Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 127 Running long distances

An idea flashed in his mind, and he asked uncertainly: "Is this big boss's surname Mou?"

Zhao Yong looked at her in surprise, "How do you know?"

Li Manjun said that when watching the news, he seemed to have heard of such a person selling airplanes.

I thought to myself, this is a genius who wants to blow a hole in the Himalayas and lead the Indian Ocean warm current to the northwest of my country to improve the climate environment.

Unfortunately, such a project was too outrageous and did not succeed.

Because of the inconvenient geographical transportation and high railway and shipping costs, the cannery owner chose the most cost-effective high-speed freight.

From the south to the northern border, Zhao Yong will leave with his convoy for a month.

After dinner in the evening, Li Manjun took out an empty luggage bag, and Zhao Yong took out the winter clothes that had just been packed at the bottom of the box. I heard that it was still cold in the north, so I had to bring two thick clothes.

Li Manjun warned worriedly: "There is still time left, so don't rush. It is best for two people to drive together at night to look after each other. If it is too late, stop and rest. Don't drive tired."

The more Zhao Yong heard what she said, the more reluctant he was to let go. After being married for so long, this was the first time that the couple had to be separated for such a long time.

"I'm so reluctant to let go~" He put down the luggage bag he was packing, hugged her into his arms while she was still preparing her belongings, rested his chin on her shoulder, and rubbed his face against hers.

Li Manjun felt his reluctance and attachment, relaxed and succumbed to his embrace, holding his thick arm and stroking it gently, "Call me every day."


The chest behind him was getting hotter and hotter, like it was on fire, it was incredibly hot.

With a soft "bah" sound, the light in the room was turned off by the man with his backhand, and the two of them fell down together on the sheets that smelled of laundry detergent.

Two days later, Zhao Yong set off with his convoy.

Li Manjun wanted to see him off, but he refused, fearing that he would not want to leave if he saw her standing behind the car waving.

Although he is the boss of the company, he will not leave all the work to his brothers.

What's more, this time he was going to such a far place, almost across the entire country. If he didn't go there in person, he would be worried if he stayed in the company.

Xiaoguan also left, leaving only Jiang Yu in the company.

Zhao Yong refused to send them off, but Li Manjun still quietly watched their motorcade go away upstairs, and then looked away.

He turned around and picked up his bag, went downstairs to Junda Company, told Jiang Yu that he wanted to use a car, and asked him to help free up one.

All the large trucks have driven away, leaving only vans and minivans. For this long-distance order, Mr. Qiu's orders have been put aside first.

Nervous about using the car, Jiang Yu called Li Manjun's recycling station in the afternoon and told her apologetically that the company would not be able to arrange it in the near future.

"Madam boss, how about I find another fellow master for you, do you think that's okay?"

There are quite a few truck drivers in Rongcheng who take bulk orders alone. They are not stable in taking orders and usually rely on Junda. If the company has too many orders that cannot be accepted, they will pass them on to these bulk order colleagues.

"Okay, please help me find two." Li Manjun asked.

Jiang Yu agreed.

Li Manjun hung up the phone and immediately called the steel factory in the neighboring city. This was one of the recycling stations. This company came to collect the heavy metals in the store.

When the call was connected, Li Manjun asked them if they wanted steel slag. She had a batch to sell.

"Yes, but what's your price?"

"Three hundred and eighty one tons." Li Manjun said, "delivery included."

The other party thought it was expensive and said, "You can't pay so much including delivery. You and I know how much a ton of scrap steel costs. So, three hundred and one ton, we'll take all you have."

Li Manjun thought that the price was too high, "Three hundred and fifty-one tons."

"Three hundred and two, let's not fight."


After the price was agreed upon, Li Manjun met with Zhu Yaowei again. The previous agreement was forgotten and she wanted to pay for one truckload of goods.

Zhu Yaowei was very unhappy and said that Li Manjun was a profiteer who went back on his word.

But the two haven't officially signed the contract yet, and Li Manjun doesn't think it counts.

She didn't care what he said. She was the only one who would be responsible for her own money. She would pay half of the entire amount at once. If something happened along the way, she didn't believe that Zhu Yaowei would be able to return the money to her.

There are so many workers in the workers' community who are just looking forward to receiving their wages. Who is willing to pay back the money they have received?

So no matter what Zhu Yaowei said, Li Manjun could only promise to pay the full price of the truck for every one he pulled, and she would get as much as she wanted.

Zhu Yaowei thought for a while and agreed.

This time, both of them were thoughtful and signed a contract on the spot.

"My car has been found and will come tomorrow morning." Li Manjun waved his hand.

This time she kept her promise and brought two large trucks, twice a day, to remove all the 200 tons of steel slag accumulated in the workshop in three days.

Li Manjun also settled the payment on a per-item basis as agreed before.

After three days, Zhu Yaowei got the money he asked for without any danger.

Li Manjun made a profit of 110 yuan per ton after deducting labor costs and freight.

"If you have enough for one car here, just call me." Li Manjun thrust his business card into his hand.

This time, Zhu Yaowei didn't say he didn't need it, and returned it to her.

He unexpectedly discovered that this little female boss was quite rich, not as he thought at first.

Li Manjun transferred the 22,000 yuan earned this time into the company's account. When Yao Zhaowen settled the accounts, he only felt that he had hope for this year's half-year bonus again.

He looked at the account book and glanced at Li Manjun from time to time, but hesitated to speak.

Li Manjun noticed it early and asked with a smile: "What do you want to say?"

Yao Zhaowen chuckled and said awkwardly: "Boss, the business in the store is getting better and better now, and there are also a lot of phone calls for door-to-door recycling. I have to look after the store, pack the waste, and come to pick up the goods. I feel My physical strength is a bit unbearable..."

Li Manjun has been out shopping for scrap steel and slag these days. He went directly to Zhu Yaowei's place in the morning. In the afternoon, it was already very late when he returned to Rongcheng from the neighboring city after settling the bill, so he went home directly and left all the matters in the store to Yao Zhaowen. one person.

But today she returned to the store and found that everything was in order.

Li Manjun knows very well that the reason why he can run business outside with peace of mind now is because Yao Zhaowen is in the store.

Therefore, she is actually considering improving his treatment.

But this time it seems that it can't be solved by increasing the salary.

Yao Zhaowen smiled bitterly and tentatively suggested: "Boss, let's not recruit more people."

Li Manjun thought for a while and asked both of them to put down their work temporarily and come to the office to sit face to face and discuss what kind of person they should recruit.

Yao Zhaowen said a little embarrassedly: "Boss, I want to try running the business."

The first thing Li Manjun thought of was, who will settle the accounts in the future?

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