When you die, you can rest as much as you want! (1)

Curl rumbling!

Curl rumble!

“Hey, what does this mean?”

“Isn’t there a landslide somewhere?”

Those who had been plowing with their backs bowed the whole time raised their heads in surprise. There was a roaring sound, like a boulder rolling on top of a high mountain.

“I think it’s over there?”


When I turned my gaze to the direction that someone was pointing, I saw a huge cloud of dust rising from the end of the road.

“Hey, what is that?!”

“Did an alien invade you?”

"no! You bastard! Where is the foreign enemy attacking from here? Why can't you come here?"

“That’s not what you mean! me... … how… … ?”

At the absurd sight they had seen for the first time in their lives, all those who had been plowing were holding farm implements and just staring blankly at the sheep.

“… … Do you think it's getting closer?"

"Huh? uh... … .”

The dust cloud was really approaching this way. When I realized that fact, the speed of the rushing was really amazing.

“Aren’t you supposed to run away too?”

“What do you know and run away?”

Not knowing what to do, the dust cloud rushed towards them in an instant.

After a while, the farmers who confirmed the identity of the cause of the saddal opened their mouths involuntarily.


“Sui, is it like a cart?”

A crowd of people dressed in black was running at incredible speed, pulling several carts each.

And on top of the wagon in the lead that was rattling as if it would break at any moment, a certain guy with good courage pointed at it.

“What? slow down? oh oh Now that I've caught a shaman, isn't training easy? OK! Let's run until the sky turns yellow today!”

“Ahhh! You bastard!”

“Kill! I'd rather kill you, you bastard!"

“Why do you kill me! What in the world is more comfortable than dying? Don't be silly and run! The one who falls behind today will be hung upside down on a tree all night, so take a look!”


Everyone frothed their mouths like crazy cows and ran out with blood in their eyes.

Curl rumble!

The sound of the wheel of a wagon like thunder passed by. Then, a large cloud of dust covered the peasants who were watching the sheep blankly.

“… … .”

“… … .”

While looking at the tailgate of the cart that had disappeared in the distance, someone quietly opened his mouth.

“What kind of harmony is this… … .”

“It’s not something external… … .”

Then a man tilted his head.

“By the way, weren’t the flowers embroidered on the chests of the yangbans just now?”

“I think so?”

“Ew. What kind of flower embroidery do men foolishly say?”

“Ah, no, it’s not embarrassing… … If it's a dress with flower embroidery on the chest, isn't it the volcano or something? Those clan who said that they won by fighting a shaman in Wuhan and winning against a shaman elder.”


Everyone looked in the direction in which they had disappeared anew. Now the clouds of dust were slowly descending.

one… … .


“Hey, this guy. make a sound What do you mean by those noble masters who are pulling carts like a young cow?”

“The sound of being punished!”

“Is that so?”

Everyone frowned.

“If you beat the shaman, isn’t it not enough to return to gold? Even if I go in a wagon, the castle won’t fill the castle, so does it make sense to take the dalguji instead of the horse?”

“Am! The volcano must not be a clan without money!”

“… … I heard it and it is. then… … What the hell are these people?”

“You know something. Where are the fugitives who sin and run away?”

“Isn’t it impressive just looking at it! It was going to be a disaster.”

Everyone shook their heads as if in agreement.

“The officers don’t know anything. I'm not going to catch those guys."

“Yeah! What is a vassal? If it's a bandit, it's a volcano! If they get caught in the volcanic wave, they will all be shattered.”

“Aren’t you a shaman?”

“Bandits are volcanoes! volcano!"

The person who first said it was a volcano, with a slightly embarrassed face, grabbed the farm equipment properly again.

'By the way, do you think those people are volcanic waves?'

But he couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

dump! dump! dump!

As soon as the cart stopped, the disciples of the volcano fell on the spot without even groaning. Half of them had crab foam in their mouths, and the other half didn't even have the strength to do that.

“Get out of here!”

Cheongmyung, who had come all the way here comfortably and comfortably without any discomfort on a cart pulled by another person, opened his eyes.

“What the hell, how many times have you come! my time, huh? I crossed the midfield in three days, carrying a thousand pounds on my back!”

Normally, they would have responded with a lively cursing to that bullshit, but now they all didn't have the strength to speak up.

'How can it be so hard?'

'I think I'm going to die. I really think I'm going to die.'

'Jade Emperor. It's not time for me to go yet!'

Seeing the scattered disciples of the volcano, Qingming clicked his tongue.

“After hanging out with the shamans, do you think you’ve become something?”

“… … .”

“Yeah, good confidence. But the moment your self-confidence becomes arrogant, you become worse than what you don’t have.”

Cheongmyung, who was speaking, glanced behind her back. It's like looking back at the past.

“The executioners will be happy and excited when they win, but the shamans will sharpen their teeth in this defeat. From today… … . No, he must have already been working hard on his training by sharpening his teeth. The executioners, on the other hand, loosened up intoxicated by that small victory. So who will win next?”

Then, Jo-Geul, who had been panting on the floor, jumped up and raised her hand.

"what? Tell me."

“Am I never intoxicated?”

“Get down.”

“… … damn."

The jogger fell again.

“When people applaud you for doing a good job, you have to clench your teeth more! It's been a while, relax and start playing. Are you going to blow up everything you've built up so far? It's instant! How does it feel to win against those who couldn't win? I want to jump off the cliff when I lose to those who won!”

“You are already jumping! You bastard!”

“Not one or two runs, you bastard!”

“What? Are you rebelling?”

The disciples of the volcano looked up at the sky with tears in their eyes.

'The rotten guy is only talking dirty and honest things.'

'That's why people who spoke upright from the old days died early!'

They were the disciples of the volcano who realized the truth of history once again.

In fact, it's quite worthwhile to rebel against the shaman's great disciples, but that demon-like bastard beat the shaman's elder. Seeing it right in front of me, I couldn't resist.

Everyone had to deeply realize that the scariest thing in the world is not character or position, but performance.

Furthermore… … .

“Okay. damn bastard.”

“Just fall back and break your nose!”

“Then I’ll go and put a dagger in the back!”

Baekcheon, Ogum, Dangsoso, and even Hyeyeon were staring at Cheongmyeong with eyes full of original poison. Even so, those in charge of each cart had to overcome the overwhelming speed and weight with their whole body just by running.

“… … .”

As such people were running next to them, the rest of the disciples could not even dare to attack them.

Cheongmyung smiled as he accepted the resentment with his whole body.

“I mean, it’s a person. No matter how great it looks, it doesn't matter. If you sprint with all your might, you won't be able to last even a single time. The higher the level, the easier the training? That’s because you’re doing the same training you used to do!”

His eyeballs began to gleam more and more.

“Practice needs to be hard to practice! If it's not hard, is that training? Break is over! Everyone get up and run!”

“Aww! Damn you bastard!”

“Someday I will really kill you!”

At that time, Unsword, who was sticking out his head watching the sheep from behind, nodded in admiration.

'Everyone swears to death with their mouths, but the body is diligently preparing.'

In fact, aren't these guys all enjoying training?



At the call of Unsword, Cheongmyeong quickly turned around.

“I have no intention of risking anything else for your training, but wouldn’t it be a bit excessive? Everyone must have been tired of the long journey and the battle that followed.”

Cheongmyung glances back slowly.

After making sure everyone wasn't interested in getting ready to run again, he answered in a low voice that the others couldn't hear.

“So, at times like this, you have to practice.”


When Ungeom expressed his doubts, Qingming shrugged his shoulders.

“You can practice various things, but you cannot create situations. There may come a time when I will have to fight with my body so heavy that it is so overpowered by exhaustion that it cannot even be recovered even by luck.”

“Ugh. Yes."

“Experience is what keeps you going at times like that. A person remembers with his body what he has endured.”

Ungum looked at Qingming with new admiration.

'It's not just physical training.'

Unsword is also in the position of teaching disciples. As a result, I was sometimes surprised at the way Qingming taught his disciples.

On the surface, it seems that they are just ruthlessly tormenting them, but in the training, there were many times where the intention was so deep that even a fortune teller could not guess.

'How many training sessions have you had until now?'

Volcano's disciples did not simply become stronger.

In the past, these guys, who withdrew as if they had seen a ghost when they heard the servant of Jong-nam, now do not get discouraged even in front of the great disciples of the shaman.

This is not possible simply because of performance.

Each word of Qingming, which sounded like bullying, was constantly changing the consciousness of the Volcano disciples.

'It's almost like brainwashing.'

I don't know if this is really what Qingming intended or not, though.

“Even so, don’t you need a break?”

“I will do it soon.”

Qingming looked into the distance. Now, in the distance, the volcanic ridges began to appear faintly.

“If I go back to the volcano, I will be busy now. From now on, I won't be able to properly take care of my training because I'm worried about everything."

There was a hint of concern in his voice. Unsword smiled at the subtle gaze of Cheong-myeong, who was looking at me.

“Don’t worry. I will not be unable to take care of my children because I am so focused on my training.”

"Hehe. It wasn't my intention... … .”

Cheongmyung scratched the back of his head with an awkward face.

'With him.'

Preparations for the establishment of the Cheonwoo League are now complete. But that doesn't mean you're ready, it doesn't mean you're done.

No matter what anyone says, Cheonwoomeng is an organization created around Cheongmyeong. Of course, he will have a lot of work to do on his own.

Cheongmyeong is a person who cares about the training of his disciples even in the face of such an important task. I don't know what to do with that uniqueness... … .


Still, Qingming's words are logical, and it's not much different from what they've been up to.

but… … .

Ungum, who was quietly looking at Cheongmyeong, opened his mouth.

“Cheongmyung. I don't know all of you what you're thinking."

“… … Yes?"

When Qingming asked, Ungum smiled brightly.

“But everyone is doing their best, even if it’s not enough, so don’t rush too much.”

“… … .”

Cheongmyung scratched the back of his head with a slightly awkward face.

“It didn’t mean it wasn’t enough.”

"okay. like that."

Ungum just smiled. Qingming once again humbly scratched the back of his head and looked away.

At that time, the disciples of the volcano who had completed their preparations cheered.

“Let’s go!”

"volcano! Once you reach the volcano, this shit will end!”

“Let’s go faster!”

Chong-myeong looked at the Unsword with a slightly subtle face, looking at the disciples of the volcano running wild like crazy cows, blindfolded.

“I think those yangbans are in a hurry than me.”

“… … .”

That's it, there's nothing you can do about it now.

haha… … .

In front of the group of volcanoes running out of nowhere again, a towering volcano began to appear gradually.


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