Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 950: Refresh 3 views

The person who came was naturally Qingmu Wang Luo Yuanjun, and he was naturally Li Changsheng's rescuer.

Among the people Li Changsheng knew, only Qingmu Wang Luo Yuanjun could stop the dark night king Dou Cangqiang.

Two-character kings also have strengths and weaknesses. If the fallen King Yum is standing at the top of the double-character king pyramid, the Aoki king with three demon emperor-level demon pets is in the middle, while the night king who has only one demon emperor-level demon pet is in the middle. They are located in the middle and lower levels, and the lowest level is naturally those double-character kings who have no monster emperor level monster pets.

Long before going to Yecheng, Li Changsheng made preparations in advance, crushed the psychic jade jue and got in touch with Luo Yuanjun. In the end, Li Changsheng owed Luo Yuanjun a favor, and did not ask him to fight the dark night king Dou Cangqiang. To die, just hold him for a day.

With Li Changsheng's current strength, Yuanling Academy is no longer enough to act as his backstage. Therefore, Li Changsheng should not owe Luo Yuanjun much.

The more favors he owes, Luo Yuanjun will naturally try his best to protect him before the repayment is over.

This time, Luo Yuanjun did not hesitate to offend the dark night king Dou Cangqiong, but also to keep Li Changsheng naturally in his mind.

In the first place, Li Changsheng is of great use to Luo Yuanjun. Judging from Li Changsheng's age, he can continue to participate in the Tenth Heavenly Secret Realm, with a high probability that he will monopolize the first place.

Luo Yuanjun has a very strong background, and he is confident that he will always serve as the chief examiner in the southeast region. As long as Li Changsheng continues to monopolize, he can bring him a lot of merit and virtue.

Secondly, Luo Yuanjun valued Li Changsheng's potential very much, thinking that he had the opportunity to become the next emperor or even the emperor, and wanted to make good relations with Li Changsheng in advance.

Of course, Luo Yuanjun is still very curious about Li Changsheng's secrets, but the difference between him and Dou Changsheng is that he stands at a higher position, and he doesn't know whether Li Changsheng's secrets are useful to him.

For this reason, Luo Yuanjun chose the method of long flowing water, so that not only can he obtain a lot of merit and virtue, but he can also make a good deal of Li Changsheng this potential stock in advance when Li Changsheng is'weak and young.'

As for offending the night king Dou Cangqiong, Luo Yuanjun was not afraid, not to mention that Dou Cangqiong could not beat him, his backstage alone was enough to ensure that Dou Cangqiong would not act irrationally.

When Qingmu Wang Luo Yuanjun appeared, Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong felt bad, but he still had to bite the bullet and flew out and began to negotiate with Luo Yuanjun.

When the two double-character kings were negotiating, a Li's child in the Licheng Fortress and a Yuanling Academy instructor smashed the jade in their hands and passed the message to Li Changsheng, who was thousands of miles away.

This is a one-time communication treasure imitated by Li Changsheng based on the psychic jade Jue given by Luo Yuanjun. As a master refiner who has reached the pinnacle, it is not difficult for him to imitate the psychic jade.

Although the transmission distance of imitations is not as good as that of psychic jade, the gap is not very large, and information can be quickly transmitted within thousands of miles.

The most important thing is that the psychic jade that Li Changsheng imitated is concealed, which is also the result of his improvement.

The two were arranged in advance by Li Changsheng. As long as the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong leaves the Licheng Fortress, or the Qingmu King Luo Yuanjun comes out to stop the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong, they will send messages to Li Changsheng.

In this way, Li Changsheng will adjust according to the actual situation.

In fact, there are not only these two people. Li Changsheng has arranged no less than ten people. They are basically family children or tutors and students of Yuanling Academy.

The reason for this is mainly just in case, it is a matter of life, if the entrustment is not human, I am afraid that it will be finished, and the current Li Changsheng cannot be the opponent of the dark night king Dou Cangqiang.

In addition to these, Li Changsheng secretly arranged several alternatives to address various situations. For example, Luo Yuanjun did not stop the Night King, or was persuaded by the Night King, or even if the two teamed up, he would initiate an alternative plan.

However, if you do this, you will have to pay a great price, and the family will most likely be destroyed.

At the Yecheng Palace, Li Changsheng waited and watched. At this moment, Ai Xi and other demon pets had the upper hand, but they still couldn't take the two demon saint level demon pets.

When the signs of the king's fall appeared, whether it was the Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon or the Lihuo Dragon Sparrow, it was clear that something was wrong, because this probably meant that Dou Changsheng had fallen.

So the first time Li Changsheng appeared, Jiaolong abruptly withstood the offensive of Kailan and other monster pets, and immediately fled towards the Licheng Fortress.

On the other hand, the reaction of the Lihuolong Sparrow was going to be slower. In addition, it was not as bad-skinned as the Jiaolong, so it could only escape while running away.

It's a pity that Ashe's speed is not inferior to that of the Fire Dragon Sparrow. Under its entanglement, the speed of the Fire Dragon Sparrow has never been increased.

"Don't worry about the dragon, stop me from the fire dragon sparrow!"

Li Changsheng quickly made a choice, he also wanted to keep the Flood Dragon, so as to weaken the strength of the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong.

Only in this way, the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong was afraid that he would come to kill him recklessly. At that time ~ Qingmu Wang Luo Yuanjun might not be willing to stop the Dark Night King.

Although Luo Yuanjun's strength is stronger, the gap between the two is not too big to crush. Even if he defeats the Night King, he will definitely suffer a lot of losses.

Therefore, Luo Yuanjun is unlikely to fight the Dark Night King for Li Changsheng.

Under such circumstances, Li Changsheng could only let go of this dragon.

In fact, even if he didn't let the Flood Dragon go, he might not be able to catch up.

Under Li Changsheng's order, the other monster pets began to chase and intercept the Lihuolong Sparrow.

In the sky, Li Fire Dragon Sparrow felt panic. In its hundreds of years of experience, it has never encountered such an absurd situation as it is today.

A false king forcefully killed a king, the key is that this king is still in his base camp, and has the support of two demon saint level demon pets.

With such a luxurious lineup, Li Changsheng was leapfrogged and killed on the spot. Even now, Lihuolongque still has a sense of absurdity living in a dream.

This completely refreshed its perception.

Pseudo kings leapfrogged to kill the king, this kind of thing has never happened in history, let alone kill the king, even if it is a tie with the king, you can't find it, but the other party did it.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Lihuolong Sparrow, it successfully blocked its way during the day and night, releasing a black and white flaming giant sword, and slashed towards the Lihuolong Sparrow.

The Lihuo Dragon Sparrow had to eject a pillar of flame to annihilate the two giant swords of flames first.

Only after being blocked by the day and night, Ashe and Kailan rushed up. They didn't mainly kill the Lihuolong Sparrow, but mainly wanted to entangle the Lihuolong Sparrow.

As long as the other demon king class demon pets arrive, it won't be long before the fire dragon sparrow jumps naturally.

If you like to let go of that demon pet, please collect it: () Let go of that demon pet to update the fastest.

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