I'm the owner, so why apologize? (4)

Hyeonjong's eyes looking at Cheongmyeong were vain.

The gaze of the elders and other disciples next to him was not too different.

"that… … .”

Hyeonjong, who was about to say something, covered his face with both hands without saying a word.



Cheongmyung, who was kneeling in front of the door and holding his hand, answered calmly.

“… … I'm just asking, just in case."


“… … Do you know that you are a guru?”

“Yes, of course!”

I've only lived in Domun for a few years!

"okay… … . you know Know… … . I know... … .”

Hyeonjong looked up at the ceiling blankly, as if he couldn't keep up with his words.

The Cheongmyeong here is not the one who kicked Yang Kyung in the face in front of so many people watching.

After that, while on the way to Chamhoe-dong, he escaped and eventually digged further into Yanggyeong, but was captured by Baekcheon and Ungum and brought to Cheongmyeong.

If the two of them had noticed a little later that Chengmyeong had disappeared, by now Yanggyeong could not leave the volcano and lay down in the medicine hall, where a hedgehog spit in Dangsoso’s saliva… … . Oh no. He must have been receiving treatment.

"please… … . Please, let's live like a guru. please… … .”

“No, the long doorman! Listen. Is that bastard ignoring the volcano?”

“You ignore the most volcanoes! You are the best!”

“I am? ah, please.”

“Shut up!”

"Hehe. There must have been some misunderstanding, but I was just trying to put it into words. Until I win... … .”

"eight! Raise your arms straight up, arms!”

“… … Sheesh.”

Cheongmyung puckered his lips and raised his arms again, flashing his arms next to his ears.

Hyeonjong's heart burned to black.

'The guy who is the best in the world... … .'

It is not Hyeonjong, nor Tanggunak, that the people flocking to the volcano want to see the most.

After greeting Hyeonjong briefly, they did not go down the mountain, but were all looking for Cheongmyeong. I wanted to see what the rumored volcanic divine dragon looked like.

But when such a guy is doing that... … .

“People have to grow old as they get older… … .”

"Ah. I have something to tell you about that.”


"Hehe. I guess that would be a bit difficult. If we give up each other neatly, won't peace dwell in our hearts?"

“… … Cheong Myung-ah.”


“Raise your arms tighter.”

“… … .”

“Arms, arms! Closer!”

Cheongmyung raised his arm tighter with a sullen face. At that moment, a very disapproving voice came from one side.

“No, he could be! Why are you even punishing me for doing something so terribly wrong? Cheongmyeong-ah, get down! My arm hurts.”

Hyun-young, who was about to say that his arm would hurt just because the man, who was about Cheongmyeong, stood for a while, seemed dissatisfied with that.

“Isn’t the child getting worse and worse because you keep covering it up like that?”

“What are you talking about!”

When Hyun-young opened her eyes, Hyun-jong blinked slightly.

'Did I mean harsh?'

Hyunyoung said with the lights on his eyes.

“When did this guy get worse?! From the first time I saw you until now, you've been very consistent! Nothing has changed!”

“… … .”

Huh… … . okay… … . That's right. Yes, it was like this from the beginning.

“And in my opinion, it's even gotten a little better. But you only hit one this time!”

“… … proud.”

I'm so proud of you, bastard.

Hyeonjong was deeply saddened by the fact that he was not able to utter a swear word because he was a volcanic writer.

“And it’s even worse to listen to and be patient with it! How dare you say such a thing in a volcano? As Chung Myung said, it is not simply that he ignores new foreigners as savages. You laugh, ignore, and ridicule them and the volcano that created them!”


As soon as he agreed that he liked the clearness, Hyeonjong suddenly stared at him with his burning eyes.

“… … just what... … . Huh… … . Yes."

Qingming bowed his head sullenly again. Volcano Five Gum, who was watching this, let out a soft sigh.

'Oh my gosh, I subdued Cheong Myung with just my eyes.'

'You are also a long writer!'

'Wow… … . Is it that way?'

The question of what would be great for a long-distance writer of a family to take a picture of one person and press it with their eyes, if the other person is Qingming, the heavens and the earth will change.

“You stay still.”

At that time, Phenomenon, who had been silent, sighed and tried to dissuade Hyunyoung. Hyunyoung was furious.

“No, did I say something wrong?”

“Hold on! uh? Still!"

Hyungwon pursed his lips.

Hyeonjong's heart, looking at the elder and the third disciple, who had their mouths drooping in pairs, was on the verge of burning down to ashes.

Unam, who was watching the two elders constantly chanting, smiled and spoke.

“Long Moon Man.”


“I rarely take the side of Elder Hyun-Young, but this time Elder’s words are not so wrong. I don't think Cheong Myung did anything particularly wrong."

“… … Did you ever leave the volcano to beat it again?”

“It’s not about fault, it’s about humanity… … . Hmmm.”

no. Well put that aside for now.

“It should have been decisive.”

Unam spoke again in a very serious voice.

“This is not simply a result of a rejection of Saeoesa Palace. Even if they didn't like birds, they wouldn't be able to say that here if they respected the volcano.”

“Because it is! If it was Shaolin, these bastards wouldn't have been able to keep their mouths shut... … .”

“Be quiet!”

“You shut up!”

“If you want to wear it or not, put it on! men and horses!"

Cheng Myung, who had been beaten by criticism from all directions, clung to the door.

“… … There's not much to say.”

“Don’t pretend to be hurt!”

“Sheesh, it doesn’t work!”

The conversation continued, whether or not Cheongmyeong muttered.

“First of all, it must have served as an opportunity to clearly convey the position of the volcano to the North Sea Ice Palace and the South Manyasugung Palace, which have come to this distant volcano. If Cheongmyeong had stepped forward a little later, he might have thought that Hwasan was no different from the clan of Jungwon who rejected them in the past.”

“Well, that’s what I was thinking too.”

There is still a large wall between Jungwon and Sae-eux. Although the volcano broke through the wall and made friends, you never know when or how the relationship will change.

Any relationship is a method that needs to be cultivated continuously.

If you are satisfied with the fact that you have already made a good impression and neglect them, you never know when or how the feelings of the North Sea Ice Palace and the South Man Wild Palace will change.

“Although it is a bit extreme, Cheongmyeong’s actions must have been a clear signal to the archers of Bing and Beast Palace. At least, it's a sign that, unlike the other Midlands, he can really stand by their side.”

“… … There can be no more convincing sign than that.”

“Isn’t it just a matter of being too certain?”

“… … You have to give them a signal.”

However, at least it was clear that this act of Qing Myung brought the result of uniting the Chun Woo Meng.

“Long Moon Man.”


Unam nodded at Hyeonjong's words.

“The leader of the North Sea Ice Palace and the palace lord of the Southern Wildlife Palace seem to believe in Hwasan, but the will of the chief does not necessarily coincide with the will of the clan, right?”


Hyunjong nodded his head.

It might be difficult to hear from the point of view of a volcano long writer, but Hyeonjong's face did not show any signs of annoyance.

“Maybe there may still be anxieties about the volcano for the Ice Archers and the Beast Archers. Considering the years we have lived with each other, the distrust cannot go away so easily.”

“So you said you had to show it rather than say it?”

"Yes. I think it was appropriate.”

Hyeonjong's strange gaze turned to Cheongmyeong.

Of course, Hyeonjong also had a similar thought, and he once again defended Qingmyeong on the spot. But… … .

'Are you really thinking and moving?'

He already knew that Chungmyeong wasn't a stupid guy whose body moved before his head. Cheong-myeong, who he knows, moves his body before his head, but is smart... … . Well… … . This doesn't make any sense.

“And one more thing. Most importantly, it served as a warning to other sects.”


Unam said in a firm voice.

“People only know that Cheonwoo Meng is newly born, but they don’t know what kind of place it is.”


“If both palaces and volcanoes had bowed to them in this case, there would have been places that looked down on Cheon Woo Meng.”

“… … .”

“Do we already know? Favors do not necessarily return favors. It takes strength and willpower worthy of what has been given to us in favor of receiving it back.”

“… … You are right.”

He had a dreadful experience. How meaningless is the favor of the powerless.

The Mundo of the volcano, whose memories of the past came to mind, hardened their faces.

“You have to show them wisely. Cheon Woo Meng is never a good place to be, and he doesn't tolerate rudeness.”

“Because it is! If you stand still, you become a bale!”

Those who had listened seriously and looked back at Cheongmyeong, frowned at once.

At that inconsistent gaze, Cheongmyeong speaks tremblingly.

“… … Did everyone write it without me today?”

“… … In the meantime, he really doesn't think he's doing anything wrong."

Hyungwon sighed.

There was nothing wrong with Hyunyoung's words. Not a single thing about this guy has really changed.

Then Qingming said.

“That’s what the original world is like.”


“Once you start being underestimated, you keep having problems. If you put people in front of you who are naturally human, you will see the liver. 'Are you going to tolerate this much?' while doing it.”

“… … .”

“So, you have to get it right the first time. That's because clumsy bastards can't do their best. So, first of all, hold on to the collar!”

“… … up to there.”


Hyunjong sighed again and thought.

I mean, that was correct.

It's a problem for him to spit out the right words and pull back the right actions.

Hyeonjong, who had a bitter taste, looked back at the other disciples. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them all. His eyes cleared as if what he had to say was arranged.

“It is natural for people to behave differently depending on their location, whether it is a person or a clan. But the location of the volcano has changed so much and so often in such a short period of time, you too will be confused.”

“… … .”

“However, in times like these, you have to be more careful. When you do not know what to do, remember one thing.”

Everyone's eyes were focused on Hyeonjong.

“You don’t have to do anything to change things.”

It was a word that made me think that it was a little unexpected.

Seeing the straight eyes of the disciples waiting for the next word, Hyeonjong smiled.

“You are already doing well enough. The proper actions you should take will already be incorporated into the teachings of the past. The place where your heart goes is the way the volcano will go. Believe in yourself and do not be shaken.”

“Yeah, the long doorman!”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Hyunjong nodded his head.

There will be many more of this in the future. The greater the volcanic influence and the more work to be done, the more choices you will be forced to make.

You can't always make the best choice every time. But if you know where you need to go and go ahead, won't you get to where you need to go, even if it's a crooked road?

“Change is inevitably accompanied by anxiety.”

Hyeonjong's voice calmed the hearts of his disciples.

“Let’s keep moving forward. Believe in what you have done so far.”

“Yeah, the long doorman!”

Hyeonjong smiled quietly at the powerful reply.

“Finally, tomorrow is the opening ceremony. Let's do our best to prepare."


Finally, the day when the Cheonwoo Meng was founded has arrived.


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