Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3206: Stimulated

Chapter 3206 is stimulated

Su Mian was also at a loss. She didn't go in, and she heard it from the door.

Wei Zhenhui was sure that Lu Yuanzheng was no longer suspected. Was it because he was injected with the virus again?

After the three of them came out, Wenwen returned to the laboratory. He had been delayed for nearly an hour, but it was only three hours in the space.

Before the master didn't react, he had better slip away.

When Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui entered the Lu Yuanzheng Ward.

Lu Yuanzheng had calmed down and sat on the bed at the mercy of Lu Chun. Lu Chun was covering him with a quilt. It seemed that he was going to sleep.

Luo Yunfei waved to her when he saw Su Mian. He was a little uncertain about Lu Yuanzheng's condition. Su Mian was here and just let her see.

Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui walked towards Lu Yuanzheng.

During this period of torture, Lu Yuanzheng lost a lot of weight, and the hospital gown was empty on him.

Hearing the sound, Lu Yuanzheng turned his head and glanced at them slowly.

The result is just a glance.

Lu Yuanzheng bounced off the bed, pushing Lu Chun away abruptly, and leaped towards Su Mian.

Su Mian was looking at him, completely unaware that he would start suddenly.

The circle of people around was frightened.

Professor Luo opened his mouth tremblingly and didn't say anything for a long time.

Lu Chun was pushed far away by Lu Yuanzheng and sat down on the ground.

In this way, Su Mian was exposed to Lu Yuanzheng, seeing that the fingers of his outstretched hand were about to touch Su Mian's neck.

A pair of big hands squeezed his hands fiercely, and all the movements stopped at this moment.

Wei Zhenhui's tall body directly blocked Su Mian behind him.

Su Mian was already in a cold sweat, and if Wei Zhenhui hadn't made a sudden move, she would have been strangled in her throat.

Lu Yuanzheng wants to kill her! ! !

Lu Yuanzheng saw Wei Zhenhui, struggling with his hands to get out of control, the blue veins on his face bulged, and he lifted his leg and kicked towards Wei Zhenhui.

Wei Zhenhui drew away easily, twisting with his big hands, and pressing Lu Yuanzheng on the bed.

"You recognize me, don't you?" Wei Zhenhui sneered coldly!

Lu Yuanzheng's big eyes seemed to stare out, staring at Wei Zhenhui fiercely, "Kill, kill, kill!"

Jing Xiangqiu was so scared that his heart beat.

How could my son suddenly be like this? He was fine just now.

Su Mian reacted quickly and told Luo Yunfei about the day, "Professor Luo, what are you saying about this? Does Cousin Lu's second personality really want to kill us?"

Lu Yuanzheng's performance was more obvious this time than last time. After being subdued last time, he didn't resist when he saw them.

This time Wei Zhenhui kept pressing him, but he did not give in.

Professor Luo shook his head, "It's strange. He saw that others were fine. Only when he saw you two would he have this expression, as if... as if he had been trained."

This was his first feeling. To know the result, he had to observe again.

"Being trained, you mean that Cousin Lu was trained to hate me and Wei Zhenhui after he was injected with the virus?"

"Yes, his eyes are very mechanical when he sees you, but he doesn't respond to your voices.

Someone must have hinted at him with your photos when he was at his most vulnerable. I originally thought that a vaccine would cure him, but now it seems that it will take some time. No wonder the hypnotherapy is effective for him. I suspect that he was hypnotized in the Shanri organization. "

Su Mian understood.

Hypnotize Lu Yuanzheng, let him treat Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui as imaginary enemies, and cooperate with the word Rui, even if they find that Xu Haowen is not a real mountain dog, they will think Lu Yuanzheng is.

Such a real mountain dog completely dumped the pot to Lu Yuanzheng!

(End of this chapter)

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