Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3202: Hitomi hits me

Chapter 3202 Hitomi Hitomi bullies me

When Su Mian returned to Jiang's house, Wei Zhenhui called the house and said that he would be back late.

"Daughter-in-law, are you looking for Zhenhui in a hurry?"

Seeing Su Mian worrying, Jiang Xiangqian asked casually, during this period of time his grandson-in-law was either in the hospital or solved the case with Wei Zhenhui, even his great-grandson and granddaughter were ignored.

The old man also has ideas. If the grand-daughter-in-law is still so busy, then simply rest for a few months.

"No... it's okay, grandpa, I'll go up and see Chen Chen and Tongtong." Su Mian was afraid that Chief Jiang would continue to ask. This answer is enough for the Jiang family and Jing family to break.

Lu Yuanzheng is Su Mian's cousin.

If he is really a mountain dog, no matter what it is, it will chill the hearts of the Jiang family and make the Jing family even more ashamed of Su Mian.

Su Mian returned to the bedroom and sat down on the chair, and his thoughts drifted away.

Lu Yuanzheng had opinions on her and Wei Zhenhui, nothing more than two things.

One is Wu Xiaohua's death. Su Mian was indeed powerless and unable to rescue her.

Another is the Poison Wolf. Lu Yuanzheng's observer was also forced to death by Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui.

If it turns black because of these two things, although it is far-fetched, don't forget that Lu Yuanzheng has also been infected with the virus, and everything he has done is likely to be a second-personality crime.

People have selfish desires.

The power of Ding Jun's virus is that he can tear through the appearance of people's disguise and inspire the darkest personality in his heart.

In the bottom of my heart, Lu Yuanzheng complained about Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui, so he did so many things in second personality!

The more Su Mian thinks about it, the more he feels that the mountain dog is Lu Yuanzheng!

There is no better candidate than him.

Especially his name and Swiss character can match.

As for Ding Leren, Wei Zhenhui also said that there is nothing suspicious about him in the observations these days.

At this time, the Chen Chen next door hummed twice, interrupting Su Mian's thinking, she stood up and walked to the baby room next door.

Chen Chen and Tongtong didn't know why, the two started to tear each other's hands again.

Normally Chen Chen would let Tongtong do not know what happened today.

The nanny also came over and helped Su Mian coax the two little babies. The two of them picked up one of them. Su Mian kissed Chen Chen's little cheek, "Little villain, why didn't you let my sister today?"

Chen Chen flattened her small mouth, as if she was wronged by the heavens. He looked at Hitomi, who was hiding in the nanny's arms, and was so angry that he wanted to rush to hit her again.

"Hitomi, wait, don't let me discover your secret, otherwise I will grab it."

"Hey, you couldn't grab me before, now, in the future, it's even more impossible!"


Chen Chen was full of anger, and when he saw his kind and beautiful mother, he couldn't help but cried out with a wow.

"Mom, Hitomi is bullying me."

How can Su Mian understand what the two of them are talking about?

But when I saw my son's grievance, my heart melted, "Chen Chen, my mother will take a bath for you, and see you crying and sweating."

Su Mian didn't expect that this kid was quite temperamental, and he didn't know how Tongtong provoke him, so that he would sweat in a while.

Hearing Su Mian bathing him, Chen Chen finally burst into laughter, "Huh, mom won't wash you!"

"I hope you can be happy for ten seconds."

In less than five seconds, Wei Zhenhui entered the door, "Should I take a bath for Chen Chen? Come on, this stinky boy is getting heavier and heavier, how can you move him?"

Wei Zhenhui pulled Chen Chen out of Su Mian's hands as he spoke.


He didn't want the vinegar bucket father to give him a bath, every time he used three times and five times, he still had calluses on his big hands, and the skin on his skin was red and painful!

(End of this chapter)

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