Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 943: Night King's Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon

"Let go of that demon pet (

Not only is it Lihuolongque, Dou Changsheng manipulates a simple compass, as an emperor, how can he have no cards.

Click~ Click~

Dense cracks appeared on the compass. When the compass was broken, along with strong spatial fluctuations, Dou Changsheng summoned a behemoth.

This is a slender, four-legged, snake-tailed water dragon, a hundred meters long, and exudes a frightening dragon.

Demon Saint Level Flood Dragon!

There is only one Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon in the entire Langya State, that is, the Flood Dragon of the Dark Night King Dou Cang, and Li Changsheng has seen this Flood Dragon in the Licheng Fortress.

At that time, there was no difference between Li Changsheng and ants in this dragon's eye. In less than a year, Li Changsheng had grown to a point where he could compete with it.

Li Changsheng's expression was extremely solemn, because among the demon saint level demon pets, either the Lihuo Dragon Sparrow or the Flood Dragon could be said to be relatively good existences.

"Aish, Kailan, help me stop them!"

In just the time, Li Changsheng summoned Ashe, Kailan and Chilong.

In the next moment, Ashe took the initiative to face the Lihuo Dragon Sparrow, Kailan rushed towards the Flood Dragon, and the Chi Dragon blocked the space to assist the demon pets such as Dui.

In the sky, Lihuolongque spewed out a surging flame column. Its flame color was mostly white, and it tended to Nanming Lihuo more and more.

Ashe chose to avoid the edge temporarily, turned into phantoms, barely avoided the flame pillar, and quickly rushed towards the Dragon Sparrow.

The Lifire Dragon Sparrow stirs the wings that cover the sky and the sun, and its speed is extremely fast, almost not inferior to Ashy.

In the blink of an eye, the two demon pets entered a cruel close combat.

Although Ashe could contend against the Demon Saint-level demon pet, it was just an ordinary Demon Saint-level demon pet. There was still a big gap between the combat power and the fire dragon sparrow, and it fell into a disadvantage for a while.

However, it will take a certain amount of time for Li Fire Dragon Sparrow to defeat Ashe.

A large number of hot flames emerged and turned into a huge flame circle, spreading rapidly toward the surroundings.

Seeing that Ashe could not be defeated in a short period of time, the Dragon Sparrow wanted to repel Ashe and support the defeated Rexifields and Hydra.

Unfortunately, at the moment when the flame circle spread, Ashe spewed a golden beam of light, forcibly opened a gap in the flame circle, rushed in from the gap, and continued to entangle the fire dragonfowl.

On the other side, Kailan was also at a disadvantage, but her situation was not much different from that of Ashe, and it was difficult to lose in a short time.

Under this circumstance, Dou Changsheng had to go off in person, with a seven-color glazed umbrella on his head, controlling the sun order to support Richfields and the demon saint-level Hydra.

The sun made it shine like a scorching sun, emitting endless light and heat, and shooting out a golden pillar of fire emitting terrifying heat.

When the golden pillar of fire rushed through the air, the originally stable space was full of ripples, which obviously possessed quite amazing destructive power.

This is the real fire of the sun, which has always been known for its domineering, far more destructive power than the semi-finished Nanming Lihuo of the crowned Sun Luan, but every time it is activated, it takes a lot of mental power.

When Dou Changsheng controlled the order of the sun, Li Changsheng turned into a five-color peacock in a tumbling room in the air, facing the menacing golden fire pillar with a five-color light.

The golden pillar of fire lasted for a while, and was forcibly taken away by the five-color light, and was suppressed in the red tail feathers.

In an instant, Li Changsheng, who had turned into a five-color peacock, turned around, and his long red tail feathers shone brightly, a large amount of real fire from the sun gushing out, re-turning into a golden pillar of fire, and rushing towards Dou Changsheng.

Seeing Li Changsheng transformed into a five-color peacock, Dou Changsheng's eyes were about to split, and he shouted viciously: "So it's you!"

Originally, Dou Changsheng thought that the Liu clan of Langya secretly kept a minor five-color peacock. Eventually, the five-color peacock swallowed the lord and severely injured the Liu clan of Langya, and finally escaped into the silent forest.

In order to find this underage five-color peacock, Dou Changsheng consumed a lot of resources, and sent a large number of elites into the silent forest to find it.

As a result, not only were they not found, but these elites suffered heavy losses, and eventually attracted the attention of Silent Forest. Dou Changsheng could only give up temporarily, planning to slowly pursue them in the future.

Now Li Changsheng transformed into a five-color peacock, directly letting Dou Changsheng's dream of subduing the five-color peacock shattered.

When the golden pillar of fire rushed in, Dou Changsheng controlled the sun to rush into the golden pillar of fire, like a whale swallowing, quickly swallowing the golden pillar of fire.

At this moment, Li Changsheng rolled in the void again, instantly turning from a five-color peacock into a giant with hundred arms.

After absorbing a large amount of Hundred Arm Giant's essence and blood, not only the upper limit has been greatly increased, but the power has also been greatly improved.

Of course, the mental power to maintain is also more.

When Dou Changsheng was shocked, a white light shot out from the eyes of the fifty heads of the giant with hundreds of arms. Like a rain of bullets, the bee pupae rushed towards Dou Changsheng.

Dou Changsheng hurriedly tapped the seven-color glazed umbrella above his head, and the umbrella spun around ~ A thick seven-color light curtain wrapped Dou Changsheng.

The higher the level of the demon master, the more it can exert the effects of the wonders of the world.

Of course, the wonders of the world also have an upper limit. Once the upper limit is reached, even a high-level demon master cannot increase its power.

Among them, only the king can fully exert the power of the inferior world wonders, like Li Changsheng can only exert part of the power.

The dense light bee pupae arrived and fell into the colorful light curtain transformed by the seven-color glazed umbrella.

The colorful light curtain fluctuated violently, and finally it held it down, but the color of the light curtain was obviously dimmed a lot.


At this moment, the demon king white dragon Ruixifields was pecked at the root of his wing by the crowned Sun Luan, and then he was hit by a ball of flesh, directly losing his fighting ability.

"I surrender!"

Seeing that Crowned Sunlight Luan was about to make up for it, Richfields chose to surrender with no spine.

Crowned Sunlight Luan was stunned, and then ignored Richfields and turned to besiege Hydra with Yuan Gungun.

This is a top-quality Hydra, and its combat power is naturally not bad, but it is undoubtedly inferior to Dumb, and it is with the nine heads that it has supported it until now.

When the crowned Sun Luan and Kuan Kuan rushed forward, Duan swiped again and another Hydra head flew high and fell to the ground.

On the ground not far away, there were three Hydra heads. After just such a short time, dumb solved the four heads.

As for the Hydra's counterattack, it can only be described as painless to the thick-skinned dumb, especially as the head decreases, the fighting power of the Hydra is constantly weakening.

The Hydra raised its head and roared in pain, his eyes full of fear.

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