There are also defeats worth more than victories. (4)

“So… … .”

Baekcheon's head, who had been conversing casually, turned to the side in an instant.


Jo-Gul and Yoon-Jong looked at him with puzzled eyes. But I couldn't ask what was going on right away. Because Baekcheon's face was so serious.

'What's going on?'


At that moment, Dang So-so's voice was heard from behind.

When I turned around, Iseol also had a face similar to Baekcheon and fixed her gaze on one side. And Dang So-so is tilting her head with curious eyes.

'What are you looking at?'

Baekcheon and Yoo Yi-seol looked at the same place. The side of the shaman's camp beyond the non-stage.



Cheongmyeong scratched her cheek at Baekcheon's gentle call. For a moment, the corner of his mouth, which had been staring at the shaman with strange eyes, curled up as if twisted.

"this… … It seems like a lot of big players came.”

The energy I felt was different from before. Even though it was not specifically promoted, the presence of pushing down the son-in-law was clearly conveyed.

“Are you going to show it to me?”

There was nothing bad about it. At least on the volcano side.

The voice in the air was so cold. It was unbelievable that it was a voice directed at the death penalty and the sajils.

The ruthless ships couldn't be angry at the elders for hearing that. But he wasn't a loser. An unbearable anger lit up on his face.

"this guy! What kind of bullshit is that?”

Severe rebukes flew in, but the color of his face did not change in the air. Rather, he responded calmly.

“That’s why you didn’t tell me that much, death penalty.”

“… … .”

“For an uninhabited person, inaction may not be everything, but it should never be lacking.”

Heo San-ja bit his lips tightly.

Now, he is not a fool who does not know what he is saying about him.

“If you neglect your usual training and put all your energy into grabbing, you will be put in such disgrace. What will the disciples see and learn?”

“Did you finish talking?”

Sanja Heo's lively gaze and the relaxed gaze of the air were intertwined with each other. It was the soft laughter in the air that broke the tense tension.

“You don’t have to be so angry. Now, shouldn't the death penalty be grateful that I devoted myself to my studies?”

Heo Sanja covered her lower lip and clenched her fist.

'A Thunder Naked Guy.'

The elders of the shaman are eccentric.

At first glance, it may sound strange to say that Taoists who practice the Tao are eccentric. But this was an undeniable, undeniable fact.

Too much of anything can only make it worse. There is no way that the temper of those who have not been able to pursue strength throughout their lives and continue to suffer in order to find something of their own will not be soft.

That is why even shamans do not want to touch the elders.

However, among the elders of such a shaman, Hung Gong was particularly eccentric.

There was no need to explain further how severe his disposition was, as he was given an undeniable talent for swords, yet he was dismissed by the same executioners.

“The Jangmun-in must have given you an order! Why are you so late?”

“It's not too late. It arrived a long time ago.”

“Then why did you only come now?”

“I was just watching.”


The air turned slightly to look at the ruthless ships. All of the merciless ships, who faced the gaze of the air, bowed their heads as if they had no face and avoided their gaze.

“How pathetic I have become as a monk while I have opened my eyes.”

“… … This guy... … .”

Heo Sanja grinded his teeth.

It was because I knew it was a criticism of Heo San-ja, who was more interested in external activities rather than devoted to literacy, and, furthermore, Jang-mun-in, who promoted such a trend.

“What kind of qualification does a person who is buried in the deep mountains and valleys and does only what he wants to do to speak such words in his mouth?”

The air raises her hand slightly.

It meant that I didn't want to fight over this thesis.

“Don't get too excited. So why didn't you come?"

“… … .”


The air turns its head and looks towards the volcano.

“At best, I asked if there was anything interesting to call, but at the very least, it’s a job that scares the children of Tamun… … .”

Suspicion was seeping on his lips.

“I’m sorry. It's really sad. He said that it was necessary for inquisition, and he did this and that while buying. It seems that something did not work out as well as you thought, the death penalty.”

Heo San-ja's tightly clenched chin flared.

He and Dojin Heo are gathering opinions on the need to increase the reputation of the shaman and spread its influence all over the world.

However, not all shaman elders agree with that idea.

Rather, a larger number of elders are expressing the opinion that they should focus on the cultivation of the Tao and devote a little more to Martial Arts. This was a deep hole dug in the shaman according to the file, and it was an old conflict.

When you start discussing it again, your words become endlessly long.


“Yes, the death penalty.”

“I know what you want to say. But now is not the time to talk about that. You, too, cannot admit that the shaman's sword is placed under a volcano.”

At Heo San-ja's words, Hung shook his head with a cold face.

"At least… … .”

“… … .”

“As long as I have my neck attached, that won’t happen.”

Heo San-ja's head nodded.

Because of this kindness, Dojin Heo sent the air to this place.

The elders of other shamans would not be willing to mix their hands with the young Volcano's disciples, no matter how much the shaman's face was at stake.

But the void is different.

He wouldn't really care about the shaman's name being placed under the volcano. However, he could not stand the sound of a shaman's sword being inferior to that of a volcano.

'Whatever his personality is, his skills are certain.'

Void belongs to the youngest among the elders. The age difference between him and Mujin is only ten years. However, his skills surpassed all the executioners.

- If I can throw away that arrogant and eccentric nature and have a little more tolerance, I hope that one day I will be able to become the best sword of the shaman. I'm trapped inside of me.

This was Dojin Heo's evaluation of the air. Anyway, since such a greeting came, it wouldn't be too difficult to at least show the shaman's power to that volcano.

As if Heonggong was also well aware of her mission, she spoke without delay.

“I don’t want to waste time. I will leave right away.”


At Heo San-ja's words, Heo Gong narrowed his eyes and sent a dissatisfied gaze. But Heo Sanja cut it off with a calm voice.

“The rain is not over yet. Even so, it is embarrassing for an elder to go out on a business trip with these great disciples.”

“Are you embarrassed?”

As if the air was absurd, he snorted, ignoring face.

“You are being humiliated like this for being obsessed with such arrogance, death penalty!”

“… … .”

“I've been humiliated, but what more formality do you mean here? Are you saying that it is embarrassing for an elder to deal with this great disciple, and that it is okay for the great disciple to deal with it?”

“… … .”

Heo Sanja, who was speechless, shut her mouth and the air shook her head.

“Sir. Preeminent.”

The air, who muttered scornfully, immediately looked at the ruthless ships and asked.

“What do you think?”

“… … .”

“What do you think of those of you who have become great disciples of the shaman and can’t even reach out to the second great disciples of Hwasan?”

At those softly angered words, the ruthless boats bowed their heads with a blank expression on their faces.

“Pathetic things.”

There was a clear smirk on the lips of the air.

“So, who will come now? Who will come out and play clowns and win? Tell me where.”

“… … .”


As the air shifted, the heads of the ruthless ships softened even more.


“… … Yes, Elder.”

“Are you going to go?”

Mujin did not readily answer.

He also knew. Now, just because two more great disciples go out and beat two more great disciples of Hwasan, the honor of a shaman does not come back.

That might be more a shame than a defeat.

“I didn’t pay too much attention to inquisition to achieve my sword. I never imagined that the shaman's disciples would show such a pathetic appearance."

“… … I'm sorry, Elder."

“As soon as you return to the shaman, I will fix your rotten mental state.”

Gong Gong glanced at the disciples with his cold eyes and turned around.

“If you want to play with a clown, do whatever you want. But I hope you don't make me wait too long."

At those words, Heo San-ja cried out in pain.

He must leave a visible result. Because I came here for that.

However, two more wins here does not mean that the result is significantly different. Considering the morale that rarely rises, it might not be bad to put a wedge on them at this point.



"instead… … You have to press firmly.”

At Heo San-ja's request, Heo Gong rolled up the corners of his mouth.

“You seem to have forgotten who I am, the death penalty.”

It was a cheeky statement indeed, but for this moment, it sounded more reliable than any other word in the world.

The air slashed its sword and stepped forward.

“I will inform the young chicks of the volcano that it is still a hundred years away to overcome the shaman.”

Heo San-ja nodded and took a step back.

Mujin, who was watching the back of the air slowly heading towards the non-stage, opened his mouth with a stiff face.


Heo San-ja, who glanced at Mujin, said as if regretful.

“I’m sorry for you. I should have given you a chance to show off.”

"I am okay. But, is it really okay for Elder Hung to step forward? … .”

“Are you worried?”

“… … Frankly, yes.”

Even in the shaman, no one asks for guidance from the air.

It's not that he's weak. It's because he's so cruel in his hands and doesn't care about the circumstances of his opponent.

If it happens inside the shaman, it can be rectified somehow. However, if the opponent is a tamun faction, problems may arise.

“No worries.”

"But… … .”

“Didn’t Jang Mun-in not even think about it so far and sent him through the air?”

Mujin closed her mouth.

I'm sure Jang Moon-in would have thought the same. Nevertheless, if the air was sent, the intention is one of two things.

One thought that the air could be controlled so as not to overdo it, or… … Otherwise... … .

“Sometimes it is necessary to sell a child who runs wild without knowing the extent.”

“… … .”

“As an adult in the same family, it wouldn’t be bad to break the bridge of the nose once. It will be a good medicine for volcanoes.”

Heo Sanja memorized Doho softly.

But Mujin had to swallow a sigh inwardly.

'Is that really a hawk for the right genealogy?'

Or is it the episodic violence that strikes out in fear of the coming generations?

But I couldn't ask such a question. I had no choice but to look at the empty space on the non-stage and long for it.

'please… … .'

I hope that no more disappointments will ever happen.


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