Li Manjun finished counting the red envelopes, "Mr. Lin gave me two thousand, and Mr. Qiu gave me two thousand and eighty. It would be embarrassing not to treat me to dinner."

Zhao Yong: "It's okay. I'll invite them to sing at the Golden Throat next time."

His waist was immediately pinched, and he took a breath of pain, but he didn't dare to speak loudly because Sister Zhou was watching from behind.

"How dare you!" Li Manjun glanced at him.

Zhao Yongle, Mrs. Liang said she didn't care when she came to ask, but it turns out she doesn't care very much?

He reiterated again, "Honey, I will never be sorry to you. You have to believe that your husband will keep you safe."

Li Manjun snorted, "Don't use idioms randomly!"

"Did I use it wrong?" Zhao Yong asked seriously and worriedly.

Li Manjun pointed to the road ahead, "Drive your car carefully, there is a lot of nonsense."

Zhao Yong asked seriously: "Then which idiom do you think we should use?"

Li Manjun: "."

She doesn’t seem to know either!

"Hey, after you finish this show, you don't need to go to art school anymore, right?"

Li Manjun nodded politely, "I'm just here to help temporarily. I have nothing to do later. I'll ask Wang Dasheng to recycle those props later. I don't have to go there anymore. There are studio employees who are responsible for the finishing touches."

Zhao Yong thought to himself, this is relieved.

Those who engage in art are not serious people, especially the male students in art colleges.

"Want some yogurt?"

When the car stopped downstairs, Zhao Yong looked at the milk ordering shop on the street and asked softly.

No one responded. He turned around and saw that Li Manjun was relaxing on the back of the chair and had fallen asleep.

The dim lights from the car roof cast down, and the long eyelashes cast a small shadow on the eyelids. I had been busy working on this show just a few days after I was born. Today, the task was successfully completed, and the tight strings were relaxed. .

Sister Zhou tucked Nian Nian's quilt and said in a very low voice: "Let's get off the bus later."

Zhao Yong nodded and rolled up the car window a little to prevent the night wind from chilling her.

After sleeping for less than ten minutes, Li Manjun woke up.

She felt it when the car stopped, but her body still couldn't wake up.

"Would you like something to eat?" Zhao Yong asked concernedly. She didn't eat when she was busy. She only ate a piece of cold bread after the whole show. She must be hungry.

Li Manjun nodded humbly, but before she could regain her strength, she sat in the car and waited for Zhao Yong to buy the midnight snacks before asking Sister Zhou to get out of the car.

After finishing the supper, Zhao Yong took out a bottle of yogurt from his arms and stuffed it into her hand like a magic trick, and told her:

"Tell your husband what you want to drink from now on. Don't ask for anything given by shady people."

"What are you talking about?" Li Manjun glanced at the man who had already gone to get a bathtub for the child to take a bath in confusion. Then he looked down at the yogurt in a glass bottle in his hand. He didn't even remember that Qi Hao had given her yogurt.

Nian Nian slept so soundly that her parents couldn't wake her up even if they wanted to give her a bath. Her eyes were half-lidded and half-open. As soon as she was washed, Sister Zhou wrapped her up and she fell asleep.

"Sister Zhou, you have to feed her milk in another hour." Li Manjun warned.

Sister Zhou nodded to show that she heard, and carried the child into the room.

Zhao Yong finished pouring the bath water, closed the door and walked into the house. When he saw that there was only one bottle of yogurt left on the table, he finally felt comfortable.

"I don't know if Zhong Shirley and the others have dispersed." Li Manjun took out his pajamas and put them on, and found a new pair of pajamas for Zhao Yong. The old ones had been vomited up every year, so Aunt Zhong took them to wash.

"Mr. Lin, what did you guys just get together to talk about?"

Zhao Yong put on his pajamas and said, "We didn't talk about anything. We all praised you for doing a great show."

Li Manjun was doubtful, so he got into bed and got into bed. He glanced at the bedside alarm clock. It was already 11:30 pm. The show at Shirley Zhong should have ended, right?

I don’t know if Lu Shengming went with him.

"Want to eat noodles?"

In the Lu family's kitchen, Lu Shengming stood in front of the stove and asked lightly, frowning.

At the end of the show, Shirley Zhong was going to celebrate with her employees. He didn't want to disturb their interest with his presence, so he went home alone.

Shirley Zhong had just changed into home clothes and had just washed up from the bathroom. The smell of barbecue from the food stalls had been washed away, and her body was covered with the aroma of shower gel and shampoo.

After finishing this important show, she felt completely relaxed. She had drunk two glasses of wine in the evening, but she was almost sober now.

Barbecue and wine didn't make me hungry at all. When I heard Lu Shengming asked, I responded: "Okay."

Lu Shengming was not very skilled in busying in the kitchen. The nanny would prepare the usual dishes, and he could only cook noodles.

The soup base of lard and soy sauce was refreshing and appetizing. When it was brought to the table steaming hot, Shirley Zhong couldn't help but take a deep sniff, "It smells so good!"

Lu Shengming smiled lightly and said, "Eat."

Shirley Zhong nodded and picked up her chopsticks to eat noodles. Since opening the studio, her style of doing things has changed. She does everything in a hurry.

"Eat slowly." Lu Shengming reminded with a frown.

Shirley Zhong nodded in response and slowed down her movements.

Only the kitchen was lit in the house, and the surrounding neighbors had all rested late at night. The surroundings were so quiet that the only sound was the sound of Shirley Zhong eating noodles.

After a long time, Lu Shengming finally said, "My mother's birthday is next week, can you be there?"

Shirley Zhong didn't think much about it, "Of course, I will definitely go on such an important day. I have already prepared the gift for mom."

Lu Shengming was a little surprised. He thought she was so busy that she had forgotten everything at home.

"The dress Manjun is wearing today is from the same series as the one I made for my mother." Shirley Zhong said with a smile, and the light in her eyes became brighter when she mentioned the clothes and her work.

Lu Shengming was stunned for a moment, and then sighed, "Do you still want this home?"

Shirley Zhong frowned and put down her chopsticks.

She asked seriously and doubtfully: "Why is it that when you are very busy at work and have to go on a business trip and work overtime and can't go home for dinner and reunion, everyone is extra tolerant to you, but not me? We are husband and wife, shouldn't there be a relationship between us? Are they equal?"

"You rarely attended family gatherings in the past. I always went there, but I never blamed you because I understood your helplessness. It's not that you didn't want to go, you were really busy."

"I've been like this for a while. It's not that I don't want to go, but I'm really busy, and you happen to be more free recently, so what's the difference if you attend a family gathering?"

Lu Shengming was blocked and speechless.

Shirley Zhong stood up and returned to the room.

"By the way, you can sleep in the study today." She suddenly turned around and warned.

Lu Shengming was stunned, why wasn't she sleeping in the study?

"Didn't you just say you want equality?"

Shirley Zhong nodded heavily, "Okay, equality, I'll go sleep in the study!"

Seeing that she was about to walk to the study, Lu Shengming quickly stood up and caught up, "I'll sleep, I'll sleep, I'll sleep!"

Shirley Zhong couldn't help turning her back and laughing.

Lu Shengming helplessly held his forehead, resigned to his fate, walked into the study, and lay down on the small bed for rest. His lover in the spotlight of the show appeared in front of his eyes, and he began to reflect on whether he was too demanding on her.

The same goes for Shirley Zhong. She still wants her family, but she can't lose her career. Just like Li Manjun said, balance.

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