what comes so much? (1)

Hwaeum strings.

"now! Put it on!”

“Never drop it! It is a precious thing!”

“As much as the money was generously given, things should never go bad! Do you know?”

"do not worry!"

Loads were piled up like a mountain on the ramp leading up to the volcano. And the strong men started climbing the volcano with a determined face, carrying a large load of luggage on their backs.

“Can I get all of this today?”

“I think there will be a shortage of people.”

“Okay. It was supposed to arrive today.”

The merchants forgot face and rolled their feet in an anxious mind.

“Is it going well?”

“Lord of Sodan!”

Then Hwangjong approached and asked, and they bowed their heads hurriedly.

Hwangjong, who was greeted lightly, looked at the piled up luggage and asked.

“How is it?”

“All items are ready. But it is not easy to transport goods to the top of the mountain.”

“We hired a lot of workers, but there aren't many people who can carry their luggage up to the summit of the volcano. This is a job that requires being very strong and physically fit... … .”


As Hwangjong patted his chin as he looked at the mountains of luggage, one of the merchants asked.

“In the past, people from volcanoes came and brought goods to this place, but how can this time… … .”


But before he could finish speaking, Hwangjong narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue. The merchant shrugged and shrugged.

“It was the volcanic wave that looked at our situation. Who the hell told me to only move things up to the middle and take them to the receiver?”

“… … that, that.”

“Even if it’s been like this up until now, I can’t keep doing it. Volcanoes don't have as much time left as they used to. Aren't they precious people?"

“Yeah, that’s right. Not like that.”

It was no exaggeration to say that the volcano when they first made a deal and the volcano today are different clans.

Merchants are able to say this because they have seen the disciples of the Volcano Sect move things so far. If today was the first transaction, the disciples of the Volcano group would have been very happy the moment they came down to move things, and they would not have known what to do.

'The phase of the volcano is rising endlessly.'

The merchants who were awakened anew looked up at the volcano anew.

Who would have imagined that a sect that seemed to be about to collapse would become so powerful in just a few years?

“I think you can see just how excellent the foresight of the Lord is.”


Hwangjong nodded his head, but kept his accusation.

'I'll have to think a little about whether my father is excellent or if the Volcano Divine Dragon was too special.'

Others note the volcanic growth, but Hwangjong saw something else. Who could have imagined that the young cowboy I met a few years ago would shake the world so much?

'Father's real ability is none other than his eyes.'

Hwangjong only thought that Qingming was special, not that he was special.

Because his father recognized his speciality and did not hesitate to invest heavily in a volcano that had been collapsing, the present-day Upper Galactic has a large double gate in his hand.

The money you will receive instead of supplying the goods piled up here is enormous, but compared to the money you receive from participating in the trade led by the volcano, isn't this just a stopgap?

“Listen well.”

"Yes. Sodan Lord.”

“From now on, as much as possible, we must not take the time of the volcanic people. You should always be wary of getting used to it. It is not the business of a merchant to ask for something that cannot be requested elsewhere on the pretext of friendship.”

“I will keep that in mind, Lord Sodan.”

“Fashion water.”


“Let us hire more workers.”

"Yes? However, we brought in all suitable workers around us.”

“Send the unburdened workers up to the top of the mountain. Can't we take turns loading the load there?"

"Ah… … ! Then it will be fine.”

“Don’t think of dividing it into two, check a suitable place in the middle and make a gathering place. In the future, there will be more cases of carrying things to the volcano, so come up with a way to use them continuously.”

“I will do as you command, Lord Sodan!”

Hwangjong nodded his head and continued his request.

“Be very careful not to damage things. It seems that we will have to supply goods steadily during this meeting, so please make sure there is no setback.”


“Look at work.”

Seeing Haengsu running away, Hwangjong smiled softly.

'It's a volcanic eruption.'

It's so much more exciting and fun.

In the past, anyway, the top of the galaxy seemed to subtly help the volcano. But now, once again, the top of the galaxy is being helped by volcanoes.

After all, as a merchant, obtaining an Yimun is the first priority, so there was no reason to be embarrassed by this fact. but… … .

'Soon, other shopping malls will line up on the volcano and make a fuss.'

just as expected.

I heard that Huashan Shinryong transferred the rights to Yunnan tea from Beijing to the Golden Ship Sangdan.

Compared to the deal that the Upper Galaxy is doing, it's still just a hemostasis, but if this continues, there's no guarantee that they won't be pushed back at some point.

Friendship and trade are separate laws. The upper part of the galaxy must also continuously prove its worth to remain as the main customer of the volcano.

“This opening ceremony will be the opportunity.”

Not only the volcano, but also numerous clans, who can be said to be the noble families of the stronghold, will come. There is no better place to show off the power of the galaxy's top.

'And the volcano will also solidify its position in the world with this event as an opportunity.'

Based on the new order called Cheon Woo-meng, not the order established by someone else called Goo Pa-bang.

“The wind is blowing.”

Hwangjong, who muttered softly, turned his gaze to the east.

The wind was blowing towards the volcano. A great wind like never before.

Kang Ho was quiet.

There is always going to be a lot of big and small incidents, but in recent years… … . No, at least for more than 10 years, nothing big has happened to arouse people's interest.

However, recently, Hana's name has started to spit out the quiet Kang-ho.

- I heard that the volcano defeated Jongnam?

- It is said that Hwasan achieved the best result in the secret dance competition.

- The volcano cut through the armies of all men? Does this make sense?

- It is said that the volcano has subjugated the large annex of the green forest! That grand annex!

- Hwa, Hwasan has won the battle with the shaman! Even the shaman had great disciples and Hwasan had two great disciples! And didn't that volcanic divine dragon defeated the shaman's elder?

Volcano, volcano, volcano.

Everywhere I went, the name of the volcano appeared, and everywhere I went, stories about what the volcano had accomplished began to appear.

“Doesn’t this mean that the volcanic group really becomes the first group in the world?”

“Does that make sense? Leave those prominent sects behind!”

“Because I don’t have to think about it that way! Who would have thought a volcano would be here just a few years ago? Just two years ago, if anyone had said that the great disciple of Hwasan could fight against the great disciple of the shaman, would they have been beaten?”

“… … That’s it.”

“I don’t know. You really don't know?"

The world's attention was focused on the volcano.

Some were excited by the name of the newly ascended Shinheung Kangho, while others felt strangely moved by the forgotten name being heard again. And someone was displeased with the appearance of a new name that shook the balance of Kangho.

However, no matter what people's feelings were, there was no one who could deny that the most popular sect was a volcano.

Huashan was not the strongest clan under the world, but it was clear that it was the clan that received the most attention.

and… … .

There was news that piqued that interest.

- The volcano has sent a letter to the sects of the world!

- Huashan joins forces with Danga, Beast Palace, and North Sea Ice Palace to form a new alliance called Cheon Woo Meng.

- The opening ceremony will be held at Shaanxi Volcano!

Those who heard this for the first time just laughed.

However, as the same words were heard twice or three times, and even those who confirmed the existence of the cover letter began to appear, it was no longer possible to just laugh.

“A new blind! What else is this? Wasn't the Moorimmaeng no longer active?"

“Because it’s not the Moorimmaeng, it’s the Cheonwoomaeng! Isn't it not the place where the old file-bang and the five-generation family unite, but Hwasan and the Danga join hands and unite with the clans other than Sae-eux?"

“Hey, has this ever happened before?

“No! Of course not! In the first place, there was no alliance with the factions other than Sae-eux, and the volcano was originally Gupa-bang.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“It is unprecedented for the old file room and the five generations to unite separately!”

“Well, then what will happen?”

“I know!”

People didn't even know how to react to this.

Sichuan's loser, the Sichuan Tang family; Who could have imagined that the volcanic faction, the most famous clan in the world, would unite there?

No one could have predicted what kind of impact this event would have on the alternative powerhouse.

“Then are you going to become enemies with Gupa?”

“Yeah, man! What would be the enemy of forming a coalition? It’s just a change of affiliation.”

“Ha, but if that’s not the case, there’s no need to make a blind. It's kind of weird."

“It must be amazing when those clans gather together, but where can you go to the old file room? And, as far as I know, the volcano has also sent a cover letter to the old file room. If you were going to become an enemy, would you have invited me?”

“But also… … .”

But most of them felt it.

I mean, it's not that simple.

'Will Gupa stand still?'

'Then, will the party fall out of the Five Generations?'

'If two of them participate in the Saeoesa Palace, what will happen to the other two? Podalab Palace is so far away and I am not involved in the stronghold, but what about Namhae Sun Palace?'

The recent strong lake is like a calm lake.

But that volcano keeps throwing stones into the still lake. The ripples are getting bigger and bigger and crashing like waves.

“Well then, when is the opening ceremony held?”

“It will be done at the end of the month.”

“At the end of the month? So fast?”


“Hey, this is not the time!”

“Where are you going?”

“You should go to the island!”

“Eh? In the island?”

“It’s an opening ceremony, but wouldn’t it be possible to drive out people who come to watch? Maybe it will be a historic moment, you should go and see it with your own two eyes!”

“So far?”

“Don’t stop! I will go!”

It meant that Baecheop had put a wedge in the reputation of the volcano, which had risen to its peak.

Those who bounced off the abacus in the rapidly changing situation, and those who did not, all recognized one thing for sure.

That Kang-ho's balance is shaking little by little.

The fact that Kang-ho's order, which had been maintained since the terrible war with the magyo, began to be shaken.

Words also have momentum. The news that had been spreading quietly at some point burned like wildfire, and soon turned into a storm and began to swept through the midfield.

No one could easily predict how far the typhoon caused by the volcano would take this strong river.


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