what are you pretending to be? (2)


Cheongmyeong looked at the whole building in front of her with a look of displeasure.

It's not too big and not too flashy. No, to be precise, the tile was missing here and there and there were holes in the walls.

To ordinary people, it may seem like an abandoned house. But for beggars, it's like a palace.

“Anyway, these days things are full!”

Where does the beggar sleep on the roof?

When he was in the midst of his promotions in the stronghold, the beggar he held was the envy of other beggars!

Because of this, guts, huh?!


With an uncomfortable face, the cold Cheongmyung moved forward. And I thought to myself.

okay. If it was the other guys, I would have said something, but Chungmyeong has a broad mind. Isn't it different from the Kkondaes, from the Kkondaes?

“Is there a beggar uncle?”

Instead of the broken door, he turned the cloth covering the entrance and protruded his head into the hall.


But soon, his eyes widened.

What kind of scene is this again?

There is usually a figure that comes to mind when people think of beggars.

There were beggars lying here and there, covering the bulkheads, and the empty sagebrush. Being a beggar is the busiest job in the world and it was a natural scene.

By the way… … .

“Did you deal with that?”

"Ouch! I'm not in a situation where I can do this right now! Do it yourself!”

“No, I did if I could! I am not in a position to do this!”

"carrier pigeon! What about Jeon Seo-gu? Who roasted it and ate it up! Why can’t I see Jeonseo-gu?”

“Did I send it earlier?”

“What, ma? What if I send it to you! I thought this one was more urgent! Do you want to run to Luoyang?”

“… … Sorry, sorry.”

what? What are you so busy with?

The hall was literally full of beggars.

Since there are not so many beggars in the chord, it must have been that other beggars from Shaanxi were also brought along. The problem was that all the beggars were running around sweating their feet, not beggars.

Fortunately, some beggars were all sitting in front of the collapsing desk. However, papers were piled up on the desk with a force that would pierce the sky, and the hand holding the brush sprinted fiercely across the paper at the speed with which a top-notch expert spreads his sword.

“Did you say that the vertical and horizontal massacre went? I didn't see it!”

“I saw it! Just write it!”

“Which way did Pawoldo say he went?”

“Didn’t I tell you twice before! Because that yangban went to Hanam!”

"Are you sure?"

“If you're not sure, what do you do? I can't even check again!”

“Turn it off.”

Surprisingly, no one paid any attention to Chungmyeong.

Looking back, it seemed that he had no intention of turning his head in the first place.

“… … But give me some attention... … .”

Qingming's face turned pale.

That's right, I've never seen such a disregard anywhere from the old days until now.

Finally, Qingming spoke out loud again.

"excuse me!"

“Ah, who is it!”

"that… … Beggar man! Hong Dae-kwang... … .”

“I’m busy, so ask someone else!”

“… … .”

Oh my gosh. Living and living being ignored by a beggar.

'This is the first time I've ever been humiliated like this.'

Clearly, he and the beggar are not compatible.

It was at the moment when Qingming couldn't contain his anger and was about to scream.

“Uh, are you here?”


At the sound of a sudden welcome, Cheongmyung turned his head. One of the beggars running around sweating his feet saw him, put down the paper he was holding, and ran quickly.

“For a second!”

Cheong-myeong, who looked at the beggar who ran by calling his name Cho Sam, was a little late and said, “Ah,” and pretended not to know.

“Are you Guchil?”

“Have you forgotten people’s faces too?”

“No, not that… … .”

Qingming said scratching his head.

“You have grown so much.”

"iced coffee. kinda right? Hehe. After coming here and eating well, he suddenly grew taller.”

"Yeah. I see.”

When I first saw it, I thought it was a little childish, but now I feel quite mature. Yes, it's all big.

“I think your uncle is doing well.”

“The people of Hwaeum are so friendly that I don’t have to go to bed. And since you heard rumors that I'm close with you, he even brought me meat."

Cheongmyung's eyes were ripped apart as he looked at Guchil, who smiled kindly.

“Yeah, you have to see it. Why don’t you keep doing this and come to the volcano?”

“… … It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“What do you want to meet? It'll be all right, beggar."

Guchil smiled awkwardly with a cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

“I feel more comfortable with this. I might be able to adapt well to something like a conduit in the first place.”

“Better than a beggar.”

"Hehe. I like beggars better.”

Cheongmyung narrowed her eyes as if she still couldn't believe it. But Guchil's heart was strong. He never wanted to follow Qingming to the volcano.

'If you go to a volcano, you will die.'

Openness is where the most information circulates in the world. As a result, the open-minded people were aware to some extent of what kind of school and how much they practiced.

Among the numerous sects spread around the world, it is the volcano that has spread the rumor that it drives people out with a sing-along sound.

'Even if I die, I won't go away!'

There are many stories among the harmonious beggars that no matter how harsh a beggar's life is, it's better than a volcanic master. But would Guchil go up a volcano just because he was crazy?

“The caterpillar must eat pine needles.”


Cheongmyeong looked at Guchil with a dissatisfied look, and then nodded.

"okay. Instead, be sure to tell me if anything happens. It really is.”

"Of course! we are friends I don't know if I'll still be able to call you friends... … .”

“It’s cheesy, it’s cute.”

Seeing Guchil lingering a little, Cheongmyeong laughed.

And then.

"no! You must be busy, but why are you hanging out there! I can't help you quickly!"

A shrill voice flew in. Guchil was embarrassed and stammered until the end.

"Ah. It's not that... … .”

“Goo Chil, you bastard is missing these days! Would you like to get scolded like before?”

"no! that… … .”

“Aren’t you coming over here right now?”

Seeing the beggar screaming quack with a blunt face, the twins in his eyes lit up.

“But what about that kid?”

“Who else are you… … . Hey hey hey hey hey!”

Bamboo shoots poured out of the hands of the beggars who were startled.

“Second, third... … . Ah, no, the volcanic god dragon!”

Jongpal's face turned white in an instant, as if he had seen a ghost.

no. In fact, from his point of view, he is far more frightening than a ghost than a ghost.

"What? are you mad? Wasn't this bastard less right back then?"

“Oh my gosh!”

The servant fell flat on the spot as if he was about to dig into it.

“Sah, please save me! That was not the intention!”

“I tried to peel it off by hanging it upside down, but I was pitiful and saved it. what? Are you mad like before? Hey, you bastard!”


The shoes that Qingming took off hit the back of the head of his arm.


The bell arm, which had been holding the back of the head while screaming, rolled and struggled a few times, then got up quickly and fell flat on the floor again.

“I will fix it!”

“Don’t be sure!”

The eyes of the beggars, who were moving in a hurry, gathered at the sudden situation. After a moment of silence, everyone opened their mouths.

“Wow, volcanic divine dragon!”

“Hey profit! Why is that gentleman here... … !”

"padrone! Find the king quickly!”

The beggars, tired of blue, rushed back. It was as if he had met a tiger as he was clinging to the wall.

“… … Why are those yangbans like that again?”

"under… … . Hahaha… … . haha… … .”

At Cheongmyeong's question, only an awkward laugh escaped Chosam's mouth.


Wouldn't it be difficult for me to answer that question?

The beggars of harmony hear about you so often, and they know your personality well, so you can't honestly answer that they are more reluctant than Bum.

"no… … .”


“Sorry for not recognizing you right away!”

“Help me!”

Cheongmyung's face trembled as voices begging for his life, not food, erupted from here and there.

“No, who is mad? Why are you all... … !”

“Hey, hey!”

“Just jump out!”

“Wow, there is an opening behind us!”

Cheongmyung smiled at the beggars who caused the game, rather than idly.



“… … Get out for a second.”

“… … .”

“Get out, if you don’t want to.”

“… … Go, thank you.”

After Guchil escaped, the sound of pigs licking echoed in the front building for a while.


After a while, Cheong-myeong clicked his tongue as he looked at the beggars who were sitting in a rather small crowd. All of them are on their knees, but this is pretty good for what Cheongmyeong was doing.

“If a master comes and everyone looks like a ghost, will people get angry or not?”

“Well, that’s right. of course. We were wrong!”

"Yes? Are you mad?”

“Oh! Aww! Would you like to say this?”

“Yes, I am… … .”

“Oh! Aww!”

“Hey, sir!”

When Qingming took off his shoes, the beggars scattered, then quickly gathered again.


When a beggar came back with a pair of shoes, Cheongmyeong took it and put it on and took a deep breath. It was to control his anger.

So, what do you do when you get mad at the beggars? nothing to change?

Qingming asked with a sigh.

“But what are you so busy with?”

Then the beggars quickly noticed Guchil.

As much as possible, I don't want to talk to that person, so I'm good friends... … . No, it was to give an answer to Guchil, who was less likely to be beaten even if he spoke.

“This time, a lot of people went to the opening ceremony of Cheon Woo Meng.”


“I have to make a list of them all.”

"Huh? Why?”

Guchil scratched the back of his head.

"that… … Where and how people with names in Gangho went and how they moved, all these things become information.”

“Is that information?”

"then. How many people want to buy such information with money?”

“… … They sell everything.”

It's not that I don't quite understand.

As Guchil said, the fact itself would be informational, but how the forces moved helps to confirm Kangho's situation.

In the openness that deals with information, each of these movements cannot be missed.

“So, first of all, I am too busy writing information about the yangbans moving around here and sending them to the main office.”

“… … We did the work, but you guys make money, right?”

"Hehe. Helping each other live... … .”

“Then you have to pay the fee.”

“… … .”

“Well, this isn’t something I’m going to talk about with you. So where's the beggar?"

“Bunta-ju is out of work for a while… … .”

It was then.

The cloth at the entrance was suddenly removed, and Hong Dae-gwang, with a frown on his face, strode in.

“No, all these beggars are crazy! Don't you do what you're supposed to do, and you're bored? I'm excited to lose everything... … . uh? Volcanic God Dragon? When did you come?”

The shouts that soared like an active volcano quickly subsided. He even became kind.

'I, Mr... … . It's like a deceitful human being.'

'Do half that for us too! Half!'

Beggars know how tenacious and terrible Hong Dae-kwang is. But seeing him suddenly smile and treat people like a fool, his clothes are inevitably turned upside down.

“I came to ask you something… … . No, that's second to none. Mister!"


“I asked you to take good care of that bastard, but that bastard puts pressure on his neck! How do you take care of the kids?”

“That kid? who… … .”

Hong Dae-gwang saw where Cheong-myeong was pointing, and sparks lit up in his eyes.

“No, but this bastard! Even though it's so hot, I'm not upset! What kind of hobbies are you doing, you bastard!”

The indigo plant that Hong Dae-kwang was holding hit the head of the bell's arm and shattered into pieces. A loud noise rang out.


Hong Dae-kwang, who stepped on the fallen bell arm several times, shouted.

“Leave this bastard locked up and don’t feed him for three days!”

“Hey, you don’t have enough hands?”

“Then wake me up, work, and don’t feed me for three days!”

“… … Yes."


Hong Dae-kwang quickly loosened his face and turned to Cheong-myeong.

"Ah. I'm sorry, Volcanic God Dragon. I took good care of it, but while I was away, it seems that the baby lost his taste. Please continue to take good care of it in the future.”

“Good job, good job. Or I will come and stay here.”

“… … Would I rather be beaten to death now?”

“Then it will be convenient. No."

“… … .”

Hong Dae-gwang, realizing the fact that the devil is not always in hell, quickly coughed and opened his mouth. I need to answer anything quickly and get this demon out of this fortress.

“So what happened?”

“Let’s go in and talk. But my neck is a little rough.”

“What are you doing, you bastards! Go drink! Alcohol and duck! Go there and buy the pork belly and fish soup!”

“Gungbo account.”

“Yeah, Gungbo account too! Quickly!"

Cheongmyung giggled and headed inside.


But at the same time, as his sleeves were pulled all the way up, Guchil raised his head and looked at Cheongmyeong. Chengming chimed in as he was dazed.

"what are you doing? come in. You should eat too.”

“Oh, no. I'm okay. Everyone else is working.”

"Oh yeah?"

Qingming looked around the beggars and said.

“Then why don’t you eat here? Let’s see your face in a moment.”

"no! If one person is missing, nothing will happen!”

“Guchil, please! Please go and eat comfortably! Please!”

“… … .”

Qingming laughed out loud.

“Did you hear me?”

“… … .”

"let's go."

"Yes… … .”

It is said that if you have good friends, everything will be easy, but... … .

'Is this really a good friend?'

Guchil thought that something was subtly different and followed the aesthetic and aesthetic Cheongmyeong.


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