Chapter 3234 Explosion

Yan Chengxin hummed twice, now that he is asking for Jing Liangping, of course he has to endure everything.

"You are going to be transferred back to the special team, Commander Jiang has another task."


Jing Liangping was silent for a moment.

It's no wonder that Jiang Zhengye has been busy recently, and he intentionally or unintentionally told him about the task arrangements and strategic deployment of the special forces next year. It turned out to be like this.

"I knew about this a long time ago." Jing Liangping lied, his face was neither red nor white, and he couldn't tell at all.


Yan Chengxin held the cup with one hand. This news was decided by the military only yesterday. Could it be that Jing Liangping's news was faster than him.

Yan Chengxin was sullen, but still didn't believe it, "Who told you?"

Jing Liangping pursed his lips and smiled, "A fool."

Yan Chengxin:...

How do you feel scolding him.

"Then what do you want me to do, you are willing to choose a day." When Ming Ming Jing Liangping heard him transfer back to the special team, his eyebrows moved, and now he was not emotional!

This old boy is now more and more able to hide his emotions.

"The premise is that military discipline is not violated!" He added.

"Since I want to return to the special forces team, I have to do something for them, right? Commander Yan, is there any news about the prince? Tell me a little bit. I'll pick a day now."

Yan Chengxin wiped his forehead, and Jing Liangping could tell whether it was true or not.

For the special team, he actually sold his daughter!

When did this old boy fight like this?

I thought that after being suspended, he was depressed, but I didn't expect that the more frustrated he got, the more courage he would be!

The news about the prince, Yan Chengxin, is really there.

However, after all, the special forces have few people, and the armed police have intervened.

And this matter, who will end up in the end, the military has not yet concluded.

Although Wei Zhenhui had done a good job in arresting the coyote and killing the poisonous dragon, he had few people after all, and the prince was cruel. The military department now wanted to give up the prince’s lair to prevent them from doing evil.

The number of special forces is limited, but their abilities are superb.

Although the number of armed police is large, one-to-one is not an advantage.

This is also the reason why the military department has been so undecided.

"Why? Can't it be revealed at all? I just asked the prince about the scope of his activities. Doesn't this violate military discipline?"

It is not yet known who the flower will fall, but Jing Liangping knows in advance that it is nothing.

After all, the gossip about the prince would fill the military headquarters.

As for the true and false, you have to distinguish yourself.

Yan Chengxin tapped his index finger and ring finger twice on his side, and said nothing.

Everyone else in the room was at a loss, and two of them understood.

Jing Liangping's eyes suddenly brightened.

Yan Chengxin was indeed expected, but if he hadn't exploded, I really didn't know.

Yan Yan also couldn't believe it, his father, who was so upright, actually compromised for his marriage.

Then, Jing Liangping directly took out the almanac that he had prepared earlier from under the coffee table.

There are still a few sheets of paper on it that are folded, obviously the day has been chosen.

Yan Chengxin had a feeling of being tricked.

"Jing Liangping, you are playing tricks on me, you have already chosen a date, you still bomb me!"

Jing Liangping raised his eyebrows, "What did you say? Who heard it?"


Yan Chengxin couldn't say it anymore, he really didn't say anything. What he used was a code word that was not understood by a senior general.

"Don't frown, your son marries my daughter, you don't want to, that counts as..."

"I do!"

The fruits of victory he finally got, he couldn't give up all his efforts.

"But what I said is what I heard, not necessarily true."

There is still around 11 o'clock, three chapters will be published first! !

Lord Bird asks for monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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