Who is the volcanic bastard? (2)

“That… … .”

After contemplating for a moment, Sang Man-hee erased the nonsensical thoughts that came to her mind.

'Jongnam will freeze to death!'

The disciple of that expensive old file room would appear like a beggar like that because he said he was crazy... … . uh? Beggar? Then maybe... … .

No, put the opening aside for now!


Sang Man-hee coughed heavily.

Jongnam is now closed. Of course, the gates have just been unlocked, but the news may not have reached here yet. But even so, what are you going to do to come to this distant male prostitute, leaving the gate open at the most?

So, he will never be a servant... … .

"it's you?"

Then the monster asked, with twinkling eyes. Sang Man-hee flinched and looked at Jin Yang-geon and him alternately. Then he got a sense of whose side he was on his side and raised his voice.

“Yes man!”

Of course, the embarrassment was evident on Jin Yang-geon's face. But who wouldn't be embarrassed by this situation?

Even the Buddha would have sat down and fell backwards when he saw a strange man smashing the gate and coming in.

“How dare you make a riot here! Do you know who is here or are you doing this?”

“I know.”

“… … .”

“No, I came. So, you said that volcanic group is here?”

“Even if he knows that!”

Sang Man-hee was reddish-purple.

“Did anyone who knows volcanic waves not know how terrifying volcanic waves are?”


Then, Qingming's head twisted slightly.

“Does the person who says that know what kind of volcanic wave is?”

"Of course!"

Sang Man-hee rolled her eyes terribly.

“What kind of place was a volcano? Wasn't it the faction that won the secret dance with that shaman and sat on the throne of the great Cheonwoomaeng!"

“… … .”

The corner of Qingming's lips twitched slightly.

“Is that all? Defeating the wickedly wicked armed forces of all people, and defeating the monstrous Jeoksado Yeopyeong and his limbs, the Jeoksadae... … . But why are you laughing?”

A slightly trembling hand reached his face.

And with his fingertips, he pulled the corners of his lips that hung below his ears.

“Hmmm. Why is this... … . Heh heh heh!”

Sang Man-hee looked at him with a shaky face, thinking that he was more strange than he thought.

“Stop it!”

“Guard the lord!”

At that time, the warriors of the Golden Sword Division, who had crossed the low wall to the left and right of the inner gate, ran like lightning and blocked the gap between Sang Man-hee and Cheong-myeong. In an instant, dozens of swords were aimed at Qingming.


Cheong-myeong looked at it and clicked his tongue.

"under… … . I’ve become really good too.”

In the old days, when he drew his sword in front of him, he would have sent him to Yeomra, regardless of whether he was in a relationship. King Yeomra also said, 'Did that bastard send it again?' I would have been saying something like this.

The day will come when I look at those who drew their swords right in front of my eyes.


He became so kind, but he couldn't understand why everyone couldn't eat it, so he was anxious.

'Isn't that right, the death penalty?'

- Did you sell your conscience in the cast, you bastard?

… … Wow, your mouth is getting rougher.

Did you get bored with arguing with the fresh yangbans in the prefecture... … .

“Whew. done.”

It was the moment when Cheong-myeong was about to raise the sword while looking at the warriors of the Golden Sword Club.

“Stop it!”

“It's not too late yet! I haven't seen any blood yet!"

“Catch him, catch that bastard first!”

I thought there was a lot of noise in the back, but the same beggar-shaped volcanic pentacle rushed up and stood around Qingming.

“Woo-wook! Whoops! Whoops!”

“No, why are there so many Mundos?!”

“I was terrified of suppressing it without getting hurt.”

“… … I just woke up.”

“I just stabbed myself.”

Baek Cheon, Yoon Jong, and Jo Geul, who were gasping for breath, looked at Yui Seol and Dang So So with a sigh.

Seeing the two men proudly raising their chins, the three shook their heads with a smile.

“Hmmm. Anyway… … .”

Baekcheon cleared his neck and stepped forward in front of Cheongmyeong.

“Are you the caretaker of the Golden Sword Club?”

“… … .”

“Nice to meet you. We are from a volcano.”


"Yes. It's a bit ugly, but please understand that it was a rush from Shaanxi to here."

Baekcheon's voice was truly sincere and dignified.

“I heard that there is someone here who is impersonating a disciple of Hwasan. Whatever the reason, it is impossible to claim to be a disciple of Hwasan without seeking permission from Honsan. If you cooperate with the extradition of sinners, the volcano will not forget this.”

If the usual Baekcheon had said this, no one would have suspected it. Again, he may have been mesmerized by the dedication and dignified momentum.

But unfortunately not now.

“A volcanic wave?”

"That's right."

“You guys?”


“That mogolo?”

“… … .”

Baek Cheon slightly covered his mouth with his fist and coughed a little.

“Appearance is just a façade. We just… … .”

“Of course I agree with that. But... … .”

Sang Man-hee gestured towards Baek-cheon's back with a fat face.

“As far as I know, I’ve heard that volcanoes are volcanic fingerprints… … .”

Baekcheon’s gaze followed Sang Man-hee to the back.

Behind the smashed door, there were mundos with golden swords scattered here and there like a fallen scarecrow. Not one or two, but almost fifty.

Baek Cheon, who had lost his words for a moment, opened his mouth with an awkward face.

“… … This needs a little explanation... … .”

“Where in the world!”

“… … .”

“What kind of confederate paper broke into other people’s cliques, beat them down, and forced them to release the guests! The volcanic sects I know are not the sect to do such a thing!”

there… … I'm not sure what kind of volcanic waves you know, but in the volcanoes I know, this is normal... … .

“Yeah, these guys! It is clear that he came to work on the orders of that iron imitation!”

“Are you going to do it? Iron imitation?”

Sang Man-hee broke out in anger and sharpened her teeth.

“Isn’t this a clever attempt to take a disciple of the volcanoes and prevent them from asking for help from the volcano? You know I don't know?"


Cheongmyung, who had been listening quietly, unknowingly hit the palm of his hand with his fist.

“Is it reasonable?”

“Hey, you crazy bastard! What is plausible!”

“It’s because you were so excited to say it from the beginning!”

“You must be scolded!”

“That’s right, I must be confused!”

Seeing the beggars (?) who suddenly started to stand in line with each other, Sang Man-hee frowned. It was then.


Yoon Jong, who was the only one who was lost in the fight, said as he glanced at the side room behind Sang Man-hee.

“You are being deceived. The one in there is not a disciple of the Volcano Sect! We are the real volcanic students!”

“… … you guys?”

"Yes that's right."

Sang Man-hee looked at Yoon-jong blankly, then asked.

“Let’s change our perspective.”


“If you were in my position, the one inside and who among you would consider you to be a disciple of the volcano?”

At those words, Ogum pulled out his head all the way inward and looked at Jinyang Geon.

Dressed in a neat white robe and wearing a conduit, whoever looked at him looked like a noble swordsman.


They nodded and looked into each other's eyes.

As if they had been together for a long time, their hearts were conveyed just by looking at them. A bright and happy smile appeared on their faces.

'This is not possible.'

'Even if you're like me, you'll be deceived.'

'okay. Even the longest-running man is digging.'

This is something I ate in the first place.

Sang Man-hee clicked his tongue as he saw the disciples of Hwasan smiling awkwardly.

'Where the hell did these frivolous things come from... … .'

Jin Yang-geon not only showed the dignity of a Daoin, but also his every action showed his dignity as a gentleman. On the other hand, what these guys do is nothing like a back alley rookie boat.

Even a three-year-old child will not have a hard time discerning who is the disciple of the volcano.

“Nothing to talk about! I will make you pay the price for daring to invade the Golden Sword Club and cause a riot! What are you doing!”

At that time, Cheongmyeong smiled and spoke triumphantly to the executioners.

“Look. did i say Can't you say it?"

“It’s because of you! You bastard!”

“When did you say it? Say it at least once and say it! Please, Cheongmyung-ah!”

Cheongmyeong shrugged and looked at Jin Yang-geon beyond Sang Man-hee.

“You bastard, stay right there.”

Qingming, who loudly broke his neck left and right, let his hands hang down, and the sword naturally filled his left and right sides.

But his face was full of anxiety. He should have instinctively prepared to fight once, but he couldn't erase the feeling that he was vainly chasing innocent people.

Yoonjong hurriedly asked Baekcheon.

“Sook. Is this okay?”

Then Baekcheon replied with a more serious face.

“Think about it, Yoon Jong-ah.”


“Did you ever do something? But if you miss that impersonator here, wouldn't it be that accidents happen and you won't get anything?"

“… … .”

“If you make an accident anyway, you should get something. First catch that bastard! Remediation will be done after that!”

Yoon Jong, who was speechless, suddenly felt skeptical.

Is it really okay for this person to become a volcanic writer?

“What are you doing? Subdue it now and get down on your knees before me!”


The Mundos began to narrow the encirclement towards the Qingmyeong and others. Sang Man-hee clicked his tongue.

Although the mundos in the outer garden suffered horribly, they are, to the last, warriors of the outer garden. The true power of the Golden Sword Department comes from the samurai who are here now. In addition, the elders of the Golden Sword Department, who ran late, are also joining one after another.

Now, even if they were the real volcanic students, it was clear that only six people would never be able to win.

Sang Man-hee, thinking that the results had already been obtained, turned his body and entered the burial chamber.

Jin Yang-geon was waiting for him in the same posture as the first time. Even in this absurd situation, seeing him sitting motionless in a chair as in the first time, the words of a true gentleman immediately came to mind.

“Sorry for the fuss.”

"under… … . haha. You say everything, Lieutenant.”

“I’ll take care of it soon, so please wait.”

“They seem to have come to me, but what I am dealing with is… … .”

“What do you mean! Do I need to use a oxen's knife to slaughter a chicken? Don't worry, we'll take care of them."

"haha… … .”

Jin Yang-geon smiled a little and glanced outside. Then, while Sang Man-hee's head turned slightly, she quickly swallowed saliva.

'driving me crazy!'

What the hell are they doing, but suddenly they're impersonators or scammers?

'You must run away as soon as possible.'

Already his plans have gone terribly wrong. If there comes a situation where they are captured and have to face-to-face, there may be a bigger setback.


“Yes, the seal.”

Seeing Sang Man-hee full of trust, Jin Yang-geon smiled leisurely.

"Requesting reinforcements from the volcano is the most urgent, so I'm going to move on right away."

“Oh, would you? But even if you don't check who they are... … ?”

Jinyang Geon shook his head with a determined face.

“The flies are always entangled in those who have achieved fame. There is no end to dealing with them one by one.”

“Ah, indeed!”

He grabbed his stack of slips and stood up.

“If you put in a contact now, you will receive an answer within three days. Then we can talk again.”

"Yes. Then please... … .”

It was then.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave not to have to go!"


I thought I could hear a scream that was not heard by humans, but something futile flew in and crashed into the tea table between Jin Yang-geon and Sang Man-hee.


The datak literally shattered and scattered in all directions. At the same time, expensive tea utensils were also shattered and scattered.

"this… … This heart... … . Ugh? Four, the three elders?”

Sang Man-hee, who was about to get angry if he blows beggars here, was startled at the moment when he saw the person who collapsed with a bubble.

The three elders, a master swordsman recognized by the Golden Swordsman, were wriggling with his eyes closed. Her legs, which seemed to have become very stiff, were shaking, and it was truly a creepy sight.

“… … Four, the three elders… … .”

Realizing that the situation was firmly going wrong, Sang Man-hee lifted her head. and… … .



At last, Qingming stepped into the room.

“I’m here, you bastard. Reinforcement from the volcano!”

A new white vapor leaked from his lips, grinning as eerie as hell.


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