Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 938: Plan

If Dou Changsheng really calculated him, there are really very few people Li Changsheng can trust. After all, Dou Changsheng is the emperor of Langya Kingdom and a king. Once he supports Li Changsheng, the consequences will be serious.

For this reason, even if Li Changsheng has a huge influence in Yuanling Academy, there are not many people he can trust.

For the first time, Li Changsheng automatically eliminated those who were weak and who were dragged down by their families.

In this way, the scope is even smaller.

Li Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Bi Zhen, let's go to Principal Xu."

In Yuanling Academy, apart from Ning Bizhen, the person Li Changsheng is most willing to believe is Xu Wenhua, who is also the person he respects most.

However, Li Changsheng felt ashamed when he thought of the possibility of dragging Xu Wenhua into the water.

"If that happens, you must try to compensate President Xu."

Li Changsheng secretly said, according to the plan, Xu Wenhua would also take great risks.

Soon, in the principal's office, the two met Xu Wenhua.

After the two came in, Xu Wenhua touched his gray beard and smiled and said, "Let the old man guess what you came from. Well, the university has rewarded you with so many credits. You must be here to exchange items."

"Principal, we came to you this time mainly to discuss a major issue."

While speaking, Li Changsheng waved his hand, and the principal's office door closed automatically.

Seeing Li Changsheng's actions, Xu Wenhua narrowed his smile, and immediately activated the ban on the voice in the office to prevent outsiders from hearing their conversations.

"Principal, it's like this..."

Li Changsheng explained what had just happened and his own speculations. The key point was naturally that he suspected that a strong man had disrupted his secret secrets, causing all the four cats' predictions to fail.

Hearing what Li Changsheng said, Xu Wenhua's face was full of dignity. He pondered for a moment, and then asked: "In other words, you suspect that someone is stigmatizing it. The biggest object of doubt is the current sage?"

"Yes, it may be the third prince!"

"The three princes are impossible. It is almost impossible for him to let such a powerful person of the same rank disturb your secrets. What's more, if your strength is there, if you want to kill you, you must hire a king or a few top pseudo-kings. He pays. Can't afford such a price."

Xu Wenhua shook his head, directly excluding the three prince Dou Yuanbin, and continued: "According to the old man's intention, either the current sage wants to deal with you, or it is the powerhouse of other countries, such as the Kai Ling Empire and the Tianshuang Empire!

Needless to say, the opening spirit empire has refreshed the lower limit for the number of places in the secret realm of the heavens. Li Changsheng definitely contributed the most.

The Tianshuang Empire is a country ruled by Emperor Xuan, and Li Changsheng overpowered Kun Wang Yan Wanling to become the first person in the heavenly secret realm. He also had the motivation to do so.

To put it simply, Li Changsheng was in their way.

Not to mention the secrets of Li Changsheng, his age alone has a great advantage. It is highly probable that he can monopolize the first person in the secret realm of heaven for more than ten times. For some young strong men who aspire to be the first person, this can be called Enmity against the road.

This is also the reason why Li Changsheng insisted on going to Yecheng, firstly to buy time for the tribe, and secondly to confirm the enemy, after all, the secret enemy is the most dangerous.

Of course, the premise of everything is that he has the ability to protect himself.

In Li Changsheng's view, unless the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong himself took the initiative, if he wanted to escape, no one in Langya Kingdom could stop him.

Well, that's so confident!

"You tell me the truth, at what level is your current strength?"

Li Changsheng pondered for a moment, and said, "Probably it can compete with senior kings."

Only by possessing two or three demon saint-level demon pets can one be regarded as a senior king.

Among them, Langya Kingdom has only one senior king, and that is Yan Wang Di Zhiyi, who guards another gate of the abyss all the time.

As for King Butterfly, Luo Qingning, rumors have not yet reached the level of a senior king, let alone Dou Changsheng.

In Li Changsheng's opinion, Ashe and Kailan can compete with ordinary demon saint-level demon pets, and many of his pets are of top-level demon king-level demon pets. If the advantage of senior kings is the secret realm, then Li Changsheng It is the quantity advantage.

In terms of the number of demon king-level demon pets, absolutely no one in Langya country can match.

"Senior King!"

Xu Wenhua was obviously taken aback. How long did it take for Li Changsheng to compete against the veteran king.

Originally, he thought that Li Changsheng could contend against the new king at best, but he turned out to be a senior king. Xu Wenhua didn't think that Li Changsheng was lying. After all, it was this time and there was no need to lie.

As if afraid that Xu Wenhua would not be hit enough, Li Changsheng went on to say: "In addition, Bi Zhen is not much worse than the new king, at least it can be delayed for a while."

Kang Dang~

Xu Wenhua knocked over the pen wash on the table in surprise, and Li Changsheng was no more. Now Ning Bizhen is also a latecomer, and his strength also surpassed him. It was obvious that he was comparable to his strength in the national competition. How long has passed since.

Xu Wenhua took a deep breath and thought for a while and said, "It seems that the old man can't help much, so let's take the other three vice principals to the Royal Academy to help you drag Wang Hu and Sun Min's girl. "

In the selection, Xu Wenhua ultimately preferred Li Changsheng.

After learning that Xu Wenhua was willing to help, Li Changsheng could not help being a little moved, but also a little worried.

"Principal, there will be no danger in this way?"

Although they were four pseudo-kings, apart from Xu Wenhua, Zhang Kaishuo, Ning Wei, and Qian Yuanfei were all newly promoted pseudo-kings. Together, they couldn't be Hu Wang Luo Qingning's opponents.

"At that time, bring Luo Xiaoman with you. There should be no danger in her presence."

Luo Xiaoman is the niece of the butterfly king Luo Qingning. Luo Qingning has no heirs, and she raises Luo Xiaoman as her biological With Luo Xiaoman present, the lives of Xu Wenhua and others can basically be guaranteed.

At this time, Ning Bizhen inserted: "By the way, President Sun Min owed us a promise last time, and it can be used this time."

After the first Huoyan Secret Realm ended, Ning Bizhen gave Sun Min a Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Fruit. In the end, Sun Min chose to be neutral, but he owed a promise, which has not been used until now.

Xu Wenhua didn't expect this to happen, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Then there is no danger."

It didn't take long for the three of them to discuss and choose a plan to win in stability.

Li Changsheng went to the family again, asking Li Wenbo to summon the clansmen who are still outside as soon as possible, and at the same time prepare them for migration.

"I hope it's just a false alarm!"

Looking at the prosperous family, Li Changsheng muttered to himself that he was really reluctant to give birth to him and raise him, to be honest, but if it is so hard to return, he can only temporarily abandon these family properties and save them for a comeback in the future.

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