of domestic aluminum ingots today. He closed his notebook and approved a note, asking Yao Zhaowen to go to the public account to withdraw the outstanding amount and settle it clearly.

"By the way, let's go and urge the northern processing factory. As soon as the workers arrive, they will deliver the goods to me immediately. That's it, let's break up the meeting."

Yao Zhaowen sighed lightly, stood up and left.

Li Manjun turned on the second-hand radio at hand, tuned it to the financial channel, and listened to the morning news.

When I heard that the current aluminum ingot price dropped to 5,800 yuan per ton, my heart skipped a beat.

But considering that the money for the aluminum ingots in his hand was earned from the stock market, Li Manjun felt a little more confident.

The worst possible outcome is to go back to the past.

But if the price of aluminum ingots rises later, the family business will be lost!

So when Yao Zhaowen came over again to ask for instructions, Li Manjun raised his hand and said calmly: "It's a small scene, don't panic."

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