Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 165 Crazy Index

The old classmate crossed his arms and sat down on the sofa, "Quit!"

The stocks in hand have increased to 60,000 yuan, who still cares about the more than 200 yuan a month.

"Okay, it's up to you. You'll be responsible for your profits and losses anyway." Zhu Yaowei put aside his ugly words for now.

The old classmate said with a smile: "Don't be afraid. If you lose, just think of it as a lesson. But I see the current situation, I will definitely not lose."

It is true that there is no loss. The stock prices are rising every day. The residents of the sea market who were not optimistic about the stock market have already regretted it until their intestines turned blue.

However, the number of people who could persist from the beginning to May without taking action is hard to count. So far, only Zhu Yaowei is the only one.

Others have either already made a move, or they have made a move and then re-entered the market, making another wave of profits before retreating.

As the country announced on May 21 that it would cancel the daily limit of the stock market, in just one day, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose from more than 1,000 points to more than 2,000 points, doubling in one day.

The old classmate couldn't sit still, "Sell it, sell it, I have made enough, ten times I am satisfied!"

Zhu Yaowei's breathing became rapid and he hurriedly called Li Manjun. His voice was hoarse and his throat was trembling.

When Li Manjun received the call, the stone that had been weighing on his heart was finally lifted.

Before that, what she was most worried about was that the arrival of her butterfly would create a butterfly effect and wipe out the stock market surge.

Now after hearing Zhu Yaowei's report on the stock price, he smiled and said, "Hold on for two more days, and we'll talk about it on the 23rd."

"Okay." Zhu Yaowei agreed with a hoarse voice.

In the next two days, the stock market was even crazier than people imagined.

An index without a daily limit is like a wild horse running wild, soaring all the way.

At this time, Yuyuan Mall's stock has risen at the fastest speed, from 3,000 to 6,000, and from 6,000 to more than 8,000.

The old classmate slapped his thigh and said, "I'm going to die. If I had known I would have waited the day before yesterday!"

"Oh my god, aren't you selling this?" The old classmate looked at Zhu Yaowei anxiously, "That's enough. It will definitely come down tomorrow. If you don't sell it now, you will regret it!"

Zhu Yaowei's hand holding Big Brother trembled slightly, but he did not move at all. He sat in the VIP position and stared at the daily limit board without blinking.

His old classmate was about to cry for him. Every time he saw the red line beating, he felt cold all over and could not stop shivering.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on the 22nd, the stock price of Yuyuan Mall stopped at the 8,000 line.

Zhu Yaowei fell softly on the sofa, his violently beating heart slowly recovered, and then took out his phone to relay the story live to Li Manjun.

The two made an appointment to keep in touch from the market opening at 9:30 tomorrow without hanging up the phone.

After Zhu Yaowei finished speaking and hung up the phone, he looked up and saw people fainting in the exchange, all caused by heat stroke due to the crowds.

Amidst the siren of the ambulance, the time came to the 23rd.

Li Manjun took a day off and did not go to the store.

Zhao Yong didn't know what she was going to do yet, so when he saw her getting up early in the morning to hug his daughter, he thought it was a normal day.

"Brothers Sun Haiyang want to work with us Junda. We plan to rent a piece of land together to build a new venue. I may go to see the land with them this afternoon and won't come back until later." Zhao Yong changed his shoes and walked around the house. The wife confessed.

Li Manjun responded with a hum, and looked at the time while breastfeeding, her mind not on him at all.

Zhao Yong shrugged helplessly. In fact, he wanted to ask Li Manjun whether the money taken from him years ago could be freed up now.

The newly rented space is much larger than the original one, and we need to build our own dormitories and warehouses, which will cost a lot of money.

Now Xiaoguan and the others always say that the dormitory is leaking water and air, and the conditions of the dormitory are in urgent need of improvement.

Several trucks were added a year ago, and the parking lot is no longer enough.

In addition, Jiang Yu got through the document delivery order from the foreign trade company, and the company recruited four new employees to be responsible for document delivery, and the space was not enough.

Nowadays, various departments are overlapping and confusing because of insufficient office space.

Junda has been developing steadily for two years, and its benefits are getting better and better. It is time to expand.

"Then I'm going to say goodbye to dad every year." Zhao Yong teased his daughter.

The little guy who was cooking immediately turned her head to look for her father's voice. She has now begun to recognize people and can distinguish the voices of her parents.

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Zhao Yong was satisfied and gently closed the door and left.

Nian Nian spat out a milk bubble, and Li Manjun wiped her face clean in a funny way. Seeing that she didn't want to eat, he put down her clothes and changed out of her diaper.

Sister Zhou brought the prepared breakfast to the table and reached out to pick up the child, "I'll do it. You eat something first."

Li Manjun nodded and kissed his daughter's pink little face. The little guy laughed "ah" and kicked hard with his two lotus-root-like calves.

Sister Zhou caught her and said with a smile: "These calves are really strong. When I gave her a bath last night, Mr. Zhao was covered in water."

Li Manjun shook her daughter's little feet and felt very satisfied when she saw her plump smile.

After breakfast, it’s almost time.

Sister Zhou took out the sling and carried Nian Nian out for a walk. She and her auntie Liu Juying had made an appointment to stop by the vegetable market to buy some food.

My favorite thing to do is go out every year. When I saw Sister Zhou bringing a sling, I was so excited that I waved my little fists.

Li Manjun watched the two of them go downstairs. Just as he returned to the living room, the phone rang on time.

Zhu Yaowei has made preparations. At 9:30, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will open on time.

An old classmate was here today, and he wanted to see how long Zhu Yaowei would endure before selling.

At the same time, he also wanted to know who the master was who was guiding him behind his back.

A young woman's voice came over the phone, and the old classmate was stunned, "Female?"

Zhu Yaowei gave him a look to remind him not to disturb him. The old classmate suppressed his curiosity and remained quiet.

But within five seconds of silence, he stood up again, pointed at the soaring lines on the board and shouted excitedly:

"Oh my god, why has the price gone up again?"

Zhu Yaowei glanced at it and calmly said to Li Manjun on the other end of the phone: "8034 points."

Li Manjun hummed, letting him know if he had any major fluctuations. He put the phone on speakerphone and got up to pour a glass of warm water.

When you hold water in your hands, your mind becomes stable.

The phone was never hung up, and Zhu Yaowei's eldest brother used the phone in the exchange when there was no power.

When the stock market was suspended at noon, the index dropped from 8300 to 8100. Many people were afraid of subsequent declines in the index and rushed to sell frantically in the first two minutes of the market closing in the morning.

When the market opened in the afternoon, the index dropped all the way to below 7,000 points due to the selling in the morning.

The old classmate had long ago shouted until his voice became hoarse. He advised Zhu Yaowei to ignore the person on the other end of the phone and save the seven thousand points first.

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