Have you heard of plum blossom inspection? (2)


There was a silence that was heavy enough to hear someone swallowing dry saliva. Inside the dungeon filled with unbelievably cold silence that was unbelievably noisy, the eyes of those who watched the situation gleamed with interest.

Volcanoes and Jongnam.

Anyone who knows the relationship between the two factions can't help but pay attention, and even those who do not know the relationship cannot take their eyes off the people they met with their swords drawn from the base in broad daylight.


It was the moment when Gwahyukso (過赫笑), the largest of the three great swords, growled and was about to drive the man away.

"for a bit."

The man who drew his sword lightly waved his hand. Then he looked around and opened his mouth.

“I don’t have any particular interest in splitting swords in this place, but swords don’t have eyes. I am afraid that it will harm others.”

“… … .”

“How are you? If you are going to divide the sword, why not go to a slightly wider area?”

“This guy… … .”

Gwahyukso bit his lip.

Because of his cunning eloquence, they have become ruthless wielding swords, with no regard for those around them. In essence, this is something they should have discussed first, as the disciples of the noble descendants.

"good! But, isn’t that the story of going to a remote place where there are no other people’s eyes?”

Gwahyukso laughed outrightly.

“I have no intention of forgiving you if you kneel and pray in a place where there are no other people’s eyes.”

"haha. Could it be possible?”

The man glanced down the window.

“I think it would be good enough to split the sword if it was down there. How are you?”

The three swordsmen nodded their heads as they looked at each other and exchanged glances.

“Anywhere is good.”

“Hmm. then."

The man held his sword and put his feet on the spear. And without hesitation, he jumped out of the window.


“Hey, hey!”

The middle class screamed in surprise.

“Hey, this is the seventh floor!”

“You’re jumping from here?”

I hurriedly ran to the window and looked down. However, what caught their eye was not a mangled corpse, but a man standing still and looking up.

“Come down.”

Everyone stuck their tongues out at the clear voice.

The fact that he was still intact after jumping from this high place was proof that the man's ignorance was never low.

Taehaeng Samgeom also thought so and hardened his face.


They glanced at Zuru's stairs and windows, and bit their lips slightly.

"let's go!"


The gangster at the forefront flew out the window at once without hesitation. Then his two brothers also jumped off.


“Come on, let’s go down!”

Those who were filling the base hurriedly ran down the stairs.

thud! Koo!

The three swords came down to the floor.

There was nothing to stop his face from contorting in pain.


The shocked legs trembled and trembled uncontrollably. The back of my foot hurt like a torn, and it was difficult to stand up properly because my ankle was sore.

But he couldn't show his weakness here.

Taehaeng Samgeom, who forcibly bent his bent knees, glared at the man standing on the other side.

Just by jumping off the base, they were so shocked that it was difficult to cast footwork, but there was no sign of such a thing in that man.

'Isn't that just a mouth-watering kid?'

Gwahyukso took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“What is your name?”

"My Name?"

“Isn’t that a nameless one, even though it’s an obscure sorceress? Or were you a coward who couldn't even reveal your name?"

“Ha ha ha.”

The man laughed out loud once and shook his head.

“I don’t want to keep provoking you like that. I'm not hiding anything. My name is Jin Yang-geon (陳阳建).”

“How is the distribution?”


Gwahyukso looked at Jin Yang-geon with cold eyes and asked.

“If you are a disciple of the volcano, there will be some distribution, right?”

"haha. What would that matter?”

“… … what?"

Jin Yang-geon lightly waved his sword like a fan.

“If my share is higher than yours, will you bow your head and apologize?”

“… … .”

“Or, if my allocation is lower than yours, are you going to use my allocation to take a picture and press?”

“This guy… … .”

Jin Yang-geon shook his head with a sad face.

“Whatever my distribution may be, what you have done is not the right thing to do. So, there is no need to discuss distribution, is there?”

“No, I… … .”

“What matters is whether it is injustice or not! It's rude, isn't it! This widow is a person who does not turn injustice into righteousness by other people’s distributions!”

As he shouted loudly, the crowd gathered around him and applauded with impressed faces.


“I don’t know who that person is, but he’s just saying the right things!”

Gwahyukso's face contorted horribly.

He just wanted to know the distribution of the authors. But because of that one word, the Taehaeng Samswords now have no confidence in their skills, so they have become those who tried to take down their opponents by distribution.

'Damn you!'

I don't know what he put on his tongue, but he was quickly and skillfully leading the mood towards him.

"older brother."


Gwahyukso, who desperately understood that there was no good thing to say for nothing, raised his sword and aimed at Jinyanggun.

“I knew your tongue was scary. I wish your sword could even follow half of its tongue.”

Then Jin Yang-geon glanced at Gwahyukso and shook his head.

“Is that like three?”

“Don’t be afraid, sweetheart. I wonder if we'll ever be able to work together against a kid like you? I'll deal with it alone, so stop urinating when you're tired."

“No, it’s the other way around.”

Jin Yang-geon smiled faintly.

“You are alone. All three of them at once.”

“… … what?"

“It seems you don’t understand what you are saying. You won't be able to handle me alone, so I told you to fight with your brothers."

Jin Yang-geon looked down at the drawn sword.

“That’ll give you a little bit of flavor to deal with.”

Gwahyukso's face turned red in an instant.

“You seem to be looking for an excuse to lose! Do you think it will go your way?”

“That is a mistake. I, Yang-geon Jin, know integrity. I will never make excuses for saying that you lost because you were three, and that you could have won alone.”

Jin Yang-geon calmly spread his shoulders.

“I just want to give you a fair chance. That is the natural principle that must be followed as a prosecutor.”

“Yeah, man! I hope that even the main disciples of Hwasan would not dare to speak such blasphemy in front of us... … !”

“Of course. Because I am not an ordinary volcanic disciple.”

“… … what?"

Jin Yang-geon's smile deepened even more.

“Have you heard of plum blossom inspection?”

“… … Plum inspection?”

“If you didn’t know, you will find out now. What is plum inspection?”

Jin Yang-geon's sword, pointed forward, reflected the light.

“Through this sword.”

“… … .”

Gwahyukso, who was angry all the way to the tip of his head, sharpened his teeth. At that time, the younger brothers standing behind him spoke coldly.

"older brother. As I say, let's do whatever we want!"

“We have no reason to say no! Shouldn’t we make that young bastard realize how scary Kang-ho is!”

Hyukso agreed and nodded his head.

“Come on, do that!”

When the eldest's permission fell, the brothers came forward and filled his left and right sides.

“You bastard! There is no use in regretting!”

“I am not a person who knows such things as regrets.”


In the two eyes of the gangster, life was like that.

All of a sudden, the crowd flocked in like clouds, holding their breath and watching this confrontation. The atmosphere was getting more and more escalating, as if it was going to squirt blood at any moment.

Breaking the brief silence, Kwahyukso shouted.

“Give me your heart!”


“Oh oh oh oh oh!”

The three swords of Taehaeng rushed towards Jin Yang-geon at the same time. Even the seemingly blunt-looking gangster quickly narrowed the distance with Jin Yang-geon at lightning speed.

It was to prove the reason why they were called the Taehaeng Samgeom and gained fame by using the divine law.

However, when Jin Yang-geon saw the speed of the process, he did not respond in particular. The sword wielded by the gangster was close to reaching his head in an instant, but he simply stared at the sword.


“Me, me!”

The weak man had already closed his eyes tightly. It was because Jin Yang-geon's hair split in two seemed to look good.



At that moment, a sharp metallic sound resounded, and the three swords of Taehaeng that rushed in unison staggered and retreated at the same time.

“… … this guy... … .”

Gwahyukso opened his eyes.

Jin Yang-geon struck not only his sword, but also the swords of his brothers who attacked from the left and right, and blew them away with one blow.


Jin Yang-geon shook his head slightly displeased.

“How can you intimidate others with your skills? It seems that Jong-nam has become too arrogant.”

“Come on, do you dare put your servant in his mouth?”

“Look carefully.”

Jin Yang-geon held out his sword.

“This is what a sword that guards justice is. This is the volcanic sword.”

As soon as the words were finished, Jin Yang-geon's sword began to split.

The middle class opened their eyes.

“I, that… … .”

The sword, which had grown to dozens in an instant, increased as if it was not the end, and soon began to radiate white and red sword energy in all directions.

The surroundings were filled with Jin Yang-geon's sword in an instant. The red, white and black colors were impressive as if looking at a flower garden in full bloom.

“I, that one!”

“That’s the volcanic plum sword technique!”

Everyone who had heard shouted out.

As if it were living up to that expectation, the rising swords exploded and spewed toward the Taehaeng Samsword.


Gwahyukso's face turned pale blue. A sight as if the son-in-law was filled with swords.

Before I could even think of fighting back, the numerous swords passed through the entire body of the Taehaeng Three Swords.



A scream rang out.

The splendid swordsmanship flew into the air, and only the three Taehaengsam swords fell to the floor.


With a slightly pale face, Jin Yang-geon spoke softly to those who had fallen.

“It seems that Jongnam doesn’t teach that you shouldn’t intimidate others by force. But volcanoes never let that happen. Remember. That the sword exists not to show off me, but to protect the weak.”

A brief silence passed. And after a while, huge cheers erupted from all sides.


“It’s the best aaaaaa!”

"volcano! It's also a volcano!"

“The volcanic group didn't make a name for themselves in the Dead Sea for nothing! You really look like someone out of a painting!”

Jin Yang-geon, who lightly waved his hand at the cheers pouring in from all directions, approached Jinpyeong.

"Are you okay?"

"Ah… … . Oh yes! Fine."

Jin Yang-geon smiled brightly.

“Then I’m happy. If you have any problems, please come to me anytime.”

“Yes, yes! Daehyup, thank you so much!”


Jin Yang-geon lightly swung around and started to get out of the crowd without any regrets.

In the meantime, cheers and praise continued to pour in.

A small suspicion flashed on Jinpyeong's face in the heated atmosphere.

'I think something is different... … .'

From the atmosphere to the behavior, it was definitely something different from the disciples of the volcano he had seen in person. A small sense of alienation remained in the corner of my heart.

'No, maybe.'

A person with such skills would not impersonate a volcano. no way.

But Jinpyeong didn't know.

As Jin Yang-geon left the people behind and left the hall, a fishy smile flashed across his lips.


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