When you die, you can rest as much as you want! (3)


“… … .”

“… … .”

The disciples of Hwasan, who had gathered after finishing all the arrangements, swallowed dry saliva as they looked at the Cheongmyeong standing in front of them with distasteful faces.

'What else is that devil trying to do... … .'

'Look at your eyes. Look at his eyes.'

'Please, let's live a good life, Chungmyeong-ah.'

However, the words that came out of Qingming's mouth were unexpected words that none of the disciples had expected.

“I don’t like it, but… … Because it's true that you suffered. Give me a break for ten days. you are free to do anything I won't touch you for ten days."

“… … .”

Seeing Cheongmyeong slowly nodding their heads, the disciples opened their eyes.

Not all sounds that come out of a person's mouth make sense. Only words that can be heard and understood by others are true words.

But now, no one really understood the sound coming out of Cheongmyung's mouth.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Aren’t you just babbling like you always do?”

“You didn’t tell me to rest now, did you?”

“Isn’t it supposed to be a rest forever? Lying in a coffin?”

It was a scene where you could realize once again how deep the rift of distrust between the volcano's disciples was.

As the disciples glanced at them with strange glances and began to gossip, Cheong-myeong furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his teeth.

“Just rest. I won't touch you."

“… … Aren't you going to touch me?"

The disciples tilted their heads again, then put their heads together and nodded.

“Does it mean that you blow it away with tension without even using your hands?”

“Otherwise, I’m just a fan of words.”

“Oh, that’s even more terrifying… … .”

“I believe in ghosts rather than in that bastard.”

Slowly, blood began to spurt out of his forehead.

yes it's all good A reaction like this may occur.

But where does that courage to say everything you want to say in front of the person in front of you?

“… … This time it's real! Just letting me rest... … .”

"Hey! Just hit it, you bastard! It's better than the noise inside."

"okay! Kill it, kill it!”

“No, but really these humans!”

When Cheong-myung was furious and tried to run, Yoon-jong and Jo-geol casually grabbed each of Cheong-myung's arms one by one.

“This is more than your business.”

“Honestly, I can’t believe it.”

“Turn it off.”

Cheongmyeong, who had been clamoring for this, shouted loudly.

“Anyway, it’s a break from now on, so you can take a break or not!”

Then he turned around his body and walked away tumblingly. Baekcheon, who was watching the sheep, smiled slightly bitterly and stepped forward.

“It’s awkward to say something that he didn’t even say, so he’s doing that.”

“… … It would be awkward.”

Asura, who came up from hell, said, "Actually, I believe in Buddha." It would have been less awkward to say that.

Baekcheon looked around everyone and said.

“If you keep running, you will eventually get tired and run out. The way to go fast is not to run without rest. Knowing when to rest properly and focus.”

“Why did someone who knew that?”


“He never said anything like that on the way to the volcano!”

At the sharp point, Baekcheon shifted his gaze to the sky.

'The kids have grown wild.'

I didn't at the time! when I am!

“Hmmm. anyway!"

He covered his mouth and coughed softly as he spoke.

“You must have accumulated quite a bit of fatigue, so please rest. After that, I will be busy again.”

“… … .”


When Baekcheon turned around with the five swords, all the remaining disciples were stunned and looked at their backs.

"therefore… … .”

There were small murmurs coming from all over the place.

“Are you going to rest?”

“… … Do you think so?”

Naturally, there were those who looked to the west.

“Did the sun rise in the west today?”

Of course, that couldn't be the case.

* * *

Kwak Hoe looked around with an unsure of something. The executioners were all scattered here and there, half-worn faces, blinking defocused eyes.

It was only recently that he burned his will against a shaman, but his appearance was nowhere to be found.

"I… … .”

After hesitating for a while, Kwak Hwa opened his mouth with an awkward face.

“I don’t think rest didn’t mean to be spread out like this, did you?”

Then all those who had spread as if half-dead looked at him.


“… … Well, are you there? Trying something that I haven't been able to do before, enjoying things I haven't enjoyed because of training... … .”

“Um, yes. Yes."

Baeksang nodded his head broadly.

Even if Cheongmyeong didn’t know about it, Baek Cheon’s “rest” must have certainly meant that.

"know. I know... … there is a problem."

“… … What?"

Instead of answering, Baeksang chinked at the priests lying behind their backs. At the same time, a dismayed voice was coming out of the mouths of the white porcelain ships.

“… … How can I rest well?”


“No, what is rest in the first place?”


The corners of Kwak-hui's eyes trembled.

Even the celadon boats agreed with their opinion.

“Isn’t it usually said that after training, you wash up and go to your room to sleep?”

“I can’t sleep, how can I rest? Don't you understand?"

Kwak Hui looked at them blankly and grabbed his face with his hands.

'It's gloomy.'

These humans have already been stained with the demon's demonic beasts to the depths of their bones.

Humans who do not know how to give them time to rest, is this something common sense is possible?

“… … Come to think of it, I don’t think there were any days off without training in the last few years?”

“Oh, the death penalty. Actually, I'm going crazy because I've been strangely anxious ever since. Can’t we just go out and do some training?”

Baeksang frowned at the hint of a voice from behind.

“Didn’t you hear the hundred thousand death sentence telling you not to practice and rest?”

“Oh, I know, I know… … I keep getting anxious because I'm not doing anything like this all the time... … .”

"Ah… … If you don't train, you lose muscle."

“Today is my lower body day… … .”

When one person opened the cannon, the people who were lying in the white maize house got up one by one and started to sympathize. Of course, there were also opinions that we should follow the words of Qingming and Baekcheon.

“Shouldn’t I still take a break?”

"what is that!"


“How do you do that!”

Kwak Hoe smiled as he looked at the hall that was starting to get noisy.

The disciples of the volcano have now reached a point where their body cannot rest when their head rests, and their head cannot rest when their body rests.

“Oh, sir! I’m just going to do some physical training!”

“I’m only going to climb the cliff twice!”

“I have a sword… … .”

Baeksang was startled and dissuaded and shouted.

"no! Rest, you bastards!”

“You have to practice to take a break!”


Baeksang, who was speechless for a moment, narrowed his eyes.

“Resting doesn't mean lying down! Aren't you supposed to rest when you're comfortable?!"

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Because I feel uncomfortable when I am here! I'd rather have a cool sweat and come back to relax!"

“… … .”

"let's go!"

"me too! I go too!”

"cadet! I'm going to live now!"

“If you die, you can rest as much as you want!”

The white porcelain and celadon boats rushed out of the white porcelain pavilion as if they were waiting. It didn't look like he had any regrets. Baek-sang and Kwak-hoe, who were left behind, closed their eyes without saying a word.

Soon, a loud roar was heard from outside. An unbearable laugh erupted from Baeksang's mouth.

“… … Really, I have nothing to say.”

"Iknow, right."

“What are you going to do?”

"Me? what is that... … .”

Kwak Hoe looked into his eyes and smiled awkwardly.

“There is a part that takes a while, so I think you have to wield it moderately… … .”

Baeksang looked up at the ceiling of the Baekmae Pavilion with sad eyes.

'Everyone is crazy.'

Now finding the sane one was faster than ever.

Cheong-myeong's eyes looking at the theater were dazed and blurry.


“Great! I feel like I'm going to buy some weight on my body! People must sweat!”

“Ah, if you’ve written it all down, get out of the way! Did you pay the charter?”

“You have to do it ten more times, man! Come and count!”

The big blue eyes twinkled. The more doubts piled up, the more his head tilted to the side.

“Die aaaaah!”

“This bastard is to death!”

"waist! Your back is empty! Aren't you straight?"

"OK! Let's find out today! Keep your head straight!”

In the dance hall, the sword flashed continuously.

“… … how… … .”

Those who train their stamina with the equipment they made or practice swordsmanship are better off.

However, there was no way to know what the hell was in the heads of those people who ran around the dance hall with rabbit jumping in the corner, or the clarity of the world.

"lower body!"

“Powerful swordsmanship from a solid lower body!”

“Ten more laps!”

Cheongmyung glanced around me. Oh-gum and Hye-yeon, who sat next to each other, seemed unable to understand the situation, and their mouths were wide open.

“… … Didn't I tell you to rest?"

“… … Surely it must have been?”

“Did the meaning of rest change without my knowledge?”

“I don’t think so… … .”

Qingming, who had been watching the disciples training sheep for a long time, murmured.

“No, did all these chicks eat boiled tree frogs? If you ask me to practice, I use a grouse to tell me to rest, and if I ask to take a break, I dare come out and swing a sword. What kind of rhythm should I dance to?”

Hearing that grumbling, the same thoughts ran through Ogum's head.

Chung Myung-ah. Maybe it's because your 'training' and 'rest' are too extreme?

But no one dared to speak out.

“No, thinking about it makes me mad again! Are they rebelling against me now?”

“Suksuk and the executioners, you bastard!”

“No one should not rebel against you in a volcano, man!”

“There is soso!”

“Soso is an exception!”

No one asked for an explanation as to why Soso was an exception. Originally, the sky was blue and the sea was wide. It was a similar reasoning that Soso was an exception.

Baek Cheon, who was looking at the disciples at that time, grinned.

“I think I understand.”


I looked back with a look on my face as to what Cheongmyung was talking about. However, the answer to this came from Yoon Jong's mouth instead.

“When you see how wide the world is and realize how much you were a frog in a well, even lying on your back on a bed feels sinful.”

Jogul frowned.

"cadet. It really feels like shit.”

“You must have felt a lot on this journey. Everyone must have clearly felt the need for training and growth. So I just can't sit still."

Baekcheon nodded at Yoonjong’s words.

However, the party seemed to be completely dissatisfied.

“But rest is also important. If you don’t rest, people will break down.”

“Let’s leave it alone for a while.”


Baek Cheon smiled brightly and said to Dang So So.

“You know that you are an uninhabited person, but a person grows greatly when he/she has the will. Those guys also want to embody what they saw and felt in this war and secrecy with their own bodies.”

“Ummm… … .”

Dang So-so nodded as if it could not be denied.

“It’s only been a while.”


Baek Cheon, who was smiling happily, looked at his disciples again and admired them.

“If everyone practices with enthusiasm, the volcano will become stronger.”

“We shouldn’t lose either.”

"Yes. Now we have to start slowly.”

"Ah. Let's get on with it, the death penalty. I felt something this time, but it seems to be caught, but it is not.”

“I think I could catch you like a girl would a dog.”

"Five? Let’s float!”


Ogum also began to burn with enthusiasm.

A situation occurred that all the disciples could not help but dream of if they were a teacher who devoted themselves to training.

However, Cheong-myeong, who had taken a step away and looked at the scene, flinched as if something was wrong.

'Are you all crazy?'

It was only then that he realized what kind of monsters he had created.


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