Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 155 Ready-made T stage

Li Manjun took a deep breath and walked into the Foreign Hotel.

But the price is as expected, very expensive.

It’s not that this venue cannot be rented, it’s just that there will be no budget for the subsequent layout.

The hotel said it could provide them with decorations, but when Li Manjun walked in and took a look, she couldn't stand the vermilion carpet, the glittering plastic garland, and the balloon arch, let alone Shirley Zhong, a trash picker like her.

Maybe Li Manjun's disgusted expression was too obvious, so the hotel staff could only give her an awkward yet polite smile and send her out.

He raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was past five o'clock, so he asked his assistant to drive him home. He just happened to get off work.

Sister Zhou heard the noise at the door and came out holding Nian Nian in her arms, "You're back."

Li Manjun smiled and nodded, put down her bag, washed her hands at the bathroom sink in the corridor, dried them and carried Nian Nian into the master bedroom. When she lifted up her clothes, she found that her underwear had been soaked.

He quickly took it off and pushed it up to Nian Nian, who was holding it in his arms. She immediately sucked it hard.

Li Manjun's stone chest, which had been hard for a day, finally released some of the pressure.

Sister Zhou waited for her to finish feeding, then brought in the manual breast pump Zhao Yong bought at the market, and Li Manjun sucked most of the bottle.

She specially found someone to buy a bag that could hold the milk, and froze it in the refrigerator. She couldn't drink it quickly every year, and she threw away any milk that was older than two days.

Sister Zhou took away Li Manjun's wet underwear and sighed, "It's not easy for us to be women."

"Who says it's not?" Li Manjun hugged Nian Nian and came to the living room. A woman in her early thirties walked in from the door, dressed plainly and holding a vegetable basket full of freshly bought vegetables.

This is the hourly worker Li Manjun hired to help with housework and grocery shopping. Her name is Liu Juying. She comes once every two days, does a good job of hygiene, buys two days' worth of groceries, and then leaves.

Today is the day she is coming again. She came in the middle of the afternoon. She cleaned the inside and outside of the house first, and then went out to buy groceries with a vegetable basket.

"Sister Zhou, I'll put the dishes on the stove. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first." Liu Juying said to Sister Zhou who was washing clothes in the corridor.

Sister Zhou responded, "Okay, you can go about your business."

Li Manjun came out holding Nian Nian. Liu Juying saw her at home, said hello with a smile, and hurried downstairs to leave. She had to go to the next house to cook dinner for the elderly.

"Sister Zhou, don't wash it. Leave it alone for now. I'll let Zhao Yong wash it in the evening." Li Manjun was embarrassed, and this was not what Sister Zhou wanted to do.

She only needs to be responsible for Nian Nian's problems. It is up to them to solve their own and Zhao Yong's problems.

Zhao Yong felt that washing clothes in winter was too troublesome, so he wanted to buy a washing machine, but his home was too small and there was no room to install it, so he had to give up.

Now there is a lot of inconvenience in this small house with Sister Zhou. Zhao Yong usually has to wait until Li Manjun comes home after get off work, otherwise he is afraid that Sister Zhou will be uncomfortable.

I really miss my daughter at noon, so I always go upstairs to see her for a while and then leave.

But Zhao Yong is still very happy that he doesn't have to cook dinner now. Sister Zhou is very good at cooking and specially chooses the taste of the couple, which is more to their liking.

I occasionally go out to socialize, and my wife, who doesn't like to cook, can have hot meals.

Li Manjun was originally in the stage of returning to normal weight and controlling her food intake. She finally managed to lose weight during confinement, but gained a few pounds after confinement. This was all because the food at home was too good.

The only disadvantage is that I have to carry breast milk to work, and now I have taken on the task given by Shirley Zhong. I can only try to squeeze in time to go home at noon so that my daughter can have a fresh meal.

Sister Zhou finished washing Li Manjun's clothes before preparing dinner. It was just a piece of underwear, a casual matter.

Sister Zhou has done a lot of these little things with her help. Li Manjun can only express his good luck in meeting a good helper.

Without Sister Zhou, it would have been impossible for her to get into work so quickly.

Today is Friday. Li Lijun and Li Jianjun will visit their niece in the evening. Li Manjun tells Sister Zhou to cook for two more people. Sister Zhou immediately guesses that Li Lijun and her brother are coming and agrees with a smile.

At around six o'clock, Zhao Yong called and said that he had a party tonight and asked Li Manjun to eat first and not wait for him.

Li Lijun hugged Nian Nian and sighed at her: "If my brother-in-law doesn't come back, then we'll have to eat by ourselves without waiting for him~"

Nian Nian seemed to understand her aunt's words, her little mouth moved, and she said a few baby words "Aa".

Li Lijun looked at her sister in surprise, "You understand what I say every year!"

Li Jianjun, who was serving rice, immediately rushed over excitedly, "Really? Really?"

"Nian Nian, visit uncle." Li Jianjun waved his hand in front of Nian Nian's eyes. The little guy immediately looked at him with wide eyes, which made Li Jianjun extremely happy.

"Sister, she really understands what we are saying!"

Li Manjun shook her head and laughed, and asked Li Lijun to put Nian Nian in the baby basket, "Hurry up and eat. If you delay for a while, there will be no bus back to school."

The two siblings reluctantly put down Nian Nian and ate together.

"Sister, our school organizes a weekend trip to the Art Institute to see an art exhibition." At the dinner table, Li Lijun happily shared her tomorrow's itinerary with her sister.

Li Manjun asked curiously: "What art exhibition?"

"I don't know. It seems to be jointly organized by several artists. Students get a half-price discount. Our school organizes all students to go. It is said to be a group activity and we must participate."

Li Manjun knew as soon as he heard it that it was another project cooperating between unknown artists and schools, but it was good for students to go and see it. The half-price ticket price would not make money, but it would not lose money either.

Li Jianjun asked in confusion: "Why doesn't our school have one?"

Li Lijun gave him a proud shout, "Just your Pheasant Middle School, save it."

That's right. Li Manjun coughed twice. Li Lijun reacted. Seeing his brother's angry expression, he hurriedly gave him a piece of fish meat with chopsticks. "Just kidding, the art exhibition can't accommodate so many students. They must be in batches." Come on, it might be your school's turn next week."

Li Manjun asked: "Does the Art Institute have such a large venue to hold art exhibitions? Is it indoors or outdoors?"

There are more than 3,000 students in the Fourth Middle School. Outdoors is no problem, but if it is indoors, the demand for space is not small.

Li Lijun said: "It must be indoors. It has been drizzling from time to time recently. If the outdoor paintings are wet, they will be wet."

"I heard from my classmate that it was held in the main teaching building of the School of Art. Their teaching building has four buildings connected together. The exhibition was held in the corridor, and the three-story corridor was covered with hangings."

Moreover, there are stairs up and down between each building, so everyone can enter and exit from different places without being crowded.

As Li Manjun listened, a great idea came to him and he slapped his thigh, "I have it!"

"Ah? What's up?" Sister Zhou asked doubtfully.

Li Lijun and Li Jianjun also looked at her curiously. When Niannian heard her mother's voice in the baby basket, she turned her eyes and tried to look towards the place where the sound came from. Her big eyes were round and she even kicked her legs excitedly.

"Isn't this a ready-made runway?" Li Manjun laughed.

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