Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3232: What are you doing

Chapter 3232 What do you care about this nosy


Yan Chengxin greeted Jing Li and Mrs. Jing and sat straight on the sofa. He really didn't know what to say.

He hasn't dealt with Jing Liangping all his life, and whoever thinks about it will have to bow his head with this old boy in the end.

Don't look at Jing Liangping's well-dressed clothes, but he has a bad stomach.

Even if he marries a wife, he can't attach a small child in front of him and spread it out, and he can't be a man in the future.

He has been with Jing Liang for a lifetime, is it still the last shiver.

He didn't talk, Jing Liangping didn't talk, and the two of them stared at each other with big eyes, so that everyone next to them was anxious.

Mother Yan touched Yan Chengxin's arm, "Old Yan, you've spoken, it's been five minutes since entering the house, is it appropriate to just sit like this?"

After speaking, he glanced at Chief Jing. Fortunately, Chief Jing was reading the newspaper seriously, and he hadn't thought about asking them about these juniors.

Yan Chengxin exhaled three bad breaths in a row before speaking, "Lao Jing, I came to your house to propose a marriage today. You can pick a day."

Jing Liangping put down the tea bowl and looked at him with a smile, "Old Yan, what is the matter to mention the day, you have not made it clear how I choose? Is it for dinner? If it is for dinner, it is better to hit the sun if you choose a day, let's just tonight, you What do you think?"

Not bad!

Yan Chengxin gritted his teeth secretly.

Okay, Jing Liangping, do you ask this for not knowingly?

He didn't believe Yan Yan and didn't tell Jing Xin'er, let alone Jing Xin'er didn't tell him.

This old fox is pretending to be a fool!

But for the sake of his son, he gave it up and said something softly. Fortunately, Jing Liangping could really make it difficult for him to fail in front of the family.

"It's the marriage between Yan Yan and Xin'er. The marriage report is approved, and the two children are not young anymore. Lao Jing, you pick a day, let's take care of the marriage!"

Jing Liangping took a sip of his tea and spoke unhurriedly, "It turns out that this is the case. Our family hasn't discussed it yet. Besides, Xin'er is only 22 years old. I want to stay for a few more years!"


After Jing Liangping finished speaking, Jing Xiangwan was amused.

Who was talking to him a few days ago, Xin'er is one year older than Su Mian, look at Su Mian's children, Xin'er is not married yet!

How come it's on again now.

After all, he is his own brother. Jing Xiangwan is not easy to pierce, so he can only lower his voice, "Liangping, it's almost enough. Commander Yan rushed over from the Southern Military Region in his busy schedule. You have to show some face, besides, in front of the child. You can't do too much."

Jing Liangping cast a glance at Jing Xiangwan, "Second sister, you are all sons, you can't realize the feeling of your daughter being married, so you are not qualified to speak."

Jing Xiangwan: "..."

Jing Xiangwan was directly misfired.

I confirmed the look in my eyes, it was my brother.

Jing Xiangwan had to ask the old lady Jing for help.

She said it was not good, her father could always move him.

The old lady Jing wanted to speak for a long time, and the Yan family finally came to propose marriage. What is the attitude of her son?

It's almost done, the marriage reports of the two children have been approved, and the two are just going through the scene, you can still pry them into pornography.

"Old man, just say something." The old lady Jing pinched Jing Li's thigh.

In the past, Jing Li had raised his head and glared at her from the flower glasses, but today Jing Li didn't raise his head.

"Don't make trouble, I read the newspaper!"

"Look at a ghost, the newspaper is upside down, and you have to go for a snack if you pretend to be!"

Take it upside down?

Just when he didn't pay attention, Jing Li took a closer look, but he didn't, he really took it upside down, and read several newspapers over and over again.

The old lady Jing was too anxious, "Old man, you just said something."

Jing Li rolled his eyes with her, "We are all this age, so what are we doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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