Have you heard of plum blossom inspection? (5)

Jinyang Geon swallowed dry saliva, feeling his throat burning.

'It must be expensive.'

The orchid in the scroll hanging on the wall seemed to be alive. Even he, who was no stranger to painting, could quickly recognize that the price of the painting was exorbitant.

Is that all?

The chair I was sitting in was also unusual. It was clear that the black chairs and the faint red light were made of rosewood, which I had only heard of.

The wealth of the owner of this room could be guessed just by looking at the rosewood chairs said to be used by the imperial family or high-ranking people.

'At least this will be expensive.'

Jin Yang Geon looked at the teacup in front of him and trembled with his fingertips.

The colorful patterns engraved on the pure white porcelain caught my attention. I thought that I might have to ask for cheongeum if I accidentally drop it and break it, so I did not have my hands on the teacup.

'It is no exaggeration to say that the wealth of the Golden Sword Department makes the world tremble.'

The things I saw as I came to the office in the deep part of the Golden Sword Department were dazzling. How much trouble did you have to keep your mouth wide open?

However, the luxury of the careless room was incomparable to those I had seen then.


Jin Yang-geon, who once again swallowed his dry saliva, hurriedly captured his expression to see who could see it.

'Now it's all over.'

From now on, there shouldn't be a single mistake. He seemed to be unable to forgive himself for the rest of his life on the days when he flirted and things went awry.

I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm my face, when I heard a voice from outside the door. Soon the door opened wide and three men entered.

Jin Yang-geon slowly lifted his gaze, which had been fixed with a teacup.

He showed an expression that seemed as relaxed as possible without showing any sign of embarrassment.

Two men were following behind a middle-aged man in a blue robe. Anyone with even the slightest insight could know that the person walking from the center was the deputy owner of this golden sword club, Manjo Sang (常萬喜).

Sang Man-hee, who approached with a dignified step, swept deeply.

“I am Sang Man-hee, the deputy owner of the Golden Sword Club. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome the guests right away.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Jinyang Geon lightly shook his head and swung to face each other.

“Who doesn’t know that the Golden Sword Manjo Sanghyeop is the guiding branch of the world? Those who conduct negotiations are always busy and exhausted. If you blame him for being busy, the world will curse Jin Yang-geon as a scumbag.”

“… … indeed. As you have heard, you have the appearance of a great gypsy.”

“It’s just a veneer.”

Sang Man-hee smiled softly and sat across from Jin Yang-geon.

“While I had always admired the name of the volcano, I heard that the hero of the volcano had visited Namchang, so there was no reason not to attend.”

“Thank you.”

“Excuse me, but what exactly is the distribution in the volcano… … .”


Jinyang Gun smiled slightly embarrassed and lowered his head.

“As you know, the volcano is a clan that does not promote itself.”

“Yes, cancer.”

“That’s why in Hwasan, we do not allow our disciples to reveal their distribution to the disciples who are going strong. It is inevitable that the distribution of those who participated in the official event of the volcano will be revealed... … .”

"Ah… … . That’s a strange thing.”

Jin Yang-geon, who looked at Sang Man-hee's expression with a calm face, added.

"I hope you understand. As you know, the reputation of the volcano has grown excessively in recent years.”

“Yes, yes. Doesn't the whole world praise the name of the volcano?"

At Sang Man-hee's words, Jin Yang-geon smiled quietly.

“People tend to become arrogant when their reputation rises. This is a measure that Jang Mun-in gave so that his disciples would not be overconfident, so I only hope for the broad understanding of the Master Geum.”

Sang Man-hee nodded in admiration.

'They said that the volcano is a reference fingerprint.'

Do you humble yourself in every way you speak and not consider others? It seemed natural to understand why the name of the volcano has risen recently.

“How can we all understand the intentions of a long-time writer with a deep way? All I have to do is think that it would be right.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Jin Yang-geon smiled softly and sighed inwardly.

'So far, everything has gone as expected.'

If you keep digging around, something strange is bound to come out in the end. So, it is better to bluntly say that it is the intention of a high person early on.

The Golden Sword Master must also be full of desire to look good on the volcano, so he would not have been able to ask questions about what was done in the name of a long writer.

“But… … .”

Jin Yang-geon continued the conversation in a more relaxed tone. It is better to have as few conversations as possible. So turn around, but keep your voice as relaxed as possible so that you don't notice the urgency here.

“It seems that the deputy master of the Golden Sword, who is about to fail the construction project, did not ask for an unknown job for no reason, but is there anything he wants to say to me?”

"Hahaha. How do you say you're an obscure scoundrel? The story of Jin Daehyeop breaking the Taehaeng three swords yesterday spread all over the male prostitutes. Besides, I know that you have enhanced the reputation of the volcano by collaborating several times before coming here.”

“I just followed the teachings of the monks.”

The golden swordsman nodded his head again and again.

“Yes. Isn't it famous for the volcanic sidewalk? I've heard that even in the case of the volcanic deity dragon and the hwajeong sword, which are famous all over the world, they act together as if they were breathing.”

Jin Yang-geon happily nodded his head and smiled.

“They still have a lot to learn.”

"Ah… … If so?”

When Sang Man-hee's eyes lit up for a moment, Jin Yang-geon waved his hand in surprise.

“Ah, sorry. Forget what I just said.”

“Yeah, that’s right! This mother-in-law has not heard anything.”

I was going to pretend I didn't hear it, but Sang Man-hee's eyes were shining brightly.

'To call Hwajeonggeom a child means that at least the distribution is above that.'

Embroidery of plum blossoms engraved on clothes. And the ability to break that Taehaeng three sword with one sword. If there is a word or action that calls the sword a child, it can be said that the verification is over.

What would a master who could cut that taehaeng three swords with a single knife, even if everything else was put aside, would pretend to be a disciple of the volcano? With that level of skill, even if you don't belong, you'll be able to spread your reputation.

'If the distribution is that much, discussion is possible!'

Sang Man-hee, who had a red color on her face, quietly opened her mouth.

“Jin Daehyup.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“There is nothing else that Sangmo Lee would like to ask of Jin Daehyup as the deputy head of the Golden Sword Club.”

“If you ask me… … .”

"first… … Is Huashan really a sect that seeks consultation?”

At those words, Jin Yang-geon kept the accusation.

“How dare you define a volcano with the status of a disciple.”

"Ah… … . I can't speak... … .”

“One, I want you to know that it is a place that strives to go on the right path more than any other sect in the world.”

Sang Man-hee nodded her head in admiration.

“Then I will trust you and tell you. I don't know if you've heard of it, but we're at war with an iron mimic located nearby."

“Ugh. I've heard of it for a while."

“The iron imitation and our gold sword club did not have a very good relationship in the first place. But in the meantime, there have been only small fights with each other, and there hasn't been a full-fledged fight... … Recently, the problem grew when we invited experts from all over the world in the iron imitation room.”

“Did you say everyone?”

Jin Yang-geon's eyes became sharp. Sang Man-hee called for joy in her heart.

'The rumor that volcanoes and all peoples are enemies of the Undead Daecheon is not wrong. Seeing him react so violently.'

"Yes. Unknown masters from all over the world began to help them. Besides, I think we're not just sending in a few masters, we're giving direct support.”


As Jin Yang-geon's expression hardened, Sang Man-hee took a deep breath.

“Daehyup Jin. I am not trying to gain my advantage by preserving this golden sword club. As you know, there are no proper sects here in Namchang. If the Golden Sword Department collapses, that group of iron imitations will take control of the male prostitutes, and furthermore, the strong book may fall into the hands of everyone.”

“That is a really big deal. But... … Were the other sects just looking at it?”

“Who will come?”

Sang Man-hee shook his head.

“The big towns that surround the fertile and prosperous city are not interested in small places like male prostitutes. Even if they were interested, they immediately turned their heads when they heard that the other party was everyone.”

“Something like that… … .”

“Jin Daehyeop!”

Sang Man-hee grabbed Jin Yang-geon's hand.


“… … .”

“Now, the only hope for Namchang is Hwasan. I heard that volcanoes do not tolerate injustice. Protect the male prostitute from all those wicked people.”

"Well… … .”

As Jin Yang Geon still showed a hint of hesitation, Sang Man Hee gently shoved his hand into his sleeve.

“We're not asking for free help.”

And he swiped the slip from his sleeve.

“If you give me your help, I will not be offended by the display of your surname.”

Jin Yang-geon's eyes turned to the pile of issued slips. But, as if he had no particular interest in money, he immediately turned his gaze and looked out the window.

“… … Jin Daehyup?”

“It seems that the manager is making a big mistake.”

“… … Yes?"

Jinyang Gun shook his head.

“The volcano is not a money-driven school. Giving money while discussing an agreement is an act of ignoring the agreement of the volcano.”

For a moment, Sang Man-hee's face, who wanted to miss it, turned slightly white.

"I am… … I just want to express my feelings… … .”

“Do you really want to show your heart?”

Jin Yang-geon looked straight at him like that and said.

“We cannot just stand by and see the work of the wicked of all nations. Of course, the long writer will also draw a sword. But to do that, you need a justification.”

“Hey, what if there was a reason?”

“Bring me five times this slip.”

“Five times?”

"Yes. Five times.”

Sang Man-hee looked at Jin Yang-gun with a blank face.

Giving money is an insult to the volcano, so give me more money? What does this mean?

“Have you ever heard of what happened in Wuhan?”

"Ah… … .”

Sang Man-hee nodded his head.

“The money given by the Golden Sword Department will be used to help the needy in Gangseo and Namchang. Then, the reputation of the Golden Swordsman will also rise. We will not take even a single penny of the money given to us by the Golden Sword Department.”

“Well, then?”

"Yes. The Golden Sword Club will become a great sect for the poor, and then we will have a justification to raise our swords for such a Geum Sword Club.”

Jin Yang-geon continued speaking with a heavy voice.

“So, if you give money to the poor, I will also put a pipe in the volcano to bring in the disciples from Bonsan. Can you do it?”

As soon as there was a momentary conflict on Sang Man-hee's face, Jin Yang-geon smiled.

“On the day you lose to the iron imitation, you will lose all the money anyway. Wouldn’t it be better to give to the naked and hungry than to give to them?”

Those words seemed to be the final blow. Sang Man-hee immediately nodded his head with a stiff face.

"I'll do it!"

“You thought well.”

"But… … It will take a little while to get enough slips. What you get after work... … .”

“No, it won’t be.”

Jin Yang-geon shook his head.

“As I said, this is not a kickback, but money to be given to them. Before Hwasan participates in this war, it is meaningful to first pray for the poor in the name of the Golden Swordsman and Hwasan.”

"Ah… … . That's right.”

“How long will you be ready?”

“… … that… … .”

Jin Yang-geon's eyes narrowed slightly.

“It seems that the threat from everyone is stronger and less urgent than I thought. Then take it easy and prepare. But if I turn off the time for too long, I have something else to do... … .”

“Oh, no! You're not in a hurry! Please wait! Two Sijin! I will be ready in two minutes!”

“Until you need to be in such a hurry… … .”

"no! You have to slow down the time a bit. Please wait!”

“If you say so, I will be waiting for you here.”

Without further hesitation, Sang Man-hee got up from her seat.

Still, his gaze instinctively turned to the stack of slips on the table. However, from the beginning until now, Jin Yang-geon did not even look at the slip as if the money was not mine.

“Thank you for your help! And thank you for the help of the volcano.”

"It was nothing. We just do what we have to do.”

“Then wait!”

Sang Man-hee jumped out of Burinake. And he ordered the governors on the left and right.

“Go to the battlefield and get the slip! right now!"

“Father, deputy lord. I know you are in a hurry, but it has not been confirmed that the author is a disciple of the volcano, and there is no guarantee that the volcano is moving according to the author's words. But, to give you a ticket first... … .”

“Sounds stupid!”

Sang Man-hee shouted.

“I’m sure you can find a gosu who can defeat the Taehaeng Three Swords! However, it is not easy to find a master who can defeat the Taehaeng three swords with one sword, even after washing his eyes. And what is it that such a person calls himself a master of the volcano, not a Shaolin or a shaman?”

“… … that… … .”

“It’s not a small amount of money, but it’s a bargain for moving a volcano. If you can manage stupid gurus who only know how to talk with that amount of money, that's a lot of business! So, don’t talk too much and come find me!”

"Yes, I understand."

When the generals finally bowed their heads and then disappeared in a hurry, Sang Man-hee laughed inwardly.

'You stupid bastard. It's really naive. We have to wipe out all the iron imitations on this occasion.'

But he didn't know.

It means that Jin Yang-geon, who is left alone in the sub-room, is making the same expression as him now.

and… … .

“Ugh… … .”

White steam gushed out from her gaping lips.

Cheongmyung, who looked left and right with his lively eyes, murmured in a voice like the devil from hell.

“Is this a male prostitute?”

A hungry beast was approaching the two snakes that were twisting their legs and looking only for a chance to eat each other.


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