Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 178 Many people love you

But until the New Year, I still couldn't get rid of the habit of making faces every year.

When Zhao Yong was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, he occasionally missed his daughter. When he looked back at her, he found that the little girl was lying on the sofa, raising her feet high, playing with her little feet with her hands, and then vomited. Tongue rolls eyes and makes faces.

Zhao Yong immediately had the urge to cover his face and couldn't bear to look directly.

Nian Nian didn't know that her old father was mentally broken. When she saw her father paying attention to her, she called out "baba" a few times, asking her to come and play with the baby.

The fetal hair was cut once every year. It was originally the same texture as Li Manjun's silky hair, soft and smooth.

But after one haircut, the hair that grew back suddenly changed its appearance. When Li Manjun saw her daughter's short hair that looked like a hedgehog, her heart skipped a beat.

Isn’t this exactly the same as Zhao Yong’s hair texture?

Very hard and very thick.

So, in order to solve the problem of her daughter's explosive head, Li Manjun gave her long hair.

Now I have been growing out my hair for ten months every year, and I can already tie two small buns on my head.

It's just that she doesn't like being tied up with rubber bands, and Sister Zhou is also afraid that it will hurt her scalp if it is tightened, so she ties it loosely.

No, the little girl got tired of playing with her feet and reached out to pull the knot on her head.

With a click, the rubber band was pulled off by her. The two crescent moons that Sister Zhou had tied neatly to her suddenly spread out, making her whole head look like a hedgehog with explosive hair.

Zhao Yong saw his daughter pulling at the rubber band hard, and without caring about her messy hairstyle, he hurriedly snatched the dangerous rubber band from the little guy's hand.

Nian Nian thought that her father was playing with her, so she jumped up, propped up the sofa chair, and wanted to ride on her father's neck.

Zhao Yong was so troubled that he couldn't read the newspaper, so he stretched out his long arm to grab the mischievous hedgehog from behind and tickled her.

Every year when I smile "hahaha", I can see a few millet teeth, which are thin and white.

When Li Manjun came home from get off work, she heard her daughter laughing out of breath in the corridor. She quickly rushed to the door and saw that the father and daughter were playing with each other.

Zhao Yong threw his daughter into the air and caught it firmly. The little girl smiled so hard that her gums could be seen clearly.

"You're laughing so hard that you can't breathe. Take a break." Li Manjun reminded.

Putting down the bag, he took the daughter who called "Mama Ma" and asked with a smile: "Do you miss your mother every year?"

Li Manjun held her with one hand and pointed at his face with the other finger. Nian Nian leaned over and kissed her mother on the face.

Li Manjun immediately pressed her daughter down and kissed her twice, then put her on the sofa and played with her with toys.

Zhao Yong asked with concern: "Are you done?"

Today is the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. Their company moved everything to the new company office building on the 25th, leaving two people on duty for the holidays. Only Li Manjun's store is still busy.

Li Manjun nodded, "I won't go tomorrow. Wang Dasheng has to drive back to his hometown. I asked Yao Zhaowen to go to the store in the morning to check the warehouse and doors and windows before taking the holiday."

Thinking that he could finally rest for a few days at the end of the year, Li Manjun took a deep breath and relaxed.

Sister Zhou walked in with the prepared meal, "I made dumplings and put them in the refrigerator. If you want to eat later, you can take them out and cook them yourself. I love corn every year, so I made two kinds of dumplings: corn filling and pork and cabbage."

Li Manjun's whole family loves to eat the dumplings made by Sister Zhou, and the eyes of the family of three brightened when they heard this.

Sister Zhou looked at this scene, shook her head helplessly and laughed, "There is another dish, it will be ready soon."

He turned around and went to the kitchen, made the last soup and brought it in, and the four of them gathered around to have dinner.

Sister Zhou will be on vacation tomorrow and won't be back until the eighth day of the first lunar month, a total of ten days of vacation.

After the meal, Li Manjun came to the door of the second bedroom with her daughter, who was clinging to her mother, and a red envelope.

The door is not fully closed, and Sister Zhou is packing her luggage in the room.

"Sister Zhou." Li Manjun called her softly, and followed her mother's example every year, shouting "Yiya".

Sister Zhou turned around and looked at Nian Nian's chubby and cute appearance, feeling a little reluctant.

Li Manjun put the red envelope in her daughter's hand and asked her to hand it to Sister Zhou, "Best wishes to Aunt Zhou every year. We wish Aunt Zhou good health and all the best in the coming year."

Nian Nian didn't know what her mother said, but as soon as the red envelope was handed over to her, she grabbed it immediately.

The little girl's hands are quite strong and she can hold on tightly.

Li Manjun thought funnyly, don't worry about her daughter not knowing how to get the new year's money.

Sister Zhou said a little embarrassedly: "Didn't I just settle my wages yesterday? How can I be embarrassed?"

Li Manjun took her daughter's hand and asked her to give the red envelope to Sister Zhou.

Every year, I obediently handed the red envelope to Sister Zhou. I was happy that I could help my mother hand it over, with bright eyes.

"Take it, Sister Zhou. It's not much, it's just a thought. Without your care this year, Zhao Yong and I would be so busy with work that we wouldn't be able to take care of us so well every year."

Other people's one-year-old children can't even stand firmly. The reason why their little arms and legs grow so strong every year is all because Sister Zhou often plays with her.

Being a live-in nanny is not a worry-free job. While Sister Zhou cooks and takes care of the children, she also pays attention to her physical condition and intellectual development every year. This is no longer part of her responsibilities.

I can only say that I am lucky to have found a good and responsible helper like Sister Zhou.

Li Manjun sincerely wanted to give the red envelope, and Sister Zhou felt it. She touched Nian Nian's little hand with some emotion and accepted the red envelope. "Thank you for the red envelope from our good Nian Nian. Aunt Zhou also wishes you good health and happy growth."

Turning around, she quietly gave Nian Nian another red envelope and put it in Nian Nian's pocket. The folded envelope was the one Li Manjun had given her before.

Zhao Yong discovered it when he got up early to dress his daughter. He quickly called Li Manjun, "This little girl has done something bad!"

Sister Zhou left at 6:30 in the morning. She left in a hurry, but she still prepared the breakfast for the family of three and warmed it in the rice cooker.

She did it very carefully and made almost no noise. The three members of the family were fast asleep and no one heard any movement. Even closing the door is gentle.

It wasn't until they woke up and the busy sounds they heard every day no longer sounded that Li Manjun and Zhao Yong realized that Sister Zhou had gone home.

Li Manjun heard her husband shouting in the kitchen and hurried back to the bedroom, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yong handed her the red envelope he took out from his daughter's pocket. When Li Manjun saw that the red envelope shell he had given away came back, he didn't think that his daughter had taken it by herself.

I opened the red envelope and looked at it. There were eighty-eight yuan in it, some odd and whole, some new and some old.

In order to get a lucky number, Sister Zhou must have rummaged through all the change.

"Sister Zhou should have given this to Nian Nian. She was afraid that we wouldn't want it, so she secretly stuffed it into the children's pockets." Li Manjun explained.

He glanced at his yawning daughter and said softly: "Everyone loves you every year."

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