Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 109 Settlement of Accounts

Without giving Li Manjun a chance to ask, the uncle rode away on a tricycle. As he left, he gave Li Manjun a speechless look, as if she was a profiteer who wanted to defraud him of his money.

Such a change was beyond their expectations. Yao Zhaowen said strangely: "Our price is two cents more than the market price, why does he still say it's cheap?"

Li Manjun suddenly caught something in his mind. He walked into the office and gave Yao Zhaowen's cotton jacket to him. "You quietly go to several other waste recycling stations and have a look."

"Ah? Now?" Yao Zhaowen took the cotton clothes and was a little confused.

Li Manjun nodded: "Now, go quickly."

He warned worriedly: "Quietly, don't let anyone find out it's you."

Yao Zhaowen agreed, put on his coat, took a hat and put it on, covered half of his face tightly, got on Li Manjun's bicycle and left.

Li Manjun added a piece of charcoal to the charcoal basin, buried two raw sweet potatoes and stuffed them in the ashes. He came to the yard and looked at the waste he had accumulated this month.

The waste paper was piled high, like a mountain. Plastics are lightweight but take up the most area. A quarter of the yard is used for plastics.

All the glass bottles are packed in frames, and there are hundreds of them stacked one on top of the other.

Finally, there is scrap copper and iron, which also takes up a lot of space. It weighs almost two tons and takes up most of the yard.

There are also a few old TV boxes and old motors placed in the remaining corners. Li Manjun will dismantle these items himself and get out the valuable copper inside.

Some of the ones that can still be used after repairs are sold to second-hand recycling stores to earn some price difference.

But in general, the most profitable category is heavy metals. The price of scrap iron was relatively high last month, and Li Manjun has sold out all his previous stockpiles.

Now the remaining two tons were collected at low prices this month, with an average cost of one yuan and ten cents per catty.

Pressing two tons of goods is equivalent to pressing more than 4,000 yuan worth of goods. The total waste in the entire yard is worth six to seven thousand yuan.

Generally, after excluding various costs, you can earn more than 200 yuan from 1,000 yuan.

Li Manjun mentally calculated the revenue for this half month. Compared with last month, the harvest amount for this month and a half was only one-third of the last month and a half.

It’s really not that I don’t know, I’m shocked when I calculate it.

The difference between earning 9,000 a month and 3,000 a month is huge!

As for good things like the kraft paper before, Li Manjun has not seen it again in the past two months.

But this is normal. Picking up a big leak always involves luck. She was very lucky to have picked it up this time.

In November, Li Manjun prepared all the information needed to start a company and went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to officially register the company Luman Environmental Recycling.

Now, the company's account has goods worth 7,000 yuan and cash flow of 60,000 yuan.

Li Manjun has 80,000 yuan on his personal bank card.

Compared with her previous net worth of 110,000 yuan, after five months of opening the store, her net worth had been rounded up to 150,000 yuan.

It's nothing compared to rich people, but if compared to ordinary people, she now earns three years' salary of others in one month.

So what about the other three recycling depots in the city?

What is their profit in the past five months?

Assuming that the total amount of waste produced in Rongcheng is fixed and the income is also fixed, then her joining will cause the other three recycling stations to reduce their monthly profits by at least 3,000 yuan.

After being retaliated by three opponents last time, Li Manjun once again felt the murderous intent of his opponents.

She let out a breath of hot air, warmed her cold fingers, picked up the plum blossom opener, and disassembled several old TVs. She packed them away while waiting for Yao Zhaowen to come back.

After waiting for more than an hour, when she was just dismantling a few old TVs, the bicycle bell rang, and Yao Zhaowen came back wrapped in the cold wind.

Li Manjun threw the dismantled copper parts into the sorting frame, stood up and looked at the door. Yao Zhaowen parked the car, took off his hat, and looked very unhappy.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Li Manjun, "The purchase price of the other three recycling stations in the city is two cents more than ours on average."

"I copied down the purchase prices of the three companies today, and they are exactly the same." Yao Zhaowen looked angrily, "They must be deliberately targeting our family and want to attack us by raising prices."

"I also saw a lot of our old customers in front of their store. Everyone wants to make money, so naturally they will sell to whomever has the highest price."

Yao Zhaowen asked anxiously: "Boss, what should we do now? If they keep doing this, fewer and fewer people will come to our store."

At this moment, Yao Zhaowen was extremely glad that his boss did not listen to his original suggestion and bought the wasteland next to him to build a warehouse.

If we take the current volume of goods received, I am afraid that even the small yard in the store will not be full.

Li Manjun looked at the recycling prices copied by Yao Zhaowen. They were no more than one cent and no less than one cent. Each category was two cents higher than her price.

Paper is not very profitable in the first place. What you make is that you add up to a small amount. A two-cent order does not seem high. Calculated based on one ton, the cost per ton is increased by 40 yuan.

Among them, there are also two points raised by her store, so the cost per ton of these three recycling stations has increased by 80 yuan compared with before.

Originally, a ton of waste paper only earned 180 yuan. For paper, these three recycling stations made a lot of money.

Of course they can make back this cost in other categories, but she can also increase the price, right?

They'd better have been holding out for two points more than her shop.

"They're crazy." Li Manjun put the paper on the table, opened the lid of the charcoal stove, and used tongs to take out the sweet potatoes that had just been stuffed inside. He took one for himself and handed one to Yao Zhaowen.

Yao Zhaowen looked at her in confusion, "Boss, can you still eat it?"

"No, when did you bake the sweet potatoes?" There was nothing in the charcoal basin when he left.

"You baked it after you left and let it simmer for an hour. It was just right." Li Manjun likes to eat sweet potatoes that are smothered in charcoal. He grills them directly against the charcoal fire and burns them accidentally.

It's just right now, crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, sweet and soft. If you eat one when the weather is cold, your whole body will be warm.

Yao Zhaowen saw that she was enjoying the meal, and his angry mood gradually relaxed. After eating one sweet potato, he calmed down.

"If they deliberately want to kill us, then they will definitely increase the price if we increase it. Boss, should we increase the price tomorrow?"

Li Manjun had a moment of impulse and blindly followed the opponent to the end.

But the thought only lasted for a moment, and she suppressed it. She patted her hands, Li Manjun stood up, took out the account book, and the two of them settled the accounts together.

Calculate your own account first, and then calculate the other party's account based on your own account.

Yao Zhaowen raised his eyebrows, and he couldn't help but want to ask: "Boss, have you really never studied accounting?"

Why does he feel that his boss can calculate accounts more efficiently than he does? Is this really the arithmetic level a junior high school graduate should have?

Li Manjun pointed to the night school economics textbook on his desk, "This is not what I am studying."

Yao Zhaowen: "Uh" The boss learns very quickly.

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