One day, plum blossoms will bloom under the sky. (4)


"Yeah, long-timer."

"...Look. Did I say wisohaeng?"

"Yeah, long-timer."

“Why don’t we just talk about the main topic and explain the situation first?”

"Ah. I'm sorry. I'm out of business. Actually..."

Wei Sohaeng began to explain the circumstances in the past.

Hwayeongmun is a family group of volcanoes.

Generally, the disciples of large clan are divided into two categories. One is a disciple of Jinsan who enters the volcano and spends the rest of his life in the volcano. Those who become disciples of Jinsan receive the name of the Way, raise disciples in the volcano, and pursue the Way by sharpening their swords.

However, those who have learned from the volcano but live in a world that is not a volcano become temporary pupils.

And the sect founded by such a disciple is called the subfamily sect, and although it is a sect separate from the volcano, it was bound to be operated under the influence of the volcano.

The progeny send an appropriate amount of money to the head office every year, and in return, the head office solves various difficulties experienced by the provincial clan. It is good because the main mountain can earn money stably, and it is good because the family family can attract trainees under the name of the main mountain.

It is said that there were hundreds of these sects when the volcano was in its heyday, but now there are no more than ten places in the world that claim to be the clans of the volcano.

Even the remaining columns are not able to properly communicate with the headquarters.

In the meantime, Hwayeongmun is the place that has sent money to the volcano most consistently.

"I can't say that I'm a very good military officer, but Hwayeongmun was a place that received recognition from where we were."

"That's right. If it's Hwayoungmunju's personality, it's still there."

“The problem started with the opening of a new military officer called Jongdo-gwan (從道館) on the other side. As soon as it was established as a shaman's sect, it aggressively attracted trainees.”


“But because our Hwayeongmun has done so many things, our region, that is, Namyang, did not respond to them at all. Then they started targeting us directly.”


"My father, who could not stand their continuous provocations, was defeated and seriously injured in the fight with the master of Jongdo."

"I, oh!"

Hyun-young jumped up from her seat in a quagmire.

"What kind of person is Hwayoung Moonju, and you mean that he injures him? Catch him and chew him up right away..."

Hyungwon pulls Hyunyoung's sleeve.

Hyun-young, who was forced to sit in her seat, sharpened her teeth with a face that her anger did not go away.

"If it had ended there, I wouldn't have come this far, but Jongdo-gwan said that he was planning to drive us out of Namyang, so he requested assistance from the shaman's headquarters. You sent me to meet Jang Moon-in and ask for help."

After finishing his words, Wei So Haeng fell flat on the spot.

"Jangmun-in! Please help. If the volcano does not help, Hwayeongmun will have to take down the signboard as it is.


Hyeonjong heard all the circumstances and let out a deep sigh.

“Did you say that Jongdo-gwan is a shaman’s house?”

"Yeah, long-timer."

"Huh. How can you do that in a place that seeks the Way..."

Hyun-young snorted at Hyeon-jong's sigh.

"What naive are you talking about. What kind of place is a shaman? It is the richest conduit in the world. The money must have come from the pockets of the incense burners. ."


Hyungwon nodded quietly.

'Go away... … .'

Clearly, this is something that cannot be overlooked.

The second problem is that their sophistication is being attacked by a shaman.

'Now is the time to look outside the volcano.'

The number of sub-family clans is an indicator of how strong the power of Bonsan is. A strong clan will increase its syllabus, and a declining clan will also disappear.

If a volcano wants to regain its former glory, it is no longer necessary to rule only the interior of the volcano. Soon, there will be those who descend from among the great disciples. If they make a military officer, of course, shouldn't they support it?

This is not simply a sham job. Furthermore, it can be said that it is a matter that determines the way the world views volcanoes.

As Hyeonjong fell into his thoughts, words began to come out here and there.

"Aren't you supposed to help?"

"It's not easy to help. Isn't it an unwritten rule not to go out with more than one great disciple in the affairs of the family?"

"Yes, it is."

It was said that children's fights turned into adult fights, and what started as a family problem in the past often turned into a war between headquarters. After that, in order to prevent unnecessary bleeding, Kang-ho made an tacit agreement not to let those directly involved in the family go beyond Lee Dae-disciple.

It also includes the intention to send children out into the world to gain experience instead of those who are already being perfected.

"If we have to send it, it is right to send the great disciples. How about sending white porcelain ships?"



That was the moment.


Wei Sohaeng, who was listening to the conversation, creaked and opened his mouth.

"Isn't the third disciple?"


"Father has asked for a new god. I must bring that volcanic divine dragon, Qingmyeong Dojang.... Maybe the Qingmyeong Dojo is now..."

Hyungwon's face turns pale.

“That… well, you’re going to take Cheong-myeong?”

“I would like to, if possible.”

"Um. Yeah. Ummm. That's a good thing. Uh... Yeah."

The mouth is talking about good things, but the face is not the face of talking about good things.

"Yeah. For now, I understand. We have something to discuss, so please stay out for a while."

"Yeah, long-timer."

When Ungong (雲空) took Wei So-heng outside, Hyeon-jong asked with a seriously hardened face.

"What should I do?"

"It's nothing to worry about!"

Hyunyoung groaned.

"This is Hwayeongmun! This is Hwayeongmun, where we used to send barley grain and money at a time when there was nothing to eat and die from. No matter how deceived it is, grace is grace! We need to release them and bite them."

"...not unpacking the dog. Ask for a bite."

“There is no one worse than a dog.”

That's the problem. that.

That's the problem!

The phenomenon said with a serious face.

"Jangmun death sentence. This is not an easy matter to think about. Isn't the opponent a shaman?"


"The shaman is a tough opponent. No matter how much the work of the inner family is the work of the family, they say that they do their best by sending only young people in the headquarters, but they don't know how things will turn out."

"That's right."

If you think about it backwards, conflicts that occurred in the affairs of the family often escalate, so such an unwritten rule was created.

"I'm sorry for Hwayoungmun, but there must be another way to help. I want to avoid sending disciples to collide with the shaman."

It's a bit harsh, but I'm not saying this because I don't like the phenomenon of Hwayeongmun. No sect in the world wants to collide with a shaman.

Where is the shaman?

Isn't it a place called the north head of a river along with a volcano?

Hyeonjong's eyes turned to Unam.

"What do you think?"

"Jang Moon-in."

Unam took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"There are two things to think about. One is whether now is the right time for the volcano to resume its external activities. Whatever our opinion, if the volcano sends a disciple to confront the shaman, the world will again be active outside the world. You'd think we've started."


"And the second question is whether our children will be able to handle the disciples of the shaman."

"What is that?"

I received Unam's words as if the phenomenon was insignificant. and add words

“There will be a third one.”

"What about the third?"

"Can I release him?"


There was sympathy and anxiety on everyone's face at the same time.

"Jang Moon-in. Actually, what the child said earlier is correct. If I have to send him, I have no choice but to send him. Isn't it?"

"That's right."

"By the way, can I release him to Kangho? What's more, he's dealing with a shaman?"


Hyeonjong scratched his head in disbelief. His neatly combed hair is messy.

This year is not a short time.

Now everyone here knows very well what the nature of Qingming is. It was a really great burden to send that Cheongmyeong down to Kangho.

"Lucky sword."

"Yeah. Long doorman."

"What do you think?"

The fortune-teller smiles lightly.

"There is nothing to think about. Send it."

“… let’s go?”

"Isn't there any reason not to let him go? One day, Cheong Myung must also become a strong man. Procrastinating is not the answer. If it takes time and he can become a Dao, I will oppose it, but anyway, isn't that an undesirable dream? ?"


"Then we should let go. It is better to sell early."

Hyunjong stopped laughing.

"like that."

Woo Mun-hyeon is the answer.

He closed his eyes for a moment and pondered, then opened his eyes and nodded.

"Call Yoon Jong."

Yoon-jong, who came in with Wei So-haeng, who was outside, paid his respects to Hyeon-jong and sat down.

"Did you call?"

“What is Qingming doing now?”

"You haven't come out of the closure that you entered recently."

"How much did you promise?"

"Perhaps I know the time is up."

"Ummm. That's right."

Hyeonjong's gaze alternately glanced at Yunjong and Wei Sohaeng.

“Jong-ah Yoon.”

"Yeah, long-timer."

“It seems that Cheong-myeong is needed, so I tell him to leave the closing training and come out.”


"On the way, I will guide the visitors from Hwayeongmun to the volcano. Perhaps Cheongmyeong will have to go a long way together, so I will introduce them appropriately."

Yoon-Jong trembles.

"...Did you say it's a long way?"

"That's right."

"So, is Qingming a long way?"


A slightly disrespectful light flashed in Yoonjong's eyes for a moment.

If we could translate those eyes into words, we would say,

'Are you crazy?'

It may be, but no matter how long you are, you cannot be angry because your eyes are disrespectful.

"……All right."

It was Yoonjong who made it possible to interpret differently only with his tone of voice.

"Then let's go."

"Ah... ah, yes!"

Wi So Haeng follows Yoon Jong. Hyeonjong let out a low sigh as he saw Yoonjong leaving the room after paying his respects.

'I don't know if I'm good at this.'

But it is already a sign.

Wi So Haeng glanced at Yoon Jong as he was walking next to him.

'You seem to be about the same age as me.'

Or maybe two years younger.

But just because they're the same age doesn't mean they have the same skills. The momentum felt from Jong-Jong was like a lake.

A quietly submerged lake.

It makes us realize that a volcano is a conduit once again. This is why he is the main mountain, and that is why he is the disciple of Jinsan. It was an act of wit that made me admire the state achieved by a person younger than that.


"Say it."

"What kind of person is Qingming Dojo?"


Yoongi's eyes tremble slightly.

Whether or not he knew how Yoon Jong felt like that, Wei So Haeng was excited and talked about it.

"No one knows the name of the Qingmyeong Dojang, the volcanic new dragon. But the Nakryong branch... No, since the Hwajong branch, there has been no known history, so everyone is wondering what kind of person the Qingmyeong Dojang is. , and some say it is the most arrogant strife..."

" it a big deal?"


"Do people in the world say that?"

"Yes. That's right. What kind of person is the real Qingmyeong Dojo?"



“I think it would be better to experience it in person than to tell it with my mouth.”


Yoon Jong, who takes the lead at the moment, said,

'The Great Hyup is the one that freezes and freezes. If that guy is Daehyup, then I am Confucius.'

It seemed to be muttering, but... … .

'You must have heard it wrong.'

Could it be that the master who looked so disciplined would have said such a thing?

After leaving the prose gate and climbing the mountain for a long time, the two arrived at a large cliff. There were large blood vessels all over the cliff.


“This is Maehwa-dong. It is a place to go out of the crowd to practice or seek enlightenment.”

"Then Qingmyeong Dojo for a new enlightenment?"

"...that's what it's like."

Yoon Jong, who was about to say something, finally shook his head.

you have to experience it to know have to experience

"Wait a minute. Cheong Myung will call him."

"Ah! I see."

Yoonjong leaves Wisohaeng and goes to the front. Then he stood in front of the Donghyeol, which was blocked by a large rock in the corner, not the opened Donghyeol. A deep sigh escaped.



it's a rattle


If you can hear that in me, is that a person? it's a ghost

When I was wondering what the hell he was doing, Yoonjong whispered once again in a low voice.


Then he quickly turned around and ran to Wei So Haeng.

“Cheong-myeong seems to have fallen into deep training and can’t hear the sound, so he’s going to die today.”


what kind of bullshit

How do you hear that, man?

"Oh, no. Dojo."

Then, Yoonjong puts his index finger to his mouth.

“This is good for each other. Let’s just pretend we don’t know each other.

That was the moment.


Suddenly, there is an explosion that sounds like the sky is collapsing, and the rock that was blocking the blood flow explodes and scatters in all directions.

"... ok."

Wei So Haeng was startled, but Yoon Jong covered his face as if something was coming.

The surroundings are clouded with dust.

Wei Sohaeng looked at the ambiguous scenery in front of him with a blank face.

And soon a figure of a person begins to appear in the cloud of dust.



Hearing the daunting sound of footsteps, he had a gut feeling about the move.

'That person is the Volcanic God Dragon!'

One of the best late Jisoo in the world, who defeated Jongnam's two great disciples and defeated Jongnam's Jin Geumryong alone. Now maybe someone more famous than the name of the volcano.

The black figure gradually takes the form of a person. Leaving the dust cloud behind, Qingming walks out like a hero from a myth and looks at Weiso Haeng with low, heavy eyes.

feeling overwhelmed.

This is the volcano god... … .

That was the moment.

"Oh! Damn it! I almost got bitten by eating Byeokgokdan! That's why I didn't intend to close the building!



I don't think it's that person.

hey, maybe


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