In order to gain something, there must also be something to lose. (3)

Uninhabited beings are indeed strange beings.

Even though they know that the enemy is aiming for the neck right before their eyes and revealing a ferocious man, they are the ones who lose their minds to the confrontation of absolute masters.

They dared not turn their gaze away, but their nerves were focused on the battle far away, not on the enemy in front of them.

The disciples of the volcano and the people of blood were the same.

However, it was the people of the blood who realized the strange thing first.

'What?' 'these guys?' Since when? Kaga Gak! The outstretched three swords bounced off. Of course, it was common throughout the battle, but something had changed. Those who wield their swords directly had no choice but to notice. Because the repulsion felt by the opponent's sword was completely different from before. 'What the hell has changed... … ?' Not long ago, the disciples of the volcano were like wild beasts. No, to be exact, it would be correct to say that he was like a wildcat succumbed to evil. However, the rough and promiscuous sword began to grow heavier and heavier. It didn't slow down, but it became solid and solid. 'Is this possible while fighting?' Of course, the sword changes at any time. Unless martial arts remain in place, the sword is bound to change over the course of a lifetime. However, from the moment I entered the battle here, the sword's nature changed in that short time? It was absurd. Paah! The bloody man clenched his teeth and stabbed the sword more quickly. However, the disciples of Volcano, who had previously focused only on speed and wielded their swords sparingly, now began to strike their swords briefly and concisely. It was. It resembles the sword of Qingming that is facing Go Hong in front of me. 'These dogs!' Of course, I can't dare to compare. The abyss the sword possessed was terrifying to look into. However, although the depth was shallow, their swords were definitely starting to resemble the swords of clarity. 'You're training in front of us?' The bloody man's face was horribly contorted. Isn't it? They are learning that sword even at this moment. As if he had no self-respect, he immediately changed his temperament the moment he saw what was more right. 'What are these guys!' Goosebumps erupted all over the person's body. Muhak is building up. No matter how childish these guys may be, it will be enough years to build up their own martial arts through bone-crushing ordeal. Mu-in lives on the foundation he has built up. Twisting and transforming the foundation is frightening even for those who are re-establishing their own martial arts. But so easy? 'no. It's not like that.' It wasn't a matter of logic. This is close to blind trust. It comes from the unpredictable belief that this direction can never be wrong, and that this change will not be bad for them. 'These crazy people.' The leader does not doubt that those who fight behind him will absorb his sword, and those who follow continue to develop by accepting the teachings without hesitation even in the midst of battle. Where else in the world could there be a sect that could do such a crazy thing? Kagang! No matter how much I swung it, it didn't work. Until recently, he was able to somehow break through the defense and leave scars on the bodies of the disciples of the volcano, but now he has never been able to break through that defense as if he had met an iron wall. Just as Cheongmyeong was blocking the storm-like storm, the disciples of the volcano were also firmly and perfectly blocking the swords of the bloody people. and. Paaaah! A sword that stretched out momentarily cut through the side of the bloody person who was embarrassed. “ね!” It felt like the sword and the ship were faster. But the bloody man knew. It's not that their swords are faster. A perfect defense leads to a perfect attack. Defense became possible and those who regained their leisure were able to glimpse a more certain opportunity. Of course, I knew it in my head, but it didn't make sense. How can you convince and admit that your opponent's inaction doubles in the middle of a fight right now? “These dogs!” He screamed and stabbed his sword in a paroxysmal manner, but the reaction that came back was not the same as before. The disciples of the volcano, who had raised their voices as if they would not lose if they raised their voices first, lightly slashed his sword and stared at them with unwavering eyes. Those eyes gradually began to weigh down the bloody people. Eyes without even a single doubt. A look that only those who are sure of their own path and walk straight without shaking can have it. The sword of the bloody people gradually lost its momentum and began to become dull. 'Lower.' 'Keep the center.' 'Don't be fooled by the glamor and speed.' It wasn't something that could be solved by jumping. Why did you forget? In the end, there must be a center of kendo to have value. Even if it is splendid when it is stretched out, it must be supremely heavy when protecting it. Inspired by victory, intoxicated with growth, he forgot the purpose of volcanic swordsmanship for a while. Even after listening to it over and over again. A single sword said more to them than a thousand words. The faces of the volcanic disciples who looked at the sword of Qingming with squinting eyes were very cautious. Koo! The footsteps of hundreds of thousands of people shook the ground. The sword swung heavily slashed the flying three swords, changed momentum in an instant and flew wildly, covering the bloody man with numerous plum blossoms. “Aaaaaah!” The defense is heavy, the attack is sharp. 'This is it!' Something he couldn't seem to grasp was now at his fingertips. Whenever you want to move forward, you have to go back to the basics. A simple fact that everyone should know. However, it was also a characteristic of muhak that no one could do this simple task. 'Who were you trying to teach?' Embarrassment flooded in. Although he himself was still on the path of learning, he looked down on the other disciples because he was a little ahead of them. He thought that he could pass on the many things he had gained. But at this moment, Baekcheon realized once again. The first thing that should be given priority is to devote yourself to yourself. It was impossible to lose this path for any reason. Paaah! His sword pierced the heart of the bloody man. It is the back, not the mouth, that guides people. Teaching is a sword, not logic. Cheongmyung was showing that now. Perhaps the other five swords felt the same as Baekcheon, and they were wielding their swords more seriously. 'now… … !' Baekcheon flew like an island war towards the bloody people who could not hide their embarrassment. “You are not our enemies!” The disciples of the volcano, who had prudence and determination, responded to that voice with their own swords. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! In the midst of a fierce pottery storm, the figure of Qingming was serene. Even if it contains a lot of logic and interpretation, the sword is ultimately a sword. It's all about swinging, stabbing, and getting hit. Aww! The sword that flew straight across the side of the sword that fell like a thunderbolt toward the head lightly struck it. Kakang! Then, with a sharp sound, the sword bounced off with great speed. It flew straight back toward Cheongmyung's side, but it strayed from the obliquely erected sword, and when he quickly stabbed again, he was knocked out by the sword that moved like an island war. Cheongmyeong was blocking all the flying attacks with minimal movement without any fuss. "Ugh… … .” Sweat dripped down Go Hong's body like rain. It was like being stabbed by a needle, and my heart felt like it was about to burst. The continuous strike, which had almost stopped breathing, severely took away the stamina of the one wielding the sword. Still, I couldn't stop. The moment this Tao stops, his defeat will be certain. Having exhausted his stamina and stamina, he will never be able to launch another attack like this again. So, somehow, I had to win this match with this streak. A sweet smell rose from his mouth, and blood vessels that could not withstand the pressure of the blood, which were spinning twice as fast as usual, burst one by one. Blood dripped from his nose, but before he could even run down to the floor, it evaporated from the wind pressure and heat of the province. 'Fall down... … . please fall down! Fall down!' However, no matter how much he wields his sword or moves, the opponent in front of him continued to hold his position. He perfectly received the attack that flew in with his eerie, eerie eyes. Goosebumps ran over Go Hong's whole body. It was fear and awe. 'Why!' My muscles started to tear apart. 'Why don't you fall down!' The strength of the knee was broken and the strength drained from the road. "Why!!!" Go Hong, who had pushed his strength down to the last drop, finally delivered a full blow. It was such a perfect attack that I wondered if he had ever delivered such a blow in his entire life. Mind, body, and strength became one. After a brief silence, a storm-like crossing was young in his way. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The final blow, risking everything, descended with a frenzied force, as if it was going to cut the blue in two. And that moment. The momentum of Qingming, who had been quietly facing his attacks, changed completely. Whoa! Life surged as if it were burning the skin. With a bizarre smile, Cheongmyeong flew towards Go Hong's attack. Woo woo woo! As if the dark plum blossom sword responded to his will, he blew his sword name, and soon, dozens or hundreds of red plum blossoms began to bloom. 'What?' The Tao that had the energy to cut the earth fell into the plum forest. Go go go go go! The petals were crushed and crushed as they touched the blade. It seemed impossible at first for the delicate and sky-high plum blossom sword to block the waterfall-like way of redness. one. Newly bloomed plums fill the void of fallen plum blossoms. Twenty-four plum blossoms sword technique No matter how strong the Tao of Go Hong was, it could not crush all the hundreds or thousands of plum blossoms. The wading steel, which was harder than steel, began to be chipped away slowly. The Tao, which seemed to destroy even Mount Tai, quickly lost its momentum and was twisted and buried among the blooming plum blossoms. Paaaah! Soon, the flow of plum blossoms that soared up at once wrapped around Gohong's Eonwoldo Island. Aaaaah! The sword was cut in half and the blade soared into the air. Paaah! Amidst the scattered plum blossoms, Qingming appeared like a fantasy. And with cool eyes, he digs into Go Hong's chest. Boo woo woo! A terrifying sound rang out. Go Hong looked down at my chest slowly. Where the heart was, a pure white sword was pierced almost to the handle. It was rather fortunate that he did not see the blade protruding through his back. “Cool!” thud. His body, which was like a pylon, shook. With each step he took a strenuous step backwards, the blade of the sword was pulled out, and red blood gushed out. "this… … Like this... … .” Blood began to flow back into his mouth. When Go Hong opened her mouth to say something, it poured out, leaving red traces. “Hey, this can’t be… … . that… … is obviously… … The volcano is my enemy... … there is no... … .” Go Hong's words could not be continued. His mouth was constantly clenched, but he couldn't make a sound any more. Qingming looked at him silently and walked over to him without saying a word. The voice of the old red that seemed to be extinguished at any moment was heard faintly. “… … me… … Is… … .” Paaah. Scratch! Soon after, the severed Go Hong's neck soared into the air. The body, which had lost its head, staggered and slammed into the ground like a rotten giant tree fell. woohoo! Cheong-myeong looked at Ko Hong who had collapsed with indifferent eyes and spoke softly. “Talent is a luxury for those who do not devote themselves to it.” Since I learned that lesson with my life, it wouldn't be a bad business. 595

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