Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3236: I choose this

Chapter 3236 I choose this

Jing Li's mouth almost fell to her ears.

He doesn't know when his son is secretly picking, so let him choose a woolen yarn now.

He did not choose.

Then the yellow calendar fell into the hands of the old lady Jing.

Mrs. Jing glared at him, "Old man, if you don't choose me, don't be angry. Liangping, I think it's January 1st, the days are easy to remember and lucky."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The old lady said so, things must be fine.

Mother Yan was about to smile.

Things are not as complicated as expected!

Their Lao Yan was still worried at home, saying that they couldn't agree on this matter every morning, and it took them only half an hour to enter the house and it was about to be decided soon.

Mother Yan returned the almanac to Jing Liangping, "Commander Jing, our opinions are all on January 1. What do you think? Although there are still two months to be anxious, we have everything ready here. They are young Two people can live with us. The new house is cleaned up. If you don’t want to, the city also bought a house. The furniture is imported from Country D. The decoration styles are the most popular nowadays. We invited Qi Bowen, a relative of the head of Jiang. Yes, to ensure their satisfaction."

Jing Xiangwan had to admire Yan's mother for her thoughtfulness.

Huo Jingrun and Xu Shilan got married, she didn't even think so carefully.

I haven't asked Xu Shilan if she would like to live with them, so she made an arbitrary arrangement.

Fortunately, Xu Shilan is sensible and has no complaints.

Looking at other people's strict mothers speaking and doing things, it is really considerate and exquisite.

Jing Xin'er is really blessed to have such a mother-in-law!

With everyone looking forward to watching, Jing Liangping finally said, "No on January 1st!"




Except Yan Yan, all those present here asked aloud.

Especially Jing Li, Huo Di stood up, really can't stand his son and embarrassed Yan Chengxin, "Jing Liangping, don't you just marry a daughter? I don't know if you think you are going to heaven, what are you going to do? January What's wrong with the 1st?"

Mrs. Jing quickly grabbed him, "Old man, be careful of your body, Xiao Mian said you can't be angry."

"Can I not be angry? How old are we, don't we just want to watch the juniors get married and have children?"

When Jing Li got angry, Jing Xiangwan panicked, "Dad, sit down, don't be angry. Isn't this a discussion? I didn't say not to get married, I will persuade Liangping, you sit down and rest."

Jing Xiangwan helped Jing Li to sit down again, and Jing Li's eyes remained fixed on Jing Liangping like a nail.

The atmosphere was a little tense for a while, and Yan Chengxin felt that he was pushing too tightly, and he hurriedly closed the field, "Yangping, if you think that this day is not good, we have no opinion on pushing it for another half a year!"

Jing Li was almost fainted by Yan Chengxin's words!

"You can wait, I can't wait, Jing Liangping, you can choose one day for me now, any of the four days will do."

The other two days are next year, one in March and the other in June.

Jing Shouchang meant that the wedding must be held within six months.

Jing Liangping picked up the almanac, re-selected, and finally stopped on one page, "This. I choose this."

Put the almanac on the coffee table after speaking.

Everyone stared at Jing Liangping's election day with wide eyes.

December 12! ! !

It turned out to be December 12!

Yan Chengxin thought that his eyes were dazzling, and he could only believe this fact after rubbing it several times.

"Yangping, do you really choose this date?" It was December 12, and there was only one month left!

(End of this chapter)

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