Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 150 Zhao Jianing

For Li Manjun, 1992 was a special year.

On this day of family reunion, she was not only reunited but also received a free New Year's Eve experience card for the hospital.

My daughter has grown one year old just one day after she was born. This is what Wang Xiaojuan calculated. Li Manjun couldn't laugh or cry. He looked at his daughter who had become a little cute in his arms and softly wished her a Happy New Year.

In the afternoon, Wang Xiaojuan prepared the New Year's Eve dinner and came over to replace Zhao Yong, asking him to go back and have the New Year's Eve dinner with Li Dawei.

The two of them didn't eat much, but they had to drink a glass of wine. This was a double happiness, so how could they do it without wine.

The two of us had a small drink each, finished the New Year's Eve dinner quickly, and then came to the hospital.

Li Dawei brought a piece of red paper filled with words, and the whole family gathered around to discuss a name for the new little guy.

Zhao Yong is very self-aware and aware that his cultural level is not high, so he leaves the naming matter to his wife.

Li Manjun thought for a long time, but was not satisfied with the few words he came up with. Finally, Wang Xiaojuan suggested that the little guy just let the little guy draw lots by himself, and whoever he caught would be the one, and no one could regret it.

Li Dawei has written the most names, and the probability of winning is very high, of course, 10,000 people agree.

Before drawing lots, Li Manjun secretly put aside the names that he thought were unpleasant, and then started drawing lots.

Balls of red paper were thrown on the table. Zhao Yong held his daughter who finally opened her eyes and regained consciousness for a moment. He held her little hand in his big hand and grabbed the red paper on the table.

How could a little guy who was just two days old know this and couldn't grasp it with his hands? When his curled fingers touched one of the sheets, Li Dawei quickly grabbed it and opened the red paper excitedly.

The word "Jianing" was written on it, and Li Dawei burst out laughing because this was the name he wrote.

"Zhao Jianing, this is a good name!" Li Dawei looked at Li Manjun, "What do you think?"

Li Manjun looked at Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong only had fun and flattered his father-in-law, "Dad is a man of culture, and all his names are nice."

Li Manjun said with a smile: "Then call her Jianing."

However, she also gave her daughter a nickname, Nian Nian. The whole family thought it was a good idea and they chose her right away.

"Xiao Niannian, your little face is wrinkled. Do you feel uncomfortable after peeing?" Zhao Yong is tall, and his daughter is as small as a cat in his arms. He can hold it with one hand.

He held his daughter in one hand and touched the diaper with the other. It turned out to be a heavy mess.

"Mom, it's time to change the diaper."

Wang Xiaojuan dug out a pile of diapers made from old clothes and wanted to change into these diapers every year, saying they were breathable and comfortable and would not cover her buttocks.

"Diapers are convenient. They are professional absorbent diapers. They can be replaced in time without covering your buttocks." Li Manjun pointed to the diaper on the table and asked Wang Xiaojuan to use this one.

Wang Xiaojuan curled her lips and had no choice but to put down the diaper she had boiled with boiling water, put the diaper on her granddaughter, and washed her bottom at the same time.

I felt relieved when I saw that my little butt was not covered.

From the loud cry when Niannian was born, Li Manjun had a hunch that this girl would never be a quiet girl.

It was fine during the day, but he would hum a few times at night. When he saw an adult coming to coax him, he would close his eyes and fall asleep again.

Even at such a young age, he already knew that he needed to pay attention. Zhao Yong nodded his daughter's little nose lovingly, picked her up and put her on the bed next door, and softly discussed with a baby.

"Good daughter, let's wake up later and let your mother sleep a little longer, okay?" He said very quietly, like a thief.

Nian Nian slept soundly in his arms and didn't react at all.

But when it's time to eat, I immediately become energetic and my little head is searching for something to eat. I'm still very impatient. After searching for it for less than three seconds, I feel like I'm about to grunt.

Zhao Yong could only wake up Li Manjun with a guilty conscience, who had just slept for less than an hour.

After staying up all night, plus the previous night, after the excitement of being a new father subsided, I suddenly felt that the night was long and long.

On the morning of the second day of the lunar new year, Zhao Yong drove to the downstairs of confinement sister-in-law Zhou's house early to wait and took her to the hospital.

Sister Zhou is very experienced. As soon as she arrived, she took Nian Nian away from Wang Xiaojuan, who was crying and uncomfortable because the diaper was dirty. While asking about the child's habits, she quickly changed Nian Nian's diaper.

The smell of newborn poop is so stinky that even Zhao Yong, his own father, would have to retching.

Sister Zhou didn't change her expression. She wiped it with toilet paper first, then washed it with warm water. After washing it, she wiped it clean with a special dry towel for every year, and then put on a diaper.

Sister Zhou kept praising the diapers for how useful they were. Wang Xiaojuan tried to use the diapers several times but failed.

With the addition of Sister Zhou, Zhao Yong and others instantly felt relaxed. There was a confinement nanny in the hospital, and they could hardly get involved in the child's affairs.

Sister Zhou has a good way of raising children. She told Li Dawei, who likes to hold children, that habits are cultivated. Once you develop a habit, it will become easier to take care of your children later on.

If the child doesn't cry, you can let her sleep by herself without disturbing her. If she hums, you don't need to hug her right away. You can wait a while to see the reaction first.

A few days ago, Zhao Yong's way of carrying the child to his mother as soon as he saw it was not right. Sometimes it may not necessarily mean that he is hungry, and he can sleep for a while if he is coaxed.

On the hour, the confinement sister-in-law would come over every three hours and put the child in Li Manjun's arms. Li Manjun took off her clothes and fed her. After the child was fed, the confinement sister-in-law would take the child away directly without her having to worry about it.

I persisted like this for two days, and the effect was remarkable. She only woke up at midnight every year to look for food. She became regular, and Li Manjun recovered faster.

In addition, my physical condition was already good, so on the fourth day of my stay in the hospital, the doctor discharged me.

Wang Xiaojuan saw that Sister Zhou took good care of her and customized a suitable recipe for Li Manjun. She asked Zhao Yong to prepare the ingredients according to the list and bring them to Heather Town so that she could cook them for Li Manjun.

So the day before Li Manjun was discharged from the hospital, Wang Xiaojuan packed her usual daily necessities and clothes according to Li Manjun's request, and went back to Heather Town with Li Dawei to arrange the arrangements.

When the time comes, Li Manjun will go directly to her parents' home from the hospital, which will save her a lot of trouble.

In fact, Li Manjun was able to get out of bed and walk around the next day after giving birth, and each subsequent day recovered better than the previous day.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, she was wearing a thick woolen hat, a scarf around her neck, a cotton coat, and thermal shoes. She was fully armed, with only one pair of eyes exposed. The custodian Wang Xiaojuan couldn't recognize her when she came. It's my daughter.

Zhao Yong got a wheelchair from nowhere, carried her into the wheelchair, and pushed her all the way to the car door.

People celebrating the Chinese New Year don’t know why there are so many people in the hospital lobby. They inevitably look twice when they see a wheelchair.

Sister Zhou was walking behind with her child in her arms. She almost couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw the employer and his wife, one of whom was pushing the wheelchair calmly, while the other was covering his face for fear of being seen.

Li Manjun only felt that he was about to die. It was not until Zhao Yong carried him into the back seat of the car, and Sister Zhou followed him in and closed the car door that he breathed a sigh of relief.

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