Now let's go catch the shamans! (4)

"Well, I'm already gasping for how far I've run! That's why I usually told you to practice light engineering!"

'He's not even human!'

'A bastard with no conscience.'

'I'm an asshole who felt the death penalty even for a moment!'

'I want to hit you.'

The disciples of the volcano were running with all their energy.

And Qingming was chasing after them with a sword drawn from behind instead of in front of them.

Looking at that ugly blade and half-turned eyes, I couldn't get it out until I lost strength in his legs. Even if you are out of breath and your legs are shaking, you have to run first.

'That bastard is scarier than a vampire uniform.'

'I'd rather commit myself to a shaman!'

The jogger, which had the most strength among the dogs, eventually started to sag backwards little by little.

"Turn it off.... Turn it off."

This is by no means rude. I'm running my best, but what do you mean by lack of stamina?

However, such common sense did not work for those who followed.

"Ah, Takge! Evil! Aaaaaaaah! You bastard!"

"Run! Run!"

Cheong-myeong, who stabbed Jo-Gul's back with a sword, opened his eyes white and cried out.

"These bastards are just trying to eat mine and carry it! Do you want to see them all die?"

"Ahhhhh! What is Tae Sang-no doing? Don't strike that bastard with a thunderbolt!"

Unfortunately, this place was underground, so it was out of reach of lightning.

And, even more sadly, there was only one effect of what Chong-myung was doing. The double jogger who was stabbed in the back ran back and forth at a faster speed.

"Ahhh! You are going to die from this lightning strike!"

"Run with the power to scream death!"

Blue eyes lit up.

He has every reason to urge him to do so.

'They're not going any further.'

That means the end has been reached. And there must be a Honwondan. I went through a lot of hard work to get here, but I have never seen them run away without eating their soul fabric.

"Where the shaman bastards touch this old man's stuff!"

'That's not yours!'

'Even a cheater wouldn't live with that mindset.'

But what to do?

That guy is supposed to be a disciple of the volcano, and he's their cute samurai and priest.

And they weren't the only ones suffering because of the clarity.

"Hwasa ah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

A desperate voice came from behind the row of the cave.


"What do you mean? That beggar uncle."

Cheongmyung snorted.

"Ah, please follow me quickly!"

"It's not that I can't go! Our beggars can't go! Our beggars!"

"Hey, that looks like a real beggar."

Hong Dae-gwang's eyes filled with moisture at Cheong-myeong's ridicule.

'After I'm done with this job, I won't even pee towards the volcano. You look like a damn bastard!'

But unfortunately, this work is not over yet.

"Beggars! Run! Go after them!"

“Buntaju….. go first. We… we are wrong.”

"Where's the fix! Can't you run fast?"

“Hehe! Hehe! I can’t… I can’t go. Buntaju! Better kill me.”

"Oh my gosh. How do you go after those little guys when you're old? Those are me who swallow iron!"

"Shut up and can't you run?! This is a matter of pride for openness! In terms of light engineering, we are the best!"

"Begging must be the best thing in the world!"


Daekwang Hong bit his teeth and kicked the beggars' ass.

"Aaaaah! Why are you hitting me!"

The beggar, who kicked his ass, rolled his eyes and ran to Hongdae Kwang.

'Oh, this isn't it?'

Why can't I be like him?

Realizing that bullying people is not an easy task, Hong Dae-kwang pushed the beggar away from him.

"Hey, Volcano God Dragon! Let's go together!"

Hong Dae-kwang screamed or not, and Cheong-myeong only ran forward. If I missed the Honwondan while taking care of the beggars, it was obvious that my heart wouldn't be resolved even if I beat those beggars for three or four days.


"It's light!"


Cries of joy erupted from the mouths of the volcano disciples. Of course, it wasn't the joy of finding what I was aiming for, it was the joy of being able to get out of this damned bastard now.

"It is Gwangmyeong Ah ah ah!"

Jo-Geul, who took the lead, panted and ran to the exit. Then, with both eyes wide open, he stared blankly in front of him.

"what is this?"

I saw a huge cliff and uninhabited people climbing up the cliff. The moment she saw the scene, Jo-Gul's eyes trembled.

Baekcheon and Yoonjong, who were standing next to him, showed a similar reaction.

"I, that..."

"Is that what I see?"

“It sure looks like a cliff, right?”

A strange light shone in the eyes of the volcano's disciples looking at the sheer cliff.

It wasn't because the shaman's disciples in the lead had already climbed halfway up the cliff.

"...heh heh. It's a cliff. It's a cliff."

"What? Cliff?"

Cheongmyung, who ran out from behind, looked at the cliff with his eyes flashing.

"It's up there!"

His fingertips pointed to the protruding part in the middle of the cliff. It looked like it was protruding from such a distance, but it must have been a space where about 100 people could comfortably climb.

"You mean you have to go up there?"


"Oh my God, over there..."

Joe Girl, who was staring blankly at the cliff, tilted his head and said.


Gradually, the corners of his lips curl up.

"Why is the last one so bland?"

"Fufufu! Huhhhhhhh! Climbing a cliff! To say something like this at the last minute!"

"The hell has not been in vain!"

Moisture filled the corners of Yoon Jong's eyes.


A cliff like that?

'Are you kidding me!'

There is no one who cannot climb a cliff despite the second and third great disciples of Hwasan. Thanks to the training of that non-human being, I had to climb the dungeon, which is five times higher than this, at least once a day!

Now, it has been a long time since I reached the point where I fell asleep for a while while climbing a cliff, and climbed the cliff with exercise after eating!

Every time you go through that hellish practice, swear and swear twice! The water lily, which seemed useless to anyone in the world, will shine in such a place!

Of course, everyone was shaking.

"let's go!"

"I've never been to the volcano!"

"I can't even digest a snack like this!"

The disciples of the volcano ran as hard as they could without waiting for Qingming's words, and they clinged to the cliff.

Those who had not yet dared to climb the cliff quickly turned their gazes to the disciples of the volcano who appeared out of nowhere.

and… … .

"Uh-huh? What, what?"

"Wow, what's so fast!"

come and go!

Playing with both arms and legs, as if crawling on flat ground... … . No, everyone gasped as they watched the disciples of the volcano climbed the cliff at a faster speed than that.

“No, it’s not even a spider, but what kind of person climbed a cliff like that…?”

It was the speed of processing.

It wasn't a matter of strength, it was a matter of familiarity, but the onlookers did not know it. In their view, the disciples of the volcano that suddenly appeared were climbing the cliff at a literal speed.

Not just one, but all five!

Even though I knew that there was no time to feel the absurdity, I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"No, stop!"


It was only then that the middle class came to their senses and glared at the disciples of the volcano.

"Throw it!"

"Put a knife in your back!"

Those who did not have the ability to climb the cliff and could not give up their recruits began throwing weapons from the bottom of the cliff to hinder the climbers.

And, of course, the first to disturb in their eyes are the disciples of the volcano.


Jo-Gul's eyes bulged out at the sight of the long sword piercing the cliff by barely wiping her cheek.

"Ah, no! Humans are notoriously bad-tempered!"

Are you saying that others can't go just because they can't go? No matter how much you throw a knife! knife!

"Don't worry, keep going up!"

"You're throwing knives!"

"I'll stop it! Just go!"

"How do you stop all this!"

That was the moment.

"Hey, you bastards! Don't touch the volcano!"

Hong Dae-gwang, who arrived late, quickly grasped the situation and smashed into the attackers from below.

"Damn all these bastards, Volcano God Dragon! Don't worry about the bottom and go up!"

Qingming clicked his tongue.

"Pretending to do something really great. Anyway, it's done for now!"

The fact that there is no obstruction increases the speed even more. Jo-Geul hurriedly made fun of her limbs and ran up the cliff.


"Compared to the short-legged obstacle, it's a breeze!"

It wasn't just words.

The disciples of the volcano quickly caught up with those who climbed the cliff first. Even he wasn't enough, so he started to outrun them again.

In the middle, the weapons that flew from below were all bounced off by the sword of Qingming.

Every time he blocked one, he shouted like a spirit.

"Elixir! Naegong! My elixir!"

'The taste is gone.'

'Let's go up quickly. I did that, but I don't know what that crazy guy will do if someone else takes the hondan.'

Trembling in bizarre fear, the disciples of the volcano diligently made fun of their limbs.

"Elder! Over there!"


Heo San-ja opened his eyes.

A group of warriors were chasing them with a formidable momentum from below. The speed of climbing the cliff resembles that of a monkey.

No, there is no way Mu-min can't even be as good as a monkey, so he must be considered more than that.

"I, who are they?"

"Volcano! Disciples of the volcano, Elder!"

Heo Sanja clenched her teeth at Jinhyeon's voice.

'Those guys!'

It was none other than those people who made the situation to this point.

Considering that fact, he could not contain the rising anger.

But what I need to worry about more now is not my anger towards them.

That their speed is much faster than that of Heo Sanja.

'How did this happen?'

No matter how strong they are, it is clear that they have a limit considering their age. But how can you climb a cliff so fast?

It was something that could not be understood with the common sense of Heo San-ja.

One important thing is not to understand. Whatever the reason, something like that is actually happening right in front of your eyes.


"Yes, the death penalty!"

"Lead the children! I'll go up first!"


Heo Sanja smashed the cliff.

Then he crosses his feet in mid-air.

woo woo woo.

A whirlpool of Qi felt beneath his feet, and his body began to soar upwards.


Someone from below screamed.

When it reaches full maturity, the shaman's bell is unfolded, which says that it can lift more than a dozen human bodies into the air.

Of course, climbing this high cliff at once was unreasonable. However, if he could get to the cliff in the middle, the first person to climb the cliff seemed to be Heo Sanja.

And, of course, there was one person who couldn't watch it.

"No, that bastard?"

Blue's eyes returned.

How did you get here, do you mean to just watch the shaman eat the horn fabric?

"Go first!"

"My wife, Cheong Myung-ah!"

"What are you going to do, man?!"

"Even if I die, I will eat it!"

Cheongmyung's two eyes shone brightly.

The disciples of the volcano had no choice but to doubt their own eyes at that moment.

Qingming suddenly took off his shoes and started running down the cliff.



Qingming's feet pound the cliff like a flat ground. At the same time, his body was shot upwards with terrifying speed.


Although the start was late, the speed at which Cheongmyeong ran down the cliff was significantly faster than the speed at which Heo Sanja climbed the cliff.

"That little guy?"

"Who's the little boy, who's that!"

i'm man! uh? How old are you?

"Oh! It's bursting!"

You won't believe it if you tell me! hey! Better to be young!

Two people climb the cliff as if competing with each other. Absolutely insane speed.

Cheongmyung, who ran down the cliff like a flat ground, clenched his teeth and slammed the cliff with all his might.

In addition, Sanja Heo also steps into the air and shoots himself up over the cliff.




Heo Sanja and Qingming rose almost simultaneously through the gap in the cliff they were aiming for.


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