Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 135 Eating ice cream secretly (Happy New Year’s Eve!)

When she successfully obtained her driver's license, Li Manjun was already pregnant.

On Chinese Valentine's Day, Zhao Yong found a table at a big hotel and officially announced that Li Manjun was pregnant. Friends expressed their congratulations.

At this stage, Li Manjun began to feel a little uncomfortable. She now feels uncomfortable with her heart after walking for a long time, and she also urinates frequently. She cannot walk too fast, because her heartbeat will speed up if she is in a hurry.

Fortunately, the monthly prenatal check-ups went smoothly. The doctor said the baby was healthy and the various check-ups passed without incident.

However, compared with the prenatal check-ups in later generations, there are much fewer prenatal check-up items during this period. Li Manjun can only stop herself from thinking wildly and maintain a good attitude, which is conducive to the health of the baby.

The store's business was stable in the second quarter. Combined with the recycling bin and other businesses, the average monthly income can reach more than 15,000 yuan, and the highest monthly profit is 30,000 yuan.

As her belly grew bigger, Li Manjun reduced her chances of meeting customers. Unless they were old customers like Zhu Yaowei, Yao Zhaowen was responsible for the new ones.

He is getting more and more comfortable in the business, and he also has to work part-time as an accountant in the store. His basic salary remains the same at 220, but Li Manjun increased his commission.

Money brings motivation. In the months when he worked most vigorously, Yao Zhaowen's business went to surrounding provinces, hauling back a lot of low-price scrap steel, making small profits but quick turnover, and made a small profit.

He also wants to skip the middleman and contact high-end customers himself, and sell the waste products directly to the manufacturers in need.

Li Manjun did not deny it immediately, but only asked him to give it a try and practice it first before making a conclusion.

Yao Zhaowen likes this about his boss. He is neither conservative nor rigid, has an adventurous spirit, and is a hard worker who does what he says.

I immediately applied for a travel expense with great interest and went with my idea to put it into practice.

Then, less than a month later, he came back disgraced and told Li Manjun that this road was dead.

Upper-end customers have high requirements, and the materials they receive are basically semi-finished products. Adding labor and time costs, it is better to purchase materials directly from middlemen.

"I'm sorry, boss, so much money was wasted." Yao Zhaowen embarrassedly took out a large stack of reimbursement forms, feeling depressed and a little uneasy, fearing that his boss would not be satisfied with the result.

Li Manjun took the reimbursement form and read it over, put it into the basket containing the form, and took a pack of biscuits from the drawer and handed it to him.

She has been hungry recently, and her appetite has been extremely good. Zhao Yong bought a lot of biscuits for her to keep with her, so she can eat them at any time.

"Try it, it tastes like chives. I especially like the taste of chives these days." Li Manjun said with a smile.

"This result is also expected. If there is a market, it means there is demand. If those middlemen can always exist, it means there are people who need them."

Yao Zhaowen felt relieved, picked up the biscuits and smiled sheepishly at the boss, saying that he would take the biscuits home to eat.

He turned around, put on his cotton gloves, and joined Wang Dasheng's packing team.

"Brother Yao, you are stupid." Wang Dasheng looked at the dark back of his neck and said jokingly.

Yao Zhaowen touched his neck, looked at his dark arms, and smiled helplessly, "The sun in August is really too poisonous."

Wang Dasheng chuckled, who said it wasn't the case?

Fortunately, the boss got a second-hand freezer in the store, which is full of energy drinks and popsicles. You can take them anytime if you feel uncomfortable with the heat. It's free, and it's said to be an employee benefit.

It's just pitiful to the boss, who has to hold a thermos cup and drink hot water on this hot day, and also tells them to stay away from him when eating ice cream and popsicles.

When Li Manjun couldn't stand it anymore, she would secretly put an ice cream stick in a cup, wait for it to melt, and then drink the melted ice cream water.

But later she was discovered by Zhao Yong who came to deliver her meal at noon and was caught.

Normally, either Xiaoguan or Liu Chao would deliver the food, but that day, Zhao Yong came in person.

Li Manjun still remembers the grievance of being caught. Maybe the pregnant woman was not emotionally stable. Such a small incident made her nose sore and her eyes turned red instantly. Zhao Yong was so frightened that he hurriedly bought her one of her favorite foods. Brown sugar glutinous rice ice cream.

Generally, ice cream costs five cents, but hers costs two cents. She is also the ice cream assassin among contemporary ice creams.

Li Manjun was immediately happy. After taking two bites, she felt that her body did not feel uncomfortable at all, but felt very comfortable. She finished an ice cream cone in one breath!

After that, although Wang Xiaojuan still called from time to time to tell her not to eat ice cream, Li Manjun could secretly eat whatever he wanted at home.

Zhao Yong asked several doctors. Some doctors said that he should not eat it. Some doctors said that it depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. Some doctors said that as long as the pregnant woman is fine, she can eat whatever she wants.

So many answers made everyone dizzy. Neither husband nor wife had much experience, so Zhao Yong could only seek experienced people around him. Sister-in-law Sun said that she could eat whatever she wanted when she was pregnant, and there was no problem at all.

I asked Feng Qian again, and she said she still had to be careful. She was pregnant at the time and didn't dare to eat indiscriminately. Her mother and mother-in-law were watching.

However, I took some Baozi decoction for a few times. I stopped taking it when I vomited so much that I asked Zhao Yong enthusiastically if he wanted it. She still kept the prescription.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yong felt that this Baozi Soup was unreliable, so he refused after expressing his gratitude, and did not even mention it to Li Manjun when he got home.

Anyway, at the end of the question, Li Manjun chose to give up. The information Zhao Yong asked was not as reliable as what she had seen on a certain book post before.

Anyway, it varies from person to person.

Zhao Yong observed his wife for a few days and saw that she did not feel any discomfort, so he let her go.

The sun was coming fiercely in Rongcheng today, and he was afraid of heatstroke if he didn't give her some ice to drink.

In the past few days, Li Manjun found that her weight changed day by day. Downstairs, her mother-in-law Qiao bought a scale. She went downstairs and weighed herself once a day, and her heart skipped a beat.

I went home in the evening and asked Zhao Yong: "Am I getting fat?"

While Zhao Yong was taking off her pants, he looked up at her and said, "You're not fat."

My mother-in-law warned me not to tell the truth at this time, or something big would happen.

The trousers in his hand seemed to have a mind of its own. Zhao Yong struggled for a long time and directly stuck the elastic band inside the waistband of the trousers.

Li Manjun's pants were too small, but there were no maternity pants of the later generations sold on the streets, so Li Manjun thought about DIYing them at home.

Zhao Yong is very active in helping, but now the elastic band is stuck directly in the waistband of his pants and cannot be taken out.

Li Manjun had expected this result. He laughed good-naturedly, took it and threw it aside. "Forget it, I'll ask my mother to make two for me. We amateurs won't bother and waste materials."

Zhao Yong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I'll call mom and ask if Jianjun's results are out."

Li Manjun took a radish given by Grandma Qiao, tore open the skin and took a bite of the sweet and crunchy radish, which was particularly refreshing from the heat.

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