Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 117 Don’t get involved with the loan

Seeing that the big guy was just curious, Li Manjun generously took out the "black bricks" in his bag.

"This mobile phone is very heavy, and the battery is very weak. One battery only lasts half an hour."

Li Manjun made a joke and made everyone laugh, saying that she got an advantage and still behaved.

Wen Yufeng and Mrs. Lin looked at her with envy in their eyes.

Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin both said that Zhao Yong had caused them harm, and now their wives were also asking for help and wanted to make him drink.

Zhao Yong punished himself with three drinks, and then the two of them were satisfied. Following the topic that Li Manjun complained about, they also complained about the expensive network access fee and the poor signal.

Overtly he was complaining, but secretly he was showing off. In the second half of the year, Southern Province will build houses in development zones. The situation will be great next year, and Mr. Qiu will make a lot of money.

Zhao Yong, Mr. Lin, Director Liang, including Lu Shengming, each gained something.

When I feel happy and excited, I drink too much.

Mr. Qiu and Lu Shengming were picked up by a special driver. Director Liang was so drunk that Wen Yufeng couldn't help him, so he had to go back with Lu Shengming and his wife.

Mr. Lin was the host today and didn't drink too much. Together with Li Manjun, he helped Zhao Yong into the taxi and watched them leave. The couple ended today's party in the company car.

Getting further and further away from the hotel, Li Manjun raised his hand and patted Zhao Yong, who was slumped on the seat, "It's all over, stop pretending."

Zhao Yong opened his eyes, looked sideways at her, and laughed, innocently and a little silly.

"Why are you happy?" Li Manjun asked funnyly.

Zhao Yong leaned over, his breath was hot, with a mellow aroma of wine, and he whispered: "You will know when you get home."

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows, took out a hangover pill from his bag and handed it to him. After all, he had drank a lot.

Zhao Yong put the pills in his mouth, swallowed them dry, rested on her shoulder, and squinted his eyes slightly, waiting for the alcohol to dissipate.

The taxi stopped downstairs at home, and the couple got out of the car. Li Manjun saw a small stall selling wontons on the roadside and asked Zhao Yong if he wanted to eat.

I was in the restaurant just now. Although there were a lot of good wine and food, I didn't see him take a single bite.

Zhao Yong hugged his wife and rubbed her head with his chin, "You bought it and fed it to me."

After drinking some wine, Li Manjun couldn't help but feel sticky. The couple went to the wonton stall hand in hand and ordered an extra large bowl of wontons to take home to eat.

White snowflakes were floating outside the house, and it was snowing.

The two of them sat in front of the homemade hot table, one feeding the other. The wontons in the bowl were steaming, and one bite warmed up their whole bodies.

Zhao Yong finished a large bowl of wontons in one go, and after recovering from the alcohol, he pulled Li Manjun to the bedroom and asked her to sit on the bed. He took out the wardrobe key, opened the wardrobe, took out the black travel bag and put it on her before.

"What?" Li Manjun asked, already unzipping the zipper.

Zhao Yong leaned against the closet door, crossed his arms and raised his chin at her, "You'll know just by looking at it."

When he opened the bag and saw a few newspapers, Li Manjun already guessed in his mind that he took out all the newspapers and found that they were all 10,000 bundles of cash. Adding the previous 130,000, the total was 330,000.

"It's almost the Chinese New Year, and all the accounts have been settled. This is my share." He said it calmly, as if it was nothing worth showing off.

But those dark eyes were still looking forward to her surprise reaction.

Who can be unhappy after seeing money?

The corners of Li Manjun's lips became higher and higher, and he couldn't help but pounce on him and take a whiff of the aroma of money.

Zhao Yong chuckled: "Money fan."

Li Manjun didn't care what he said, he counted the money over and over again, and his excitement gradually calmed down.

The two of them were sitting on the bed, with 330,000 in cash between them.

Zhao Yong said: "With this money, I will keep 200,000 yuan for turnover, and the remaining 130,000 yuan. I think we can buy a car first. What do you think?"

Li Manjun wants to buy a house. She has already asked Mrs. Qiu tonight that after the Spring Festival next year, the first batch of commercial houses in Rongcheng will go on sale. One of the properties is particularly good, located near Rongcheng No. 1.

This is a proper large school district house.

Mrs. Qiu said that the house prices may be a little more expensive, and those with channels are now looking for people to pay deposits to make reservations in advance. When the market officially opens, it may be very popular.

However, at this moment, most people are still stuck in the idea that their work units will allocate welfare housing. The demand for commercial housing is mainly for the outside population, and most of the buyers are outside businessmen.

The circle is very important, and with the attached school, Li Manjun is very excited.

Mrs. Qiu said that the smallest apartment was only 120 square meters, and the full payment was nearly 300,000 yuan.

Excluding the required working capital, her own savings plus Zhao Yong's money were barely enough without buying a car.

Thinking of this, Li Manjun and Zhao Yong proposed the idea of ​​buying a house next year.

Zhao Yong was taken aback, "We are the only two at home now, so we live quite well."

Li Manjun said: "No one thinks a house is too big. The sooner you buy it, the sooner you can enjoy it. I want an independent bathroom and kitchen."

"How much will it cost?" Zhao Yong felt a little relieved when he thought about taking a bath in winter.

He knew that Li Manjun liked to take a bath. If he had time in summer, he would take a bath once a day. If the conditions were not good, he would have to wipe himself before going to bed.

Now that the weather is cold, she goes to the bathhouse twice a week. In order to make it cheaper, she just bought a bathing card and got a 20% discount.

But for Li Manjun, how can this compare to the comfort and convenience of washing at home.

"Including decoration, it will cost about 350,000 yuan." Li Manjun replied.

Zhao Yong knew that she also had about 100,000 yuan in savings. Calculating this, the two of them had a combined savings of 450,000 yuan. They left 200,000 yuan in cash as working capital, leaving only 250,000 yuan.

I'm still 100,000 short of buying a house.

His car was ruined?

It is impossible to invest all the working capital. If you don’t have enough cash flow, the risk is too great.

"Should we wait until after the New Year?" Zhao Yong frowned.

Li Manjun looked at the pile of cash in front of him and sighed, "It would be great if I could have a mortgage."


"Do you want to get a loan to buy a house?" Zhao Yong said hurriedly: "It's not easy to talk about it. The loan pressure is very high and we can't control it."

He has been in business for so many years, and he won't borrow money if he can't. Unless it comes to borrowing, he will be as cautious as possible.

In the first two years, Mr. Qiu wanted to become bigger and stronger, so he borrowed a huge sum of money from the bank. Unexpectedly, the construction industry remained tepid in the next two years. He made no money and had to lose money, including bank statements, court summons, and personal debts. Debts came in droves, and Mr. Qiu was forced to almost drink pesticide.

Zhao Yong has personally seen Mr. Qiu in his most desolate state. When you have money, people still ask you to borrow money when you don't need it.

But once you run out of money and the company has cash flow problems, all kinds of monsters will come out and you won't be able to wait for even a day.

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