Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3210: The dragon is killed

Chapter 3210 The Dragon Is Killed

Dulong glanced at Xu Haowen, and Xu Haowen explained, "When I telegraphed that day, your man was standing next to me, and I couldn't do anything about it."

Dulong nodded, "No blame, the prince is very cunning. It's normal if he doesn't come."

"Boss, look, people from the special forces are here!"

"Everyone is well hidden!"


Jiang Yi led the armed police and special operations personnel, fully armed and quickly approached the chemical plant.

Poison Wolf and Xu Haowen are in their respective positions.

Dulong did not speak for a long time.

Xu Haowen asked, "What's the situation?"

"I didn't find the Great Devil! Didn't he come?"

"Absolutely not, the hostage is in our hands, he will definitely come."

Dulong adjusted the viewing angle of the observation mirror again and continued to search for the target.

"Xu Haowen, the big devil is really not inside!" The poisonous dragon's tone was bad, and his white teeth were showing, "He can't stop coming, then what we did was wasted?"

"No! I know him, he will come, you change the angle." Xu Haowen did not find Wei Zhenhui in his vision, he was also wondering, this guy will not come, but where is he.

At this time.


A bullet came through the air and hit Dulong's throat directly!

The change happened so quickly that Xu Haowen didn't even react.

The Dulong did not even make a sound!


It was him who hit, and he has changed positions with Xu Haowen.

The poisonous dragon leaned to one side without gaze.

Xu Haowen immediately rolled into the bushes!

His heart was throbbing at this time, and he didn't know who fired the shot, or whether it was an enemy or a friend.

According to the agreement, it was Wei Zhenhui who fired the shot, but it was so quickly determined that the observer was not him, unlike Wei Zhenhui's style!

Several cronies looked dumbfounded, they covered their mouths to endure their grief, and did not dare to move!

Their incompetent sharpshooter boss is here, just so dead!

That's a poisonous dragon!

The poison dragon, the world's number one sniper, was just killed!

At this time, a few more noises came from the opposite mountain range.


It should be the person who shot the gun that was exposed, and someone else took advantage of it!

All changes come too fast, all Xu Haowen can do is to pick up the ***, ready to fight back at any time.


The mouse spit out the grass roots.

"The commander's marksmanship is so accurate, I didn't even see which is Xu Haowen and which is the poisonous dragon. He is farther than me. How did he see it?"

Lu Chun looked over there, and recalled where he shot the gun just now, "I'm afraid it was shot by the teacher?"

"Who did it? Damn, it's fast and accurate. I thought I could finally be king after Su Mian was gone. Now, who is going to take the first place with me?"

Yan Yan spoke in the headset, "Don't yell, it's Su Mian."

"Huh? Su Mian is here?"

"Fuck, Luo Fang is pregnant, who will be her watcher?"

"That is, Jing Xin'er and Gao Yang are not at this level!"

"Can't think of anyone else who has such a high level? Is it a ghost?"

"Shut up, the more you talk, the less you can tell. It is Master Wei's observation hand for his wife."

A group of people shut their mouths.

The mouse tore off the headset.

"Fuck, the teacher is not ashamed and embarrassed to be an observer of his wife, is he shameless?"

Lu Chun laughed and patted the shoulder, "Mouse, your loss to Su Mian is not a loss. Su Mian's marksmanship is obvious to all."

That is.

The mouse didn't say anything, the most important thing was that Su Mian's eyes were better than him, so he lost in the eyes.

He highly suspected that Su Mian's eyes were farsighted, otherwise they could not see the target, why she could see.

The mouse put on the earphones again after complaining, and at this moment a stern voice came from inside.

"The first team was attacked. The target was at our nine o'clock position. The second and third teams immediately supported it."


(End of this chapter)

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