The New Year is approaching, and Zhao Yong's company begins its annual holiday on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

His main business in the second half of this year will be in construction materials. Work at the construction site has stopped, and freight has also stopped. Everything will have to wait until next year to be re-arranged.

New Year's goods from all over the country are in place. Now walking on the street, there are vendors selling New Year's goods everywhere, including fruits, tobacco, alcohol, candies, couplets and firecrackers. In addition, vendors play New Year's songs through loudspeakers, making it very lively.

Zhao Yong took an unprecedented nap. When he woke up, his wife had left, and he was the only one left at home.

The recycling station is still open, and Li Manjun plans to open it until the 28th and then close it, and wait until the 8th day of the new year to open.

The store has been busy checking accounts and clearing inventory these past two days, which has been quite eventful.

Li Manjun settled this month's salary to Yao Zhaowen in advance. The salary is 220 yuan, the New Year's subsidy is 80 yuan, and the bonus of 500 yuan is added, for a total of 800 yuan.

"Is there any bonus?" Yao Zhaowen looked at the few blue bills he took out of the envelope in surprise. He thought it would be great to have a New Year's subsidy, but he didn't expect that the boss also gave him more than two months of bonuses.

Li Manjun said with a smile: "Let's work harder next year and strive to get more bonuses."

Thinking of getting a bonus, Yao Zhaowen was full of fighting spirit, "Thank you boss, I will do a good job next year!"

Li Manjun also smiled, and the two discussed the current status of the three rival recycling stations.

"If they had done the math a year ago, they would have found that they now have a large backlog of high-priced goods. If they want to reduce costs, they can only grit their teeth and sell them all at a loss." Yao Zhaowen said with a smirk.

Their Luman is running smoothly, but the other side earns at most 3,000 yuan less per month.

But they couldn't accept high-priced goods here, so the three companies across the street had to charge more than 15,000 yuan for goods. After three months of stockpiling, one family had nearly 50,000 yuan.

This does not include the costs caused by the price war in the past three months. I am afraid it is more than that.

We are all small businesses, and we don’t have much capital to consume. Each company is losing money and accumulating so much inventory that it is enough for them to drink a pot.

Li Manjun got himself a cup of hot water and took a sip while listening to Yao Zhaowen's words. There was no happy smile on his face, only indifference.

Yao Zhaowen asked strangely: "Boss, they are about to explode, why are you unhappy?"

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it will be difficult for everyone to celebrate the New Year like this." Although she said this, she did not feel that she had done anything wrong.

The other party made the first move, and she and Yao Zhaowen just happened to know how to settle accounts and escaped.

If it had been anyone else, a good store would have been destroyed by those three.

Without customers, there is no income, and sooner or later the recycling station will close down.

Yao Zhaowen is also a little worried, "What if they continue to insist on a price war with us after the year?"

There are always people who lose their minds and risk everything. If the other party discovers their plan, they might jump into a panic.

This Li Manjun was not worried, and waved his hand to Yao Zhaowen, "Don't worry, they won't do it. It's not like the family has a mine and the money is burning."

Yao Zhaowen nodded, feeling really itchy. He put on his cotton coat with great interest and went to the door of the opposite store to check out the situation.

Li Manjun told him to be careful while riding and ate roasted sweet potatoes while waiting for Yao Zhaowen to come back.

He went for nearly two hours before coming back. As soon as he came back, he laughed three times and said, "Boss, they started fighting among themselves!"

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows, patted the dust on his hands, put down the roasted sweet potatoes and curiously asked him what was going on.

It turned out that the goods were cleared at the end of the year, and when the three companies reconciled their accounts, they discovered that they had been losing money continuously for the past three months, and the money in their hands had shrunk by more than 10,000 yuan.

After carefully checking the account books, they found that at the beginning, middle, and end of each month, a large number of goods were suddenly delivered. Originally, they thought it was the second-hand dealers who made the difference.

But now that the three bosses were sitting together and talking about this, they discovered that each company had a large amount of goods suddenly delivered at these three fixed times every month, and then they realized that something was wrong.

It was these extra goods that caused them to lose money every month without paying attention.

Naturally, these goods were collected by Li Manjun at a price two cents lower than the other party's every month. She suppressed them and delivered them to the other party three times a month.

Since the prices at the beginning, middle and end of the month are stacked up sequentially, her costs are always kept within a balance, and she can still earn rent, water, electricity and employee wages.

Now that the three families sat together and took a look, they immediately concluded that it was Luman's side who was responsible.

The three of them later realized that this young woman was different from those small bosses in the past.

One person just wants to stop doing this. If he keeps doing it, everyone will lose money together. What’s the point?

The leader disagreed, and wanted to unite the three companies and do it for another two months to completely squeeze out Luman.

However, there were different opinions in the team, and the three could never talk together.

One said that as long as the leader was responsible for the losses, he would follow suit.

One said that he had given up and stopped working. If he continued like this, his mother-in-law would not be allowed to go back during the Chinese New Year.

The three of them started to quarrel while they were talking.

Yao Zhaowen didn't find out anything about the two recycling stations he went to before. When he walked to the third one, he found that the three owners were standing in front of the store arguing and even making moves. The neighbors came to persuade them, and the crowd was almost overwhelmed. We're about to call the police. It's such a big fuss.

He stood outside the crowd watching the show, and accidentally got so fascinated that he came back late.

Li Manjun thought that the three of them would quarrel over this, but he didn't expect that they would take action. It seems that the losses of the three families have exceeded their expected range, and their emotions are so out of control.

Secretly whispering a happy word, Li Manjun smiled and said to Yao Zhaowen: "It will close the day after tomorrow. If it opens after the New Year, the recycling price will still be the same as before."

Yao Zhaowen nodded: "I know, it seems they are not willing to continue burning money this time."

Li Manjun glanced at the clock on the wall. It was past four o'clock. "Let's get off work early today. Anyway, all the remaining goods have been cleared."

Yao Zhaowen responded with a sigh. After getting off work early, he could still go home and have dinner with his parents. After he was full, he could come back to visit the store in the evening.

And now that there is nothing in the yard, there is no need to worry about being stolen or robbed. Good things happen one after another.

Looking at the 800 yuan year-end salary in his pocket, Yao Zhaowen asked Li Manjun: "Boss, let me ask you something."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Li Manjun packed his bag, slung it over his shoulder and stood at the door waiting for Yao Zhaowen to finish speaking and leave.

But she found that the young man suddenly became nervous and asked her hesitantly: "Um, what do you think you girls like?"

Li Manjun said "Huh?", a little confused, and asked what girls like?

"Are you going to give me a New Year's gift?" she asked in surprise.

"No!" Yao Zhaowen answered simply and neatly, and Li Manjun twitched the corner of her mouth slightly. She was just being sentimental.

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