Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Search the Secret Realm of the King

Among the metal dragons, the most powerful is the golden dragon. They are all giant dragons. A golden dragon can definitely compete with two white dragons and even defeat them.

Although the racial gap between the golden dragon and the white dragon seems not big, the key point is that the white dragon’s head is not very bright, and will always make stupid actions. Coupled with the bottom of the dragon’s combat power, this will have the "dragon family" The title of shame.

Looking at a large group of adult giant dragons looking at the dragons, Luo Qingning said that it was a lie without pressure. The group of giant dragons alone was enough to hold a few Demon King level monster pets.

If you include Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen, Li Haoqiong, and Xu Wenhua who are coming from behind, Luo Qingning feels that he has no chance of winning.

Li Changsheng didn't release this group of giant dragons before, mainly because the battle was too fierce. If you use this group of giant dragons, there will be losses.

The main purpose of releasing this group of dragons now is to deter Luo Qingning, especially Li Changsheng just killed a king. Unless Luo Qingning's brain is drawn, there is a high probability of being shocked.

As for why Luo Qingning was not left, apart from the fact that there was not much conflict between the two sides, it was also related to Li Changsheng's absence in his heyday. The key point was that he did not know the specific combat power of Luo Qingning.

"This time, King Li was indeed wrong! But if you killed him, wouldn't you be afraid of that one to blame?"

Luo Qingning pointed in Yuanzhou's direction, and the one in her mouth naturally referred to the dark night king Dou Cangqiong.

"The one who is being pestered by someone, he can't get away for the time being. King Hu, I have limited time and I don't have any spare time to communicate with you. between."

Li Changsheng was looking forward to the harvest, so he naturally didn't want to waste time, so he pointed out clearly.

Luo Qingning pondered for a while and said, "Well, as long as you promise me one thing, I will leave now."


"After you get the collection of the Royal Secret Building, copy the top-level collection to me!"

Li Changsheng was obviously surprised once, never expected that Luo Qingning would make such a choice.


However, he agreed to it immediately, after all, there is no obvious loss for him to make a copy.

"Then it's decided like this, here, I won't take advantage of you, this is for you!"

Before leaving, Luo Qingning threw a jade box to Li Changsheng, and then drifted away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Li Changsheng took the jade box, and after opening it, he saw a dark yellow fruit lying quietly inside.

As an encyclopedia, Ning Bizhen recognized it first: "This is the Xuanhuangguo of Heaven and Earth, and it has the same effect as Sanhua Juding Dan!"

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuangguo: A treasure of heaven and earth, a demon pet can temporarily evolve to the next stage. The duration depends on the realm. The higher the realm, the shorter the duration, and vice versa. Note: It can only temporarily evolve to the demigod stage.

Compared with the same type of Taixu Divine Light, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuangguo, which is also Heaven and Earth Treasure Grade, is significantly behind, at most allowing the demon pet to temporarily evolve to the semi-divine beast stage.

Even so, Li Changsheng was still pleasantly surprised. With this Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Fruit, it was equivalent to recovering a hole card.

At this time, Li Changsheng suddenly remembered the last academic exchange competition. Sixth prince Dou Yuanhua's Thunder Elf evolved temporarily. He had seen the information of the Thunder Elves at that time and relied on the Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Guo.

"Luo Qingning owns Tiandi Xuanhuang Fruit Tree? Or is it a Royal Academy?"

Li Changsheng came to such a conclusion, but he was not sure, and it was also possible that Luo Qingning got it from other places.

After a few breaths, Xu Wenhua and the four flew over. Apart from being a little embarrassed, they did not suffer any loss.

For the sake of acquaintance and fear of Li Changsheng, Luo Qingning did not kill him.

Seeing Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen doing well, Xu Wenhua and others were relieved.

Xu Wenhua asked incoherently: "Changsheng, you... you killed King Li?"

The other three vice principals also stared at Li Changsheng closely.


After Li Changsheng answered, Li Haoqiong on the side suddenly said, "The King of Li was killed by my nephew independently. This was done under the premise that he contained two demon saint-level demon pets and several demon king-level goblins. Feat!"

Regarding Li Changsheng's killing of Dou Changsheng, Li Haoqiong can be said to be proud and full of pride in his heart.

Xu Wenhua looked at each other, and they all showed devilish expressions. After all, this was too unbelievable, but judging from Li Changsheng's expression, Li Haoqiong was right.

After the shock, Xu Wenhua glanced at the group of adult dragons surrounding Li Changsheng, and couldn't help but admire Li Changsheng's strength.

"Principal, this is not a place to stay for long, we still clean the battlefield as soon as possible."

Li Changsheng couldn't wait a long time ago. After all, this is the Langya Palace that has been in business for nearly three hundred years. Even if only part of it can be taken away, it is definitely an incalculable resource.

Xu Wenhua suggested: "The four of us are responsible for guarding!"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. The palace is so Everyone is still looking for it separately. As for the task of the realm, these dragons are enough."

Li Changsheng declined Xu Wenhua's kindness. This time, Xu Wenhua four people came forward to stop Luo Qingning, and they naturally became Li Changsheng's accomplices. If they continue to stay in Langya country, they will probably be settled by the autumn queen.

People risked their lives to help you. Naturally, Li Changsheng couldn't be stingy and decided to share the harvest in the palace.

"okay then!"

Xu Wenhua knew that he stabbed a hornet's nest this time, and he could not represent the other three, so he did not refuse.

Soon, the seven were assigned.

Li Changsheng’s goal is to connect two secret realms of the king. Ning Bizhen chooses the royal garden, Xu Wenhua rushes to the royal secret law building, and the three Qian Yuanfei chooses the royal treasure house...

As for Li Haoqiong, he went to search for the imperial inner library that was unknown where.

The seven people present were stunned that they did not know the specific location of the Royal Neku.

No way, after all, only members of the royal family can enter, and they have never inquired about the location of the royal inner library.

Li Haoqiong's search method is very simple, that is, find a member of the royal family, and then you can quickly locate the royal inner library.

The palace at this moment can be described as a mess, and it must be mixed with royal family members.

When Li Haoqiong went to find members of the royal family, Li Changsheng used Hermes to regulate the behavior of these dragons, lest these guys do nothing.

At the same time, Li Changsheng also assured this group of giant dragons that there will be a great reward afterwards, and the giant dragons endured the huge temptation and became vigilant everywhere.

Soon, Li Changsheng came to the entrance of the King's Secret Realm.

There was no one here, and besides, the entrance to the secret realm had not been opened, but this didn't stop Li Changsheng.

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